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    Hey all: I think that the Doggie Girl got lost in the woods with her new camera and Johnny (Depp).

    Because we like to gab so much, we usually start a new thread about every week or so. So since DG seems to be otherwise occupied for now, I'll try to copy and paste her FAQ.

    Hello to all Booze Busters and Prospective Booze Busters! Are you up for a 30 Day AF Challenge?????

    Frequesnt Asked Questions (FAQ):

    Q: What the sam hill is a Booze Buster?
    A: Anyone who has a goal of going Alcohol Free (AF) for 30 days in a row.

    Q: Do I have to join at the start of the month?
    A: NO!! Your "Day 1" can be at any time. And if you are already into your first month or your hundredth month AF, you can join at any time. All who desire to be AF for at least 30 more days are welcome.

    Q: What if I fall off the wagon - do I get kicked out?
    A: NO!! We do hope you will let us help you dust off the seat of your pants, and drag you right back onto the Booze Busters wagon. You might get your butt kicked, but you won't get kicked out. Oh - and we have a Fugly Green Suit you have to wear during your butt kickin'. That suit is worse than the kickin'. kickbu_c - Fotosearch Stock Photography

    Q: What if I am tempted to drink - really really badly tempted?
    A: Come here for a kick in the seat of the pants! Read the previous Booze Buster 30 Day Challenge threads from start to finish, and if the desire to drink still exists, continue reading other AF threads until you fall asleep.

    Q: What does the Booze Beast look like?
    A: 73581982 - Fotosearch Stock Photography And today is your lucky day. Take a Free Kick! Here he is from the front:

    Q: How does the group keep track of what day people are on?
    A: We count on YOU to shout out your stats loud and proud every day in whatever way suits you. For me, I'm collecting a gold star for every AF day out of due respect for my inner child. You are welcome to use that idea or any other idea that suits your fancy. Don't let us miss your 30 Day Celebration because you are too quiet about your stats!

    Speak up if you have other questions!! We are here to prove that WE CAN DO THIS! And we can have a little fun while we're doing it! Let us know if you have questions or suggestions as to how we can improve the BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Perpetual Challenge.

    HUGE thanks to Music Man and Buffy who got this whole thing started.

    DG aka Alpha B*

    Yippee!! it worked, back later.
    Love and Peace


    Thanks for the new thread


    Thanks for the new thread. September deserves its own start. Fall, changing of seasons, changing or continuing in our change to be AF.


    AF 46 days



      Hey all: Wow sounds like our peeps are really moving along! Congrats to everyone for another AF day.

      I have to work in the morning so its off to bed for me.

      Love and Peace




        Hello all you Booze Bustin Buddies!

        So fellow AF ers, hows the beginning of the work week? At least Monday is behind us! And itsn't Monday morning a lot better when you're not hungover!

        Chief - Are you recovered yet? :bigwink: The girls have been asking about you! Are you up for another 30? or 60? 0r 90? Onward. . . . .

        MM - Glad you are more or less settled, and the hard part of the move is over. Sounds like you have a VERY nice place there, mountain views all around , , , , put the kettle on, we'll be over for tea!

        LZ - Wow, I admire your strength. You have passed the test so many times already! Your hubby must know something is up. It's funny how hard it can be to talk about it - my hubby and I pussy footed around the subject for a while too. We are pretty comfortable with being AF already though, it suprises me how much so. Good luck to you both, eventually the "discussion" will happen.

        Beeno - Ain't computers fun? Hope you get the bugs out of your new PC soon. Course for me that would involve getting my hubby to fix it, I wouldn't have a clue. The Vista program is supposed to be something else, whenever you do get it running like it should!

        Londoner - Not surprised you are tired - you've had quite a week! It's a bit of a stress on the body, adjusting to being AF, and it's probably still playing catch up. Are you having any trouble sleeping?

