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    Monday again!

    How're all the Booze Busters today? Hope y'all had a great AF weekend! Check our Rob's 30 day AF party which is going on as we speak!:dancin: Congrats, Rob, on a job well done!

    We had sort of an interesting night here. My hubby is diabetic, and takes two different kinds of insullin shots. Two a day of a long acting insullin, and then a shot before every meal of a short term insullin. Well, he had given himself his long acting shot, and then gave himself his shot of the short acting before supper - or so he THOUGHT. He had actually mistakenly given himself another shot of the long acting insulin. So what does that mean? Well, at that point your guess was as good as ours! So hubby phoned the pharmacy, and the pharmacist said we should go to emergency and they may want to keep him overnight on a drip so his sugar doesn't drop too low (risk of diabetic coma). So we were envisioning a sit in emergency, and then a fun overnight at the hospital. But the hospital said just to make sure he had lots of sugary liquids, etc., and to monitor himself overnight, i.e., set alarm clock at regular intervals to wake up and test blood sugar. Lots of fun - meant virtually no sleep, he sat up in a recliner all night so he wouldn't sleep right through the alarm, (although I wouldn't have, I'm not such a deep sleeper). Checked every 1 1/2 - 2 hours overnight, he drank lots of juice, and was ok. Long night tho, and very tired next day. Don't think he'll make that mistake again!

    Anna - Hope you enjoyed your day in the garden. I want a pergoda over my deck, we need something to throw a little shade - we tend to become crispy critters out there!. The critters eating squirrels are not much of a problem, but we had mice under the deck last winter and I was terrified they'd get into the house. Hope you and LindZee find a solution - bulbs are pretty expensive squirrel snacks!

    Satori - Luv your garden! Reminds me of a sand trap, lord knows I've raked plenty of those! Not such pretty designs tho. 55 days - wow! We are really getting up there, aren't we?

    Rustop61 - Glad you fought the Booze Beast and won. :alf: We kick him in the teeth pretty regular around here! Right on!

    My Own Woman - Yay! - good for you on your decision that enough is enough. We will help anyway we can - that's what we're here for! :welcome:

    Arial - I guess it would be pretty strange to live in France and not have any wine in the house - don't know if I could handle having it around, am very impressed how you seem to be managing it. Our wine rack is now filled with AF wines, which to tell you the truth are just not really like wine at all (Nothing is, sob!). :upset: Just have to learn to ive without. And it gets easier every day. Maybe someday. . . . nah, who am I kidding? Could I ever moderate? I dunno. . . .

    FMF - So - life is sorta back to normal? Inspection over (phew!) and wedding over, and festival over . . . you've had quite an exciting few weeks, haven't you? You know, I missed out somewhere on what you used to do for a living - paint? sculpt? something artsy I am sure since you have a studio. Parden me if I missed something plain as day, sorry sweetie.

    Chief - New job sounds like fun! And they say a change is as good as a rest. I have been at my job for 13 years now, sometimes I just desperately want a change. Hope you are enjoying it.

    Are you ready for the big countdown? Here goes:

    My Own Woman *
    John 35 **
    Jesse *******
    LindZee ********
    Indigosky ********
    Rystop 61 **********
    Benno ********** ******
    Kyna ********** ******
    The Londoner (Anna) ********** ******
    BootCampBarbie ********** ********** *
    Meditation Mamma (MM) ********** ********** *****
    Rob 30 + *
    Chief 30 + ***
    July 30 + ********** *******
    Hanna 30 + ********** ********** ****
    Satori 30 + ********** ********** *****
    DoggyGirl (ET call home!) 30 + 30 + ***
    Reteacher (Mary) 30 + 30 + ****
    FMF (Our impressive leader w the mostest)
    30 + 30 + 30 + ********** **

    Any corrections, errors, or omissions, just holler! And thanks to fellow Booze Buster Rob for helping keep track!

    WHOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Let's keep on going till we fill up the sky!!!!!!!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.



