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    He is out! I feel so much relief I just can't tell you - it surprises me how much better I feel already. Almost 3 months after I asked him to leave I have my house all to myself again. One of the many bennies of that, I just realized, is that I can visit here more - I had been avoiding the site when I'm at home because I rarely had privacy.

    My daughter is recovering very well from her surgery. This was her 6th surgery since she was an infant, to correct severe bilateral club foot. She is so strong and brave (and sweet and cute and beautiful and witty and charming etc etc etc). It is a true honor to be her momma, and now I feel like I'm really going to be able to be all the momma she needs me to be.

    Take my stars away... I should have known to not commit to AF until this weekend was over and done with. But now... my heart and soul feel so much lighter, I look forward to tomorrow for the first time in so long... ha ha! I just had a line from a song from long ago go through my head - anyone remember the Mary Tyler Moore show? Know the song, at the end... "You're gonna make it after all.......!" Anyway - I feel excited and confident about my future, about tomorrow, about the changes that I know will come easily now.

    I will be here often - I need friends!!!
    Thanks for all your support, and GREAT JOB to all you racking up the stars!!
    many hugs
    :l :l :l :l
    FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!



      MOW - well done. You've got to your starting line by the sound of it and we'll be cheering you every step of the way. You've done so well with great dignity. I am so glad your daughter is ok - she sounds lovely. Must get it from her Mum!

      Post away in your new freedom - we'll be here.

      Rustop - YEA!!!! Join the DTA's! ('Dry Toasters Association'!!!) Like I did at my daughter's wedding....and I gather a friend does at meetings where loads of toasts have to be made and if he's driving he 'dry toasts' with loads of other friends too..... It's OK. Normal!

      I am soooh glad you had a good time - another twinkle toe dancer too!

      Benno and Hannah-Deb...thanks for your personal posts. I hope you're having a good party day H-D!!!!

      Must have a break now - been on chat (bit unfit for that - my daughter's just larfed at/with/to me about the fact that I obviously type away really fast to try and keep up and then when there's a lull I take an ENORMOUS breath like I haven't breathed for half-an-hour - probably haven't! LOL) Back later to gab away some more.

      Hope you're all having a great day. I smell autumn here - lovely when (when!!!) the sun's out but the damp.....urrgh!!!!

      FMF xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



        Hey all--Well I've finally figured out how to add pics to my posts, YIPPEEE!! So I may be able to pic up Hannah/Debs pompoms. We'll see.

        Anyway, I'm feeling somewhat better. I've dealt with the cardiac thing for a few years now. I'm really hoping that being AF will help that. I see my cardiologist in a few weeks, so I'm hoping that at least my blood pressure is down.

        I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and a headache, I guess it IS that time of year, yuck! Ok, enough about me, how's everybody?

        MOW- I'm so glad that your daughter did well with her surgery, is she going to have to have more? I had a friend who's son had to go through that with one foot and it was not pleasant. He had to have a cast from the waist down when he was really tiny. It looks like we have to pull out the fuglygreen suit kickbu_c - Fotosearch Stock Photography . Make sure you hang it neatly back in the closet when you're done.

        Maybe now that you have the house to yourself and some of the pressure is off things will go better for you. Any time you have sober is god time, you should be proud of yourself!!Think of it as practice for the real thing.

        Oh Rust- We are going to have to set up a whole new category for you and FMF- The dancing AFers!!



          Hello all,
          Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Today is 13 days for me (almost 2 weeks)....feels pretty good. I went to church with my neighbors and it was really great also out to lunch afterwards and only ate half of it despite the fact that I hadn't eaten breakfast. They said the Topamax might take my appetite...that would be good.
          Haven't heard from my brother in law yet as to whether we leave for Ky tomarrow or not. I'd like to know before the last minute so I will call again and hope he calls back. I've got to run for now. Just wanted to check in and say hi. I'll try and check in later long for now.



            Rob -thanks but OUCH!!!!!!

            I wish - ever!! Let alone today with this apres-dance-soreness!! If you've got a pic of someone just sitting down?!?! But hardly a complaint and thanks for the piccy.... you game Rustop?!?!?! Which one is you?!?! Must be the higher leg!

