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sat 8 sept

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    sat 8 sept

    Lots of great posts here today...and yes,Bella, please don't fret about the ciggie. I actually smoked during my pregnancy, although I cut down to about 5/day. People would look at me like I was a leper, and my (now ex-) husband was so anxious about it, he drove me nuts! I'm sure your baby will be fine.

    You too, Bear; live, learn, and move on.

    Nancy, I hope you feel a little better soon. I'm thinking of you, honey!:h I think you should tell us more about it when you're down.

    Anyway, in a few minutes, I'll be leaving to take Maddy back to college.:upset: My sister left this morning for NY.:upset: The only thing that was okay about that was that I know she was as upset as I was. I could tell she didn't want to leave. Maddy is very upset for me, thinking that I'll be all alone now, but I've reassured her that I'll be fine. I know I'll have a good long cry later though. But I deserve a good cry. Six months ago, I would have drowned my sorrows in a bottle.

    I'll try to check in later.

    Anyway, time to hit the road.

    Hugs to all of you,:hug:

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      sat 8 sept

      Hey guys....
      Been a busy day.
      I'm afraid that my moods are tied to what is happening with the marines in the Anbar Providence in Iraq....
      I just "lost" it yesterday when they said that four marines had been killed....mine is not even there yet!
      I'm such a woosey!
      It has been a good day.....okra pickles abd grocery shopping done.
      Plans in the works for local wives and mothers of marines to meet and do something positive!
      Auburn plays tonight at 8 central.
      Warrrrrrrrr Eagle!
      Love you all,
      Nancy, "Belle":h
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        sat 8 sept

        Hey Kathy,

        Sometimes the peace and quiet is nice!
        Hope that is true for you today....
        It's the "Be still" thing........
        Thanks to all of you for sharing your day.
        Nancy "Belle"
        PS...Crying is's cleansing....
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          sat 8 sept

          Kathy - so glad today has....well, done. I thought of you. I'm thinking of you now and sending you a hug.
          I hope the cry was healing....
          All the very best and courage to you...
          Finding xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            sat 8 sept

            Hello all....

            Completely *nac*erd!!! Wonderful fun...but been on my feet Samba-ing and standing/walking on granite cobbles for 8 hours!!! Ouch! But such a gift to be between the band and the dancers, dancing away as The Trolley Dolly!!! Pushing a four-wheeled shopping trolley intended for the 'challenged in years' containing the dancers drinks (water!!!!) and valuables..... All covered in gold fabric! (The trolley not me!) I had a feather boa on my bum and a tiny head-dress!! (As well as black top and leggings!)(this is getting silly here!) The main dancers were AMAZING!! All those feather head-dresses (HUGE!) and bikinis (TINY!) (and my friend's nipples kept falling out of her top...... (Just to give you (and the whole city!) all a :shocked: !!!!)

            Um, felt a little bit of a wally; the hundreds of folk lining the streets wondered what on earth I was pushing that for but I just got on with enjoying myself....sober! Twice the fun and 1,000 times the awareness (hence perhaps the 'wally-ness' feeling but what the heck!! I got over that one not the bottle! Yea!)

            I must have spent the last few years in a world that didn't contain me - if I can explain that at all or has anyone else begun to feel this with AF? It's often happened but dancing tonight it was werird to be SO aware of ME. (Not meaning to be 'selfish' here...!) Just quite abrupt and 'in my own face' and, sort of, like I am in myself and yet watching myself from the outside in...? (Sounds a bit nuts to me but....!) One thing I do know is that I never felt it when still drinking! Then I was just aware of everyone else and hiding me from the situation by being in my own head with fear and then the booze................. I think.... Does any of this ring any bells to anyone else?

            Anyway, goona be selfish now 'fraid coz I 'm going to get my head down....suddenly feeling really a bit odd (with tiredness)?

            Love to everyone and see you tomorrow! Thanks for all the posts -
            Finding x :h
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              sat 8 sept

              Thanks for sharing more of what is going on with you, Nancy. I understand how you feel as much as I possibly can. I'm glad that you are getting together with other wives and mothers in the future. There's no sense in being isolated with your feelings. I will keep my ears open espec. for news of Anbar province. Meanwhile, I will keep your son in my thoughts and prayers. (((Nancy)))

              Oh, and also, I'm glad you got busy. It does help a lot, doesn't it? I haven't cried yet. Instead, I stopped by an old friend's house for an hour or two, and then I came home and cleaned out my pantry closet.

              FMF, thank you for your good wishes. It sounds like you had a great day. Your story is so funny. Right now you are sleeping, I'm sure. I hope you have a good rest and wake up happy and refreshed.

              Anyway, night to all! I'm going to get busy cleaning, I think. I had a nice ride back to school with Maddy. She even let me see her dorm room (she acted like it contained nuclear secrets though, probably afraid to let her new contemporaries see her MOTHER!!:wow: ) Thanks for all your support as I deal with my empty nest.



              AF as of August 5th, 2012