      Just checking in to say hi and congratulations to all on their time AF. Tomarrow I am going to talk to my doc about the Topamax...wish me luck. He's the one who had never heard of its effectiveness against cravings. I'm bringing some articles with me to back it up. If not then I guess it's not meant to be and I'll have to just try some supplements or some other med. I'm doing fine for now by keeping occupied and not isolating myself too much. I'm just concearned about the inevitable day that I can't get it out of my head to drink and hopefully if I'm not craving it won't happen
      I think I might go to a meeting on Friday and get a sponsor and some numbers to call. Guess it can't hurt to have the extra support...just don't know if I can stick to the meetings.
      Guess that's all for now. So long till tomarrow.



        Whooohoooo!! Starting to really feel part of this thing - it finally kicked in today. I'm so glad that a new thread got started as the last one was getting kind of lengthy!

        Thanks Finding for noticing my return - and to all of you who manage to keep track of us all. Hannah I appreciate the count - it really does work, seeing your name there - a tiny buzz of encouragment, and belonging! The name of the game is definitely support ...!

        Like Satori said, it's hard to keep track of you all. Just know that I read your posts and am smiling at this particular computer in Australia! I did want to note, however, to My Own Woman that I really felt the sincerity and your distress in your post. Those feelings you speak of can be a great motivator, so use them - it's in this way that we're able to pull something really positive out of such down times. I think we can all relate to that awful 'wrong' feeling that descends on us after a drinking session. The mindstuff that goes with addiction is one of the worst aspects in my opinion. So your post spurred me on to keep being free ...

        DAY 17 for me here today!
        And feeling great resolve.
        May it be easier and easier for us all ...




          Hello everyone! I just love reading all your posts . And thank you Hannah for the count down, it's comforting to see my name in such good company.

          I just wanted to check in to and tell you about a miracle that occurred at our house yesterday. I've mentioned that since I stopped drinking 9 days ago my hubby has cut down also, without my prodding. He's been AF on weekdays and drank only one 1.5L bottle over the entire weekend. I've noticed a subtle change in him and assumed he was feeling pretty good since not drinking so much. Well last night he came home from work, changed his clothes and proceeded to clean out the garage!! Our garage has been a dumping ground for every tool and gadget, stuff just piled on top of other stuff --it's a miracle our cars fit in it. The garage and the basement are his territory so I just ignore it and use it only to park my car. Anyway, he threw out tons of junk, took it all to the curb and vacuumed out the whole garage. I looks like a whole different place and I'm still in shock.

          My only explanation is that he must have been feeling whatever it is that makes so many of us start to clean out closets and drawers when we are AF. Suddenly you see the mess so clearly when before you were able to look right past it. Whatever the reason, I hope he takes a good look at the basement next

          Now I have to get back to work. Hope you all have a great AF day!




            Thanks for welcoming me! This morning I embark on Day 2.
            It's a weird sort of week for me... my daughter is having surgery tomorrow, and BF is moving out Saturday. But I'm going to stay strong and sober. I guess it helps that once I get home from the hospital with my girl that I'm stuck in the house for a few days (so can't run down the road for a bottle of wine). Also, I won't be smoking cigs (been trying to kick that one too).

            I won't be at the computer again til Friday... I'll check in then.
            Congrats to all and thanks!
            FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


              BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

              MOW - the very best to your daughter and strength and courage to you.

              What a lot going on...really thinking of you.

              Sending big hug,

              FMF x
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                Hi All, Just checking in. Hannah, my husband is diabetic also and takes the same two kinds of shots. Small world isn't it? Not AF again. Hope to start again tomorrow.


                  BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                  Hi Everybody

                  Lilaclover - Good to see you, and good luck on the AF thing. It's a worry, having a husband who's diabetic, isn't it? When we bought our condo we could not get any life insurance on him, although they were only too happy to insure me. I told them to stuff it. Good thing we only have a small mortgage.

                  Indigosky - Good luck re your talk with the Doctor re topamax. I don't know much about the supplements, but hope you find something that helps. Otherwise it can be kind of tough - but does get easier as time goes on. When you talk about going to a meeting, are you talking AA? Or some other group? I know there are others out there. Good luck w that too, any kind of support is that much more ammo in the battle against the Booze Beast.

                  Kyna - Whoa - 17. The days are going by pretty fast now, aren't they. Good for you!