            Good day here.... lots going on. Mowed lawn and cut hedge (after getting moving!) Just getting colder now - brrr! I've enjoyed our Indian Summer. Electric fire on (:upset: I haven't got a real fire in this house - I mean, if you know what I mean!!) and electric meter in free-flow again.... Aaaagh!

            Back to the clearing up and sorting out tomorrow. Will post about my 'job' (or not!) soon....very boring!

            Wishing everyone a good Sunday evening/night and see you tomorrow.

            Love FMF xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

              Hello all you FABULOUS People!

              Can't stop smiling!

              Thanks so much for all your kind wishes and congratulations. I can hardle believe it's been 60 days myself. We are all really trucking along, aren't we? There have been a few of us who have had a stumble here or there, but even they are picking themselves up and carrying on - the battle isn't over until you have surrendered, after all.

              Rob - Well, you surely did figure out how to do the pics. Yummy! (And I'm not just talking about the chocolates!!!!) I think I will have a little lesson on here about how to do the pics, so more people can have fun w doing it. It is a hoot, isn't it? Then you should do an explanation of how to get the automation going - obviously I don't know how to do that yet, since my kissing donkey only got her lips puckered and then froze like that! I appreciate the help w the parties, I will still lend a hand, but w the two (or more!) of us working on it, so much the better. The pics do add something, don't they?

              Now listen to mother hen, Rob, and put yourself to bed with some zince lozenges, echinacea, and vitamin C. Blast the h*ll out of that cold virus and maybe it'll lessen the severity. It's too early to be getting winter colds!!! Take care of yourself, ok?

              Benno - Yay, Vista up and running! Alright! You are doing so well - good for you for talking to your friends at the cricket club. And shows your friends are really your friends when they are so ready to step up to the plate for you. So many of us are shy about telling anybody about going AF, but you went ahead and did it, and it worked out very well for you, didn't it. I am very fond of lime and soda, or tonic, or sparkling water. Have got to the point where I don't even miss the wine, imagine that! BTW, my son did not actually build his house, we are just impressed that he bought it at 21 (now 22, construction took forever!). No, wish we did have a tradesman in the family, would save a lot of money!!!

              MOW - Glad to hear your little girl is doing well, Yay on having the bf out of the house! Freedom at last!!! You will have that fugly green suit off and hanging back in the closet in no time, I just know it. WHO CAN WORLD ON WITH HER SMILE, WHO CAN TAKE A NOTHING DAY & SUDDENLY MAKE IT ALL SEEM WORTHWHILE! WELL IT'S YOU GIRL AND YOU SHOULD KNOW IT. . . .. opps, sorry, I can see you all cringing and covering your ears!

              Rust - You go girl! You and FMF have showed off your twinkle toes! Day 16! Awesome! Isn't it amazing, once the decision is made that this is the time we're going to beat the Booze Beast, :alf: the determination and steely resolve we can muster?

              Think we need to form a new group - in addition to the Boobacious Booze Bustin' Babes cheerleading squad, we should have the "Dancing AFer's?" :dancin: We could rent ourselves out to funtions? Yes? No?

              I may get to practice being a member of the "DTA" or "Dry Toasters Association" myself tomorrow night. Hubby's old business partner (had a company together which they sold about 15 yrs ago) and wife are in town, and we are going out for supper tomorrow night. Although I will probably just be toasting w tonic and lime, and can actually take a sip of that. First time out w other couples since going AF though, so a bit of a challenge.

              Hi Indigo. Congrats on 13 days! You will be on two weeks before you know it! Well done!

              px;">OK - Lesson of the day: How to insert a picture.

              1. First, you must have the picture you want to use in your computer, either downloaded from a camera or scanned, and in a file folder.
              2. Now, go to "advanced" to do your post.
              3. Click on the paper clip logo above the window you are typing your post in.
              4. Now, click on "Browse".
              5. Select the file your picture/image is in, and then browse through the file and click on
              the image you want to use.
              6. Now, click on "upload". When it has finished uploading, you will see the name of the image appear. Now you can close that window.
              7. Continue typing your post. When you want to insert the picture, click on the paperclip again, and your image # will drop down from the tool bar. Click on it, and it will transfer to your post. If you want to double check how it looks, preview your post.