        Rustop61 - Glad everything is going so well. Your view of AA seems to be pretty widespread here. I never did try AA, just knew it wasn't for me. Guess it works for some poeple tho, and whatever works, right? Glad you are here, and glad it is working for you!

        Jessie - Hello! Weldome to the Booze Busters. We are a little bit silly but have our serious side too - the serious business being kiicking the h*ll out of the Booze Beast! :alf: Wow, we are from all over the globe, aren't we? South Africe, Australia, England, Scotland, Canada, USA, Vietnam, France. . . .and lots of other places. We really are a world wide little community here! Thanks so much to RJ!

        Well, if everyone is okay with it, I'll do a countdown tomorrow night. If you haven't yelled out your stats for a while, now is the time to do it!

        Hi and goodnight to Indigosky, July, Lilac, Out, BCBarbie, and anyone else I've missed! Have a supper AF day tomorrow!

        Gone crazy. Back soon.

        Shouting Loud and Proud!

        :award: + ********** ********** *** Attached files [img]/converted_files/326213=1835-attachment.jpg[/img]
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.



          A New Day

          Hullo everyone!
          I really hope you have the bright and sunny day we have here in London. Can't wait to get out there and start tidying up the garden, which really means enjoying it. Got myself some blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes to plant, so look forward to revisiting my childhood when they crop.( Ever the optimist as I am a Gardener with L plates). I had a pergola built and it is mainly tamed but I have been ignoring it in past weeks so now is the day for a bit of TLC. Hell, as I write, the sun has disappeared-whew it's come back! Gotta run!

          Wishing you guys a sunny day in whatever way, wherever you are!


          Hope this new thread encourages loads of newbies to join us-you'd be very welcome!

          Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter



            wow! I'm impressed

            Day Two AF, and that is an emphatic shout out. Reading this thread made me do that, thank you all. Where is that beast, so I can Kick his ass?


              BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

              Hi guys - Despite persistent rumours (hopes?? ) of my recent demise - I am here to assure you that Satori is alive and well and living in a secret location somewhere in Scotland.

              Yep - I have not been around a lot lately - but it is not because I had forgotten about you all - I have just been incredibly busy lately!

              To be honest - there is so much happening on this thread - that I can't keep up with all the goings on, new members, AF counts etc. so please forgive me if I don't say hello to everyone individually.

              Just wanted to say HI and :welcome: to all the newbies here - you have joined an incredibly successful group of Booze Beast Butt Booting folks who together have amassed enough AF days between them to make the alcohol industry execs seriously worried about their pensions!
              The more the merrier! Hope you all enjoy your stay!

              To the "old" hands - HI too - I will try to get back in touch with what has been happening - I hear rumours of Doggy going MIA in the woods with Johnny Depp and a camera - I hope she remembers she has a dodgy back!

              MM - good to hear you are settling in to your new place - and sorry to hear about your hubby's accident (ouch! - that HAD to smart!).

              Londoner / Anna - HI we haven't "met" yet - nice to have you here!
              Gardening - I did that for a while - my garden must have had the fattest slugs, snails, rabbits, birds etc in the whole of the UK - I spent a FORTUNE trying to protect all the plants from being eaten - and FAILED miserably!
              Now my garden is decidedly minimalist!

              It is a B*gger to rake tho!

              Rob - thanks for the new thread - hopefully I will keep up to date with this one!

              Hannah - don't know how you keep track of everyone!

              Just got a new car in the last few days so been polishing it to perfection - so - you guessed - it is now raining here in Sunny (NOT!) Scotland.
              Ah well - situation normal at least!

              Take care everyone - hopefully I will not go AWOL again for a while!

              still keeping on keeping on - just starting out on Day 55 AF!

              (still can't believe these numbers!)

              Take care



              :award: + *************************mg Attached files [img]/converted_files/326269=1836-attachment.jpg[/img]
              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                Hi everyone, just a quick hello.