                  LindZee - Still no talk w hubby re going AF? Funny how a marriage works sometimes, isn't it? Sometimes you don't really have to talk about things, you just know, and you just know that he knows, etc. Awesome that he cleaned out the garage. Unfortunately, the homefront is completely my baby. My hubby works very long hours and is away a lot, and really does absolutely nothing at home. Helps that we have only a condo, and we are empty nesters. Also, I am pretty self reliant. I would probably fall over dead if my hubby spontaneously started to clean the garage!:H

                  My Own Woman - Hope your week goes ok and you manage to keep your stress levels in check. Just focus on how much better it will be after BF is gone, and the time that you & your daughter will have together. It amazes me that you are kicking ciggies at the same time!

                  Hi to FMF! How's our English rose today?

                  It was nasty cold here today, even a few flurries. Brrrrr! Absolutely hate winter. Would love to afford to spend the winter in warmer climes. But, unless we win the lottory or something, not gonna happen anytime soon.:upset:

                  MM, Chief, Rob, July, Satori . . . (list goes on and on) hope everyone is doing well and continuing to Bust the Booze Beast. Have a good AF day again tomorrow!

                  :award: + * x 25
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                    :crazymonkey: :crazymonkey:
                    Good Mornin' Fellow Absters!!! Do ya like my friends? Thought I'd start the day out with something silly.

                    Hannah- Thanks for the countdown and the 30day parteeeee!! Very cool. Hope your husband has recovered from his medication mixup.

                    Flurries already?? Not something I want to think about yet. The temps are starting to drop here at night, but we're stll pretty hot during the day.

                    FMF- Hope you have a great day boating. I was glad to hear that your inspection went well, its always great to have that stuff behind you.

                    MOW- Welcome to day three. In reading your posts over time, I know that you have had some really difficult challenges in your life, so come here talk and share.

                    MM- Today is the Big Move!! I hope it goes well for you. It is going to be so nice to get settled in your new place. Hope you and your hubby are holding up ok with your various physical limitations. Keep us posted on how its goin.

                    LZ- Always love to hear your enthusiasm. I think that you're right about how we suddenly see what a mess we have made out of our lives both litterally and figuratively once we have some time AF. It really is great to clear away some of the clutter.

                    Lilac- keep coming here to see what this crazy group of Absters is up to. The individual journeys to whatever our sobriety goals are pretty incridible.

                    Kyna- I'm so glad that you're feeling connected here. It makes a huge difference.

                    Chief- We can always count on you to help us kick some :alf: butt.

                    Satori- You haven't said much about your exercise program, have you made it up to 2 abs yet?

                    Indigosky- Hope things go well with the doc today. Mine is always impressed when I go in armed with info. I know that some here are not crazy about AA, but I think its really important to use whatever tools we can to maintain our AF status.

                    July- Thanks for the new acryonym: TOBB- Love it!

                    Well-Gotta sign off for now. Trying to straighten out the paperwork from our CPR class yesterday--Not fun.

                    Love and Peace


                      BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                      Just had a big read through the posts as didn't check in yesterday-thanks Hannah for putting our names in lights!
                      Work was v stressful yesterday,and when I got outta there, my head was buzzing for the wrong reasons,I felt the need to blot out the day-it was the first time had that feeling in over 2 weeks, but instead of heading for the off-licence, I thought about things and found myself miraculously outside the local health store. So I went in and felt better immediately, mixing with people who were looking for solutions other than booze. I got a carob cake-doesn't sound like much I know! But it tasted luxurious and it stopped the speeded up gnawing feeling inside, the one that wanted to go from bad time to good time. The evening was fine, but overnight the stress returned and so I went for a steam and jacuzzi this morning and at last booked a relaxing massage for Sunday.
                      I have also got in a load of interesting food for over the weekend, as I find I am constanly nibbling up to the afternoon!
                      It is good to know that others go through similar and manage to come out the other side as winners!

                      Day 18 for me

                      MM hope you are going to join us again soon-you are terrific and thankfully oh so human-we don't want a load of goody goodies around here who have never slipped and suffered on the way to succeeding! That would give this forum a bad name( LOL). And who knows, maybe mods is your way?

                      Oh the pergola day was great-I cut back the blackberries and ate so many my hands were completely purple! greedy bear!

                      thinking of those of you who are going through tough moments - shall send you meditative peaceful thoughts in about 5 minutes-World Peace Day today.

                      love Anna
                      IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                      Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                        BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                        Hi folks,

                        Surprisingly a nice sunny day here in Scotland - Someone recently commented it was nice that the weather was gettng cooler for working in the garden - well it NEVER gets so hot here that we need it cooler!