              You can do up to 4 images in a single post.

              Well, must run to the store to get veggies for supper. We are going to BBQ tonite, it's an absolutely georgeous day out again. All you Booze Busters, enjoy the rest of your day & evening! When you post next time, everybody should out your stats and we'll do a countdown again soon. :h to all! Attached files [img]/converted_files/328420=1887-attachment.jpg[/img]
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                Hey Hannah - Good on you! Thanks for the tips..will try it tomorrow! You might get a 'real' bunch of flowers yet!!!

                Enjoy your BBQ. Me tucked up in my little bed now with my hotty botty (bottle!). Chill here now. And dark by 8pm. Boo!

                Love to all and see you tomorrow.

                Love FMF zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz XX!

                Um, 113 days (!) I think.
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                  A big hello to everyone - evening here in Australia ... Just put the kids to bed so a chance to catch up with you all. There sure is a lot of us! But tonight I wanted to take the time to say a personal hi to you all.

                  Hannah- terrific news about your count. A brilliant 60 days! Thinking of you on your first AF night out with other couples. It's a challenge, but you sound very motivated. And like Rustop with the wedding champagne, the drinkers aren't that conscious of what we're doing - it's us who are super-aware!

                  Finding - No wonder you're losing count of the days. You should know how inspiring this is for us all. Thanks for the pic tutorial! You're in a lovely part of the world. Even though I've been in Australia for almost 20 years now, my heart still moves when I think of the UK ... All my family are still there, in London.

                  MOW - Pleased to hear your little girl is okay. You have been dealing with a lot, so it's nice to hear you sounding so positive and relieved to get your space and privacy back.

                  Benno - Great to be tandeming with you. Somehow that makes all the difference. Something kindred about joining at the same time ...

                  Rob - Great to see you're getting the pic technology under your belt. Tell me, do you know how to get the words under the avatar pics?! I have just emerged from a bad bout of flu, so hope your sore throat doesn't develop too much further. My Dad has heart problems and had to cut out the drinking. It can only help. There's certainly lots to motivate us all on these pages...

                  Rustop - Good on you for your strength at the wedding. Congrats on 16 days!

                  Chief - How's your new job going?

                  - I hear congrats are in order for you also, on a whopping 60 days!

                  - I love your evocative descriptions of London. Makes me homesick. I can almost taste those bloody blackberries!

                  - Hope your managing to wrestle some computer time away from your teens, and still chalking up the days!

                  - wondering if your new AF routine is still having a good effect on your hubby? And has he started on the basement yet?!

                  - Hope you're resting that ankle. How's the topa working out?

                  - By my count you're at 51 days!

                  Hello's and good going to all the rest of you motivated people, Doggygirl, Jessie, John, M/Mama, BC Barbie, Lilac
                  and ... any other TOBBS I may have overlooked! You know who you are; there's just so darn many of us ...

                  22 days for me
                  and I'm well looking forward to waltzing into my D & A counselor on Wednesday morning and telling him I haven't had a drink since I last saw him. He's new for me (my counselor of 3 yrs leaves for Mexico in 2 wks. :upset: ) - and I like that he challenges me, and doesn't go easy on me. I have lots to tell him. These boards are having a great effect on me - I would never have believed that all of this could be as motivating as it is.

                  Pleased also to note that even though today was a bit of a tough one for me - (sadness, and regrets, about getting ready to move house, and our village, after ten years here, and both children born here ...) - I got through it WITHOUT trying to stop the feelings by way of drinking. Step by step, little by little, the changes start to MAKE A DIFFERENCE ...

                  So thanks to you all for being out there, facelessly, in this marvellous technological void.
                  Wishing all of you a peaceful day,


                    BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                    HI folks - another wet and dreich day in Scotland.

                    As you know - I had planned to go into the mountains at the weekend.
                    The weather forecast was OK until Friday evening - and it all went downhill rapidly from then. It had been raining ever since! (even some snow in the mountains!!)
                    The weather here changes very rapidly - literally hour by hour.
                    Scotland is a tiny place (about 60 miles coast to coast!) and the weather just rolls in from the Atlantic ocean bringing whatever is out there rolling over the top of us, cos there ain't anything to stop it between Scotland and the east coast of the USA!
                    (Luckily, I live on the East coast of scotland, and there are mountains to the west of me thatcatch MOST of the rainfall - but - there is often enough left over to make life here pretty soggy as well.)