                Day 11 for me and had a tough day yesterday, was in a battle with the beast. Totally unexpected, it snuck up on me when I least expected it and there was absolutely no trigger apart from it trying to sabotage my 30 day effort. I won and today is another day, so onwards and upwards.



                  BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                  SIGN ME UP

                  Ok, I've had it. Enough of this procrastinating. I'm going to do this 30 day thing once and for all!!

                  Yesterday evening I went to a gathering (meeting for a community volunteer group I've been asked to serve on as a board member) and had a couple small glasses of wine. Driving home I observed The Beast take over, demanding that I feed it more alcohol. So I drank a bottle in about an hour and a half (maybe less, time flies, you know).

                  I went to bed early, then woke in the wee hours a complete mental wreck. I had this feeling I had done something terribly wrong. (Maybe cuz while drinking the wine I bashed my ex-husband over the phone and felt terrible about it afterward.) I felt like I was going crazy. Couldn't sleep, wanted to run away from myself... miserable. I really felt like insanity was setting in. It took me about 3 hours to fall back asleep, then dreams were disturbing.

                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                    BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                    Hi all you booze busters,

                    Not much going on here. It's day 8 for me and keeps getting easier.

                    Sounds like I'm not the only one that had critter problems in my garden this year. We have rabbits living (& multiplying!) under our deck and they have eaten every kind of flower I have planted. They even ate most of the hostas. I have tried everything --red pepper, Liquid Fence and some other spray on stuff that contains fox urine and other ingredients supposed to be scary to rabbits. The trouble is, these rabbits have never seen a fox or coyote and are tame as kittens, they don't know what fear is. They even hop up on our deck and chow down on the potted plants. I'm too beaten down to try anything else this year but I'd welcome any new ideas for next year (other than the shot gun idea )



                      BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                      Hi Everyone,

                      Also been very quiet for a while and can also cite work and family keeping me too busy (that plus fighting a losing battle with two teenage daughters over computer time!). Anyway, so glad to see everyone doing well and all the new faces - it is an amazing thread, so full of energy and support - you're in a winning place! I have to admit to having a few drinks, though unbelievably I opened a bottle of red wine (my drink of choice) on Friday, managed only 1 1/2 glasses before I'd had enough, had another glass on Saturday and one on Sunday - I have never shared a bottle of wine over 3 days before! Mind you, I have to also say that I didn't really enjoy the taste any more - I'm pleased to say that for 99% of the time I'm AF so if I keep to that I won't beat myself up too much.

                      How about this for a warped logic - to try and change my drinking habits (a bottle of cheap red wine every night) I've actually started a wine collection! But not just any wine - I'm now developing a collection of pretty expensive, 'quality' wines that I take to other people's for dinner or if they come over, or just for the sake of collecting them. So what's the logic? 1) I live in France so a good wine collection is essential! 2) I love the look of wine bottles in a rack - they're actually more a work of art than a collection of drinks 3) I won't drink them because they're too expensive and 4) having them in the house takes the pressure off - I hate the idea of having to get rid of all alcohol from the house as it means I'm not in control - now I am! OK, Ok - a little weird, but for now it seems to be working for some obscure, strange reason. I suppose all part of changing the mind set... rather than drinking cheap wine endlessly, learn to drink to really savour the flavour of the wine and the occassion. Pity I'm now actually losing the taste for it - my work of art could be standing there a long time at this rate!

                      Anyway, I hope everyone finds whatever works for them and we see the 30 days clocking up big time this month. Wishing everyone a wonderful, sober, successful September! :l
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                        Wow- Everyone is doin' so great!

                        Jessie - Welcome, come on in and tell us about yourself. Congrats on day 7.

                        Kyna- 16 days--great! I'm glad you're feeling better. Hope to hear more from you

                        Hannah- You're gonna have your hands full with the countdown tonight.

                        Londoner- The cooler weather makes working outside much more pleasant. Have fun in the garden. 16 days very coooool.