                        We are always glad of some heat here (I live by the sea (ocean!) too - so that keeps the temperatures down too with the sea breezes etc.).
                        Like you Canadian folks - the winters here are long and cold and dark - but we don't have the upside of hot summers. Just summer days that are long and cold and bright!

                        Anyway - enough of the geography lesson!

                        Has anyone heard from Doggy?
                        Has she gone MIA (well if she is in the woods with Johnny Depp I suppose it MIGHT be understandable!)
                        But if NOT.....hope she is OK!!!
                        Oh Dooooggeeeeeeeee! where are yoooooooooo???????

                        MOW - thinking about you and your Daughter - you are doing really well to be going AF at this time! Perhaps things will be easier when BF hauls *ss too. As for quitting cigs too - I'm impressed!

                        Rob - I didn't know you knew my two sons!
                        My exercise programme is going fine - I am still slowly losing weight - so my abs are magically appearing one by one - I must be up to 2.5 abs by now I reckon!
                        I am off to the gym tonight - so perhaps I will manage to coax another one out of hiding while I am there.
                        You asked about my new car - it is an Alfa Romeo - I decided to go for italian style, handling and fiery temperamentality (sp?) as an antidote to the clinical German efficiency I have had in the last 3 cars I have owned.

                        Lilac - nice to see you around again!
                        Like my sig says! Doesn't matter how you get there - when you do you have achieved exactly the same as everyone else!

                        LindZee - my wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed or SWMBO), didn't give up on the wine when I decided to stop a couple of months ago - but in the last two weeks she too has just quietly been reducing and has recently stopped drinking on weekday evenings.
                        She even has started going out to an exercise class in the evenings too.
                        (that is pretty unusual as she always claimed she was born genetically unable to exercise!)
                        I didn't say or do anything to try to persuade her to change - something must have just "rubbed off".
                        So hang in there - perhaps Hubby will mysteriously quit drinking too!

                        Indigo - have you seen the Doc yet? - how did it go?

                        HannahDeb - thanks for keeping track of everyone's count - it means I don't have to look in my diary to figure out what day I am on!
                        Yep - laziness - I know!
                        Never thought I would be in a situation where I didn't know how many days it was since I last drank - but I AM honestly losing count!
                        In the early days, I could have told you to the nearest millisecond! (and each of those lasted an hour or so!!!!!)

                        Some snow flurries forecast for the mountains here too this weekend!

                        Londoner, Chief, Kyna, MM, Star, Finding and any other TOBB(TM) Good to see you are all doing well - keep on racking those days up folks.

                        I will talk to you again soon.



                        :award: + ********** ********** *******
                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                          Hi everyone -

                          I am soooh 'useless' -no, I must find another word...! - whatever the word is for inclined to but 'fraid not going to because I'm dropping!! (wordsmiths out there, help!) - about not doing the personal mention thingy which I so love reading....but I did just want to post something weird and highly unexpected that happened this evening.

                          My boating day was lovely (actually just a ferry ride and a long walk in glorious sun (WOT a day, eh, UK-ers?!?!)) because there was no wind at all and ended with dinner with this same very long-standing friend/ex....(don't even GO there!!!) where boats + him + wine was always big time...

                          Absolutely no concerns before and no worries during the day/evening...he had a couple pf pints and wine with dinner, me water/Coke. We were chatting quite openly about AA and stopping etc etc. (He's no idea about forums etc....! Not a poota bod!)

                          I ordered Profiteroles (Food of The Gods!) for pud and I couldn't eat it! The restaurant had put the tiniest amount of brandy in the cream.... It wasn't that I thought I shouldn't either. It was because, wait for it...

                          I FOUND IT REVOLTING!!!!!
                          The very drink I was worried about (it being my 'end-tipple-of-magnitude'!) was absolutely foul and made me feel sick!!! :yuk:

                          I am still amazed and absolutely thrilled at the same time! I mean, well, I don't really know! I swear I felt pissed after one profiterole....daft or what? But I really didn't like it! (The taste of the feeling.)

                          What's that about?

                          Anyone else had this experience? I mean I'm not holding great store by it but it wasn't what I expected!