                    Never mind - I still wouldn't really want to live anywhere else!

                    So - lots have been happening on here over the last few days I see!

                    Hannah/Deb has had her 60 day party and has worn out two previously fit young men - AND she is in the process of shipping them out to Cornwall for FMF to continue the process - (that is - if Meditation Mama doesn't get her hands on them first!
                    WOT are you ladies like???
                    I am deeply shocked at your frankly wanton behaviour!

                    I have only one more thing to say on the subject
                    - How do I get on to the squad????

                    I had to say that quietly in case SWMBO heard! I would have been in DEEP doo doo if she did!

                    Rob - actually - when I saw the picture you posted of me "on fire" - I thought perhaps she HAD read my thoughts .

                    Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit off colour - and I hope your heart condition stays controlled - being AF should DEFINITELY help!
                    (Are you SURE you weren't taking just too many peeks at Hannahs party pictures???? That probably wouldn't have helped!!!)

                    MOW - excellent news that BF is finally out! That must be a great relief!
                    So glad to hear your little girl is doing well too - It always surprises me how tough our kids really are - even though we feel every little thing that they have to go through magnified tenfold!
                    I'm sure things will start looking up BIG time for you both from now on.

                    Benno - how does Vista compare with XP? Is it worth upgrading??

                    Rustop - definitely on the downhill section now - 30 days will be here before you know it!

                    Chief - how's the daily run going? - How many miles / minutes are you running for now?

                    July - is it YOUR 60th next?
                    (Help Hannah - from now on known as SWKAAFD - She Who Knows All AF Days!)

                    LindZee - If your hubby is anything like me - he will NEVER tidy the basement!
                    I have a workshop where I build guitars etc, and it is ALWAYS untidy. It is a tradition! I wouldn't be able to find any of my tools if I tidied up.
                    (It is a bit strange - because I am a VERY tidy person in all other aspects of my life / work!).

                    Londoner Anna - I love old graveyards!
                    Some of the ones where I grew up go back to the 14th century! And the old disused / overgrown ones have a serene peaceful atmosphere all of their own.

                    Kyna - 22 days - another one just around the corner from a 30 day party - seems like yesterday when you first joined this happy band!
                    LOL at your homesickness after 20 years!
                    But I have to admit - (notwithstanding what I said at the beginning of this post) Oz is one of the few places I have visited that I "might" be persuaded to move to. You have some amazing scenery and the climate and even the light there is amazing.

                    Anyway - enough of my ramblings - I had better go back to work!

                    HI to all TOBB - will catch up with you all later.

                    Take care



                    :award: :award: + *
                    (just showing off the new bling!)
                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                      Hi All
                      Have had a Big Read around MWO today and this forum is like a microcosm- a miniature but hugely representative and perfectly formed part of the universe in which we live-all that is human- I just love reading about everybody's lives, the emotional variations, the vicissitudes, the goddam strength shown in the face of what appears insurmountable. Even in sadness, even when experiencing difficulty, the posts are always touching, often heartwarming, often funny and I always sign off feeling uplifted and a part of something truly special and unique-so thanks for that, one and all!

                      Day 22 for me too, that makes 3 of us Benno and Kyna. Nothing to miss about London today-it's mighty grey!

                      Rejoined the local health and fitness club this morning-what I really mean is that I happily rejoined the folks in the jacuzzi and steam room. Scared, brothers and sisters, scared of working out! There, I've said it! I went upstairs to the gym to take a peek and all that equipment reminded me of a modern scaffold, or at best a torture chamber-the guys up there were doing an awful lot of stretching and straining and weight stuff-and those giant balls! (no rude comments please) terrified me! Have not had my induction yet-dread to think what the guy with the pecs will suggest for the removal of -shall we say excess- tum and bum. Will keep you posted. Have managed to lose 8 pounds since AF without exercise, so might still run away from gym area and stick with Mind and Body classes........

