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booze and pmt.....

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    booze and pmt.....

    do others- and its girls, althought guys will see the symptons, get badly affected with pmt adn find that drinking makes it worse? I realised very recently, since I started to think about how much imust make that decision to STOP which you folks on here have been so fantastic about in giving support; that since i started drinking heavily my PMT has got worse. I tend to take it out on my husband, although really it is just becaue his behavoir whcih is unreasonable anyway but which I put up with becoems unbearbale when i have PMT adn then evene the smallest amount of alcohol. How can you become assertive and not strident- being sober is the first test i supppose!

    Anyway i woudl really appreciate knowing if others have found an exacerbated effect on PMT, it gives me more ammunition to shove this sodding beast away, even if i am at the age when i do have to wonder if a room is hot ir is it just me!

    girl talk i am afraid you guys but hey!

    PS- is there:thanks: a spell cehck on here- my posts always end up being weird with mispellings.

    Must try harder x

    booze and pmt.....

    Hey MTH

    Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes!! PMT was definitely worse with booze. Assertion has come about and not strident...(actually read murder!) And at the age of 49 and AF I can now really see when the hormones kick in and out and have a chance to do something about it instead of always hitting Warp 9! (Warp 4 occasionally - human and sometimes the b**gers 'derserve' it - they're human too!) Now I find another activity/cuppa/deep breath actually does help out whereas before it would have been straight to the bottle = lost cause; with even one drink one loses brain clarity.

    Today was a bit odd and then I realised it was cutting the other way; my hormones were low and I felt I 'needed something'....not exactily a drink now (would have been!) but...what?, I put on my HRT patch and 2 hours later...geronimo...better.

    So, can you work at both ends?... perhaps there is something to help the hormones which will help the not drinking which will help the hormones etc etc etc...? (Sorry if that makes you scream, "I am trying everything..." !!)

    Good luck to you - a great post; there's an awful lot of us peri-menopausal and menopausal ladies to be a link somewhere in a lot of cases I think.

    Go at it MTH - YOU CAN DO THIS! Took me a few weeks to see it kick in but it's been really worth it.
    FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