                          Anyways, the other thing was that my pal was trying to find a way of making me stay over ("I'll behave..." Oh Yea?!?!?!?) so he could drink with dinner and not have to drive me home. I stuck to my going home guns and said I'd get the bus. Later I thought I 'should' have made him drive me - I mean aren't I worth not having half a carafe of red for?!.... But then I realised I'd probably got it 'right' ; I really don't think he enjoyed his wine as he said he noticed how much fun I was having without any and now he felt really guilty about me getting the bus...... (dare I say a tiny, " good"! :H )

                          You never know the fun you're going to have by NOT drinking eh guys?!?!?!

                          Thanks - I soooh hope things are trogging on ok all round...moves done smoothly and new days started and jobs ok and poorly kids mending and abs growing and docs appts gone well and cameras behaving (whistle Doggeeee!) and aw, Hannah-Deb, English rose...that's so kind! and, and, and.........................everything else to those I've 'forgotten'.... :l

                          July, I've got to concentrate and read back to get the significance of TOBB!!! I'm sure if it's yours it'll be quietly deep and meaningful and I say thanks already!

                          Love to all and I'm off to ponder all the other things said today like David apparently saying back in May to this pal I was with today that he (D) "didn't want a relationship with me, just friendship and wanted nothing to do with all my problems...." Wish he'd told ME that!!!! And why did he seem to want to make out I had more problems than I really had then?!?!? (Actually, I'm most certainly not
                          going to ponder it....waste of time!)

                          Hey ho! Lots of love
                          FMF xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10


                            TOBB (Temp. Overlooked Booze Busters) is a great way to type out a thread mention those that you can quickly recall and not overlook others. Not deep, but useful. With the expanding ranks it helps.

                            Satorie and other early 30 day Booze Busters, wher has DG gone? I must have missed her announced leave. The thread does seem, well, quiet without out her lately.


                            Day 49 AF


                              BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                              Hello everyone! Just got in from mowing my lawn and had a bite to eat and decided to check in. I tell ya, this new job of mine is cutting into my free I really enjoy it though. It seems like I just get there at 7:45am and before I know it, it's 4:00pm!
                              Sounds like everyone is plugging along with life...that's good. It is amazing how we notice "life" when AF, the good, bad, boring, routine, etc. instead of just existing in a booze filled haze. I love being sober. I even love still getting use to being sober after 34 days.
                              Well, I'm off to read a bit and then to bed. Have a good night all...


                                BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                                Hi All

                                July, and all TOBB (love that new acromym) yes, I am worried about DG too. Seems like a strange thing to hope for, but I am hoping she only had a "slip" and is out there lurking and feeling uncomfy about posting again - and that there is not something really wrong. Doggygirl, if you are out there, pleae, please talk to us. We are worried about you.:h

                                I know it is uncharacteristic for me, but I am feeling very down today. I think it has been building for a few days now. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed and depended on the nightly sit down to our lively little thread until it became sort of quiet. I realize that it has become what I do with my evenings!!!! Better than drinking, for sure. I have been worried about DG for several days now, she is not just a name on the thread, she is a real person who I care about who iis probably hurting right now.

                                Also have had a couple bad days at work, to the point that I am thinking seriously about pulling the plug. I have been sort of unsettled there for a few years now. You know, where you know you should move on but you are kind of in a rut, an almost comfortable rut, but not a particularily good rut. Sounds strange, because it's a "good" job, just burnt out, I guess. My former boss was fired last year, for what I do not know but he was a supper guy and I am sure did nothing wrong. My coworkers and I believe it was because he wasn't mean and cost cutting enough. The guy they replaced him with is a real "S.O.B" and we all dislike him. What I would really like to do is take some time off completely before looking for something else. I know I could not sit around and do nothing all day.

                                Also the ongoing life struggle of my brother in law is a big stress.

                                So there you go guys, not my usual cheerful self, but doing alright. Think you all are just great, and hope you all will hang in here no matter what. If you slip, no one is going to think less of you for it. We would be a pretty poor support group if we were to condemn anybody for the same thing we are alll struggling with. How often can you say, "Today is the first day of the rest of my life?" Every morning, my friends, every morning. And there is a new morning - well, every morning.
                                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