                      Oh also, I missed out going away in the summer, so have booked myself a flight to Pescara which is in Abruzzo, Italy. I am still thinking of buying a little place there so am excited at the thought of a solo adventure to the Adriatic Coast, early October.

                      I have been especially interested in reading posts from those who are committed AFers. When my 30 days are over, I will have to decide-to AF or to not AF-ah, that really is the question! I shall of course have to think hard and answer for myself, but I know I will take heed of what seasoned AFers have said regarding this and apply it to my own situation before making my decision. It's also made harder if you have a partner who enjoys drinking and all that goes with it-I know he would really like me to do moderation, but we are both unsure as to whether that is possible, given my track record. I know he won't push me into doing something that is wrong for me, but it is hard to be on separate paths.

                      Satori, Kyna, Hannah et al-thanks for making the replies so personal, it is really appreciated. To those I do not name, it does not mean I do not care-I do!


                      I have just lit a candle to dispel the gloom of the day and it is burning for all of you, wishing you a light filled day all over this wonderful world of ours.

                      take good care

                      IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                      Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                        BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                        Good Morning fellow Booze Busters! (It's morning here anyway --it's 10:30 am here in Illinois).

                        I'm at 14 days AF, almost half way there. I made it through my second weekend without drinking. We went to a family birthday party yesterday and normally I'd have a few drinks. I mean, all those kids running around and screaming can get on your nerves. Hubby had a few beers but I stuck with my soft drinks. It was nice to be able to drive home without worry.

                        Anna, like you I also have to decide what to do regarding staying AF free or starting to modify. My husband and I are going away for a weekend trip one day after I complete my 30 day challenge. We'll be in a different city staying in a hotel for two nights. I am practically positive that I will have some red wine with dinner on those two nights. If I do it will be because I planned it. I'm not really afraid of going overboard but more afraid of getting drunk on one drink after being AF for 30 days. We usually take wine and/or brandy along for the room too but I don't think I'll be tempted by that. Has anyone else planned a few drinks on a special occasion and then gone back to being mostly AF? I see this as kind of a bridge to start drinking moderately, maybe a few drinks on weekends.

                        Kyna, hubby has been drinking more than he was at first. He had to go out & buy his own wine when I didn't restock the empty wine rack. But he did manage to stay awake through an entire movie we rented over the weekend. And he was able to fulfill his husbandly duties (making the morning coffee --what did you think?? I make the coffee every weekday morning). And no, he hasn't ventured down into the basement yet.

                        Satori, you make guitars? How cool. When we were in Memphis last year, in addition to visiting Elvis Presley's Graceland. we toured a Gibson Guitar Factory. It was so interesting to see how they're made. Do you sell your guitars? Is this a hobby or a side business? What kind of music do you like to play? My husband plays guitar too and has three of them. He spends hours sitting on the couch, strumming and sipping. He'll have his laptop open and download and read music while he's playing.

                        It's my day off and supposed to be 89 degrees after the 60 degree weather we have had the past week. Lots to do, including a nice long walk. I hope you all have a good day or night AF.



                          BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                          Boy it sounds like everyone is rockin' and a rollin' and movin' right along in AF-land!!
                          Everything is good here. I like my new job. I deliver school lunches to 6 elementary schools. I get to work about 8:00 and the women in the kitchen are getting everything ready for me to load on my truck and I'm on the road by 9:20. I go to the 6 schools and unload and then back to the main kitchen by 11:30. They then have breakfast for the following day ready for me to load and I'm off by 1:00 to deliver to the same 6 schools. Back to the main kitchen by 3:15, make sure everyone is happy, and I'm done by about 4:00. It's a lot of fun and the day goes fast. It does get interesting sometimes because it's just me and 42 women!!!
                          I ran a 5k race on Sunday morning and finished 2nd in my age group (50-55). I'm 51, so that was pretty cool.
                          Other than that, all is well.. Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow!!



                            BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                            Hello late night drop-in!!

                            Chief - good on you chum!! Second is excellent.... impressed; dancing or not I don't think my legs (well, feet!) would stand to run (?!) any more.... I'd be seriously stiff and sore!!