                        John35- You were askin' about the beast here he is :alf: kick away. Thats always been one of Chief's favorite passtimes.

                        Satori- Great to see you!! Love the garden, very low maintenance. I imagine its virtually pest free. What kind of new car did you get? Something sporty to celebrate your 55 days AF?

                        MM- How's the move coming? Your new house sounds wonderful. I hope you and your hubby are both feeling better. I'm assuming that the fires finally died out. 25 days?? Man where does the time go? Hmmm. I wonder if a certain stalker is lining up some entertainment for your 30 day celebration?

                        Rust - It sucks when those drinking thoughts fly at you from nowhere. I think we have obvious drinking cues-dinner in, dinner out, relaxing after work, etc. but I also think there may be more subtile triggers lurking in our brains. The important thing is that you got past it cruising along on day 11.

                        MyOwnWoman (Ima)- We can't promise you that you'll never feel like crap again, but we can help you to never have the cause be alcohol. Glad to hear that you're ready to make a committment.

                        LZ-Our garden enemies are mostly the darned squirrles!! they will dig up bulbs, plants and then just throw them down. My husband has tried various things, but apparently the garden varmits don't read the books, they just keep goin; enjoy the rest of your 8th day AF

                        Beno- More than halfway there day 16!! My computer crashed this summer and when I got a new one, it had Vista. I also ended up with the new and improved office suite. I gotta tell ya, I'm not in love with microsoft right now. That whole easy transfer thing is for the birds. Hope you get your system working in top speed soon.

                        FMF- Always good to hear about your adventures. Did you have your house inspection yesterday?

                        July- Thanks for stopping in to christen the new thread. Fall really can be a great time for a new start.

                        Well this got pretty long on me-sorry to run on so.

                        Hope everyone is well.
                        Love and Peace
                        :award: *


                          BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                          Rob - thansk for taking the time (it was no run on!) to post such a lovely post to us all....means so much to see my little ol' initials there in a post...I jsut feel bad I don't do it back very often!

                          Inspection over - 4 minutes she was in the house - looked like thunder on arrival but my daughter was here so she (agent) had to melt a bit....! Still, got me a tidy house for a bi!!

                          Arial - I haev to sayI am with you every inch of your post....I've not tried anything...but I can so link to it being, if I ever do, a slow, small amount of something expensive and experiential (not experimental!!) and nothing to do with 'cheap booze to get pissed on'!!! And bottles/labels ARE beautiful - and to live in France without 'The Display'?!?! No way!

                          But, I'm wishing you the most impoertant bottle of all - the one with only one glass in it for you. The one containing balance, control and a clear head in the morning! (If you know what I mean and I'm not thinking about you in a neggy way!!)

                          Love to all - sleep beckons...did a load in my old studio today getting it ready for a last opening (I hope; closed 1 year ago) from Oct - Xmas with HUGE sale to try and shift some of the enormous stock I haev left. Felt good after but it was a bit 'dig around in old stuff' to me (I was for some reason, devastated when I had to close...) so I'm a bit pooped...

                          See you all tomorrow and lots of love and luck all round. :l :l :l

                          'Scuse typos - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
                          FMF x
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                            Hi All! Been busy today... started a new job today delivering meals to 6 elementary schools in the area. it was suppose to be a part time thing but when I showed up today they said it would be 35-39 hrs a week... some part time... Oh well, it seems like it will be fun and will keep me off the
                            Everyone is doing good battling The Beast. Day 32 here and wasn't yesterday Rob's 30 DAY mark??? Good Job Buddy!!! Hope everyone has a great night... Don


                              BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                              September Booze Busters,

                              Jessie - Kyna- Hannah- Londoner- John35- Chief- Satori- MM- Rustop61-MyOwnWoman-LindZee-Beno- FMF-Rob-Retteacher-DG-Arial-and TOBB (Temp. Overlooked Booze Busters),

                              Keep racking up the days and stars.:agreed:


                              Day 47 AF