                            I had a day in my daughter's trainers today. Yum, orange stripey socks showing between jeans and trainers....?!?! (Forgot about the socks beore going to choir tonight....!) My feet have been sooo sore after flamenco!! Even with walking everywhere every day the ligaments seem to have gone blah (very technical term that!!) since the class and I so wanted to feel them all gathered up in something springy yet supportive!!

                            Big, hefty sing tonight at choir (Schubert's final Mass, in E major, for those who fancy knowing!) ...bit hoarse now. Haven't sung big for two hours for a long, long time! More muscles to get in shape!!!!

                            Been writing long letters to my parents (oh Dog, not again!!!) in an effort to sort out what they want in their old age (they're 81 and 86 already!!) and whether or not they want me to help them out with things or whether their 'silence' is because they want a cousin to 'do' the caring............... No tax or health care has been put in place yet (as far as they'll tell me anything as ever...) and despite the nasties of the years I do care. (And do also admit to a feeling of helplessness as, being an only child, it may all fall to me with no knowledge of who their solicitor is even.....! They just will not talk. Hey change there then but it was an interesting day seeing the old triggers fly past....and enjoying the fact that they did!!! (Like fly past and not hang around!!) And it's not old age - unless they were born at 35! Been like it as long as anyone can remember!

                            Signed up for my African Drumming class today (starts next Tuesday) and hope to sign up for the Day Skipper navigation course (for sailing) tomorrow (starting next Wednesday).... I'm enjoying myself!

                            Will get to post about my business/job/profession really soon! Will be after some advice about them soon....! Just not sure yet what area that might be in!!

                            I really hope everyone's had/having a grand Monday... as ever, midnight+40 minutes so time for shut-eye here. Cold now!!!! Heating on. Our temps have dropped from 22 to 5-10 degrees nearly overnight!!! Autumn's here!

                            Love all round and thank you soo much for being here!

                            FMF xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                              A question

                              A serious question for our group.

                              It is wonderful as a group that so much good is happening with our AF days. I think too we all share in the challenges when there is a set back for one of us (as it has happened to all of us at some time) when the stated goal is to be AF for a time ( 30, 60 or whatever the goals is). I think the group is actual help and healing.

                              My question is what do we do when one of us goes abruptly absent and that absence is not part of the goal or expected? Of course anonimity in MWO is paramount and every persons privacy must be fully guarded; but, is there a place for discussion when a strong person for no apparent reason disappears?

                              I am reluctant to broach the subject but it worries me when this happens. At one level I know it is strickly a private matter--yet, at another level there exists a relationship at least here at MWO on this thread where we care for the well being of each person in our group.

                              Any thoughts?

                              Day 53 AF


                                BOOZE BUSTERS NEW THREAD 9/10

                                *#+??%!!!!**&^^&((* ----aargggggghhhhh!

                                REALLY must stop doing that!!!!! Was well into this post and hit a wrong key and lost it all!!!!!!!
                                Wasn't a good day when I got up this morning, either - was sick to my stomach. At least it wasn't a hangover! But, Satori, I can hear the wheels turning in your brain - has it anything to do with the 2 lovely young men Rob brought to my party????? Well, I'll never tell!!!! FMF - they should be well on their way to Cornwall, no doubt sleeping like babes on the plane, poor dears, plumb tuckered out they are. :H

                                And, Satori, FYI, you WERE on the squad, remember, you and your all male cheerleading squad? But you couldn't keep up w us, remember?????? So sorry if you just couldn't measure up - however, you are many more days Af now, maybe your stamina is better than it used to be???? Must admit I am pretty impressed to hear that you make guitars. Never pictured you dong that. A man of many surprises. How long does it take you to make one start to finish? Do you carve the wood and everything?

                                Anyhooooo - FMF - You certainly do seem to be "Finding" your feet lately! First the flamenco dancing, and choir (glad there is one wholesome thing thrown in there, (snicker), then African drumming, and talk of sailing lessons. Is this the FMF we all know and love? Or someone who has hijavcked her bod and is impersonating her? Is this what we all can expect when we reach 100 + a baker's dozen days AF? (Note to self - more incentive to stay AF!)

                                Rob - How are you feeling? Did you manage to nip the cold in the bud even a iittle bit? No fun being sick, hope you aren't feeling too poorly. Thank you so much again for all the work you did on my party, and for all your wonderful posts you contribute to this thread. Great to have you here.

                                Obviously, we didn't go out for supper tonite. I told my hubby that I would be likely to b*arf just looking at the food - so missed out on the test of my resolve i.e., dinning with others drinking. We'll just put that one off for next time, I guess. Londoner and LindZee, you are doing so well, especially since you both have hubbys that are not AF. I can somewhat relate, because my hubby can actually get away w moderating if he wants to. However, he has more of a problem going AF than I do, go figure. But he pretty much is, except for the odd business dinner when away on business where he may have a glass or two of wine. I can relate to the question of whether or not to have the occasional planned drink, such as when you go away on a weekend. I am struggling with that decision myself. I wonder if I decide in advance to allow myself a glass of wine at dinner, whether I would have the resolve to leave it at that. At this point, I don't know.

                                Londoneer - Good luck at the fitness club. Honest, you won't melt if you work up a sweat! You may even like it! Oh to go to Italy! lLucky you, when do you leave?

                                Chief - Your job certainly sounds like a lot of fun, And congrats on placing so well in the 5K race - Wow! Do you find you are stronger, more fit, etc., since you have not been drinking? Probably a little leaner? So happy for you.

                                Kyna Down Under - Good luck w the D & A counselor, sometimes a change is a good thing. Where are you moving? Far? Re - getting the words under your avator pics - I do know how to do that, but will have to go back and check I am telling you right, so will put that in a separate post. Not sure if you have to be a subscriber or not, will let you know that too.

                                Even tho I got up feeling crummy, I went to work. Have to, actually, I am so short staffed that I often work sick - but had arranged ahead of time to leave at 10:30 anyways, to do official "walk through" of son's new condo with him. (This is where you note any flaws, etc., and they must fix them before you take possession). Then I provided experienced guidance while we ran around this afternoon and arranged final apt. with lawyer, connecting his phone, power, insurance, mail, heat, satelite, and moving van. All went well except the gas - this was like :bang . There is no office here, so you must do this by phone. The first person who answered the phone could barely speak English. Tell me why they would have someone who barely speaks English doing this job? We couldn't understand her, she couldn't understand us, and she kept saying something about "if he moves outside of Alberta in the next 5 years there will be a fee of 8 hundered dollars" Huh? What? We kept trying to tell her he lives in SASKATCHEWAN, and ? 8 hundred dollars ???? (Later figured out she MUST have been saying "A" HUNDRED" dollars.) We finally told her we would have to call her back, hung up and redialed in hopes of getting someone else. Took us 3 tries, and, I kid you not - 2 hours to accomplish getting his gas hooked up. Glad it was the last thing on our list!

                                So we should be able to commence moving him on Friday. He has stuff stashed at our house, the house where he is officially living, and the house where he is really living (gf's), as well as stuff in the storage room at hubby's office. Could be interesting!

                                Well, yakked enough. Here is what I know for sure, and if I missed anyone, yell:

                                LindZee ********** ****
                                Indigosky ********** ****
                                Rustop 61 ********** ******
                                Benno ********** ********** **
                                Kyna ********** ********** **
                                Londoner ********** ********** **
                                Rob 30 + *******
                                Chief 30 + *********
                                July 30 + ********** ********** ***
                                Me 30 + 30 + *
                                Satori 30 + 30 + ** (Satori, you were cheating yourself )
                                FMF (The Queen AFer and half of the dancing AFer team) 30 + 30 + 30 + 23!!!!!!!!!!

                                July - I was about to post this when I noticed that your post had popped up. I know exactly what and who you speak about. I am slowly getting over it, but was sick about this for days. I have talked to several others via pm's, and have also tried pm'ing the person in question, as others also have. Have reached the conclusion that there is really not a blessed thing we can do about it, except hope they are all right. It's not like we have any way of contacting them except for pm's, and if they aren't answering, there is notihing really beyond that. But it is a valid concern, and I dearly wish there was something we could do, I guess the anominity of this site is both a blessing, and a drawback. Anyone else care to comment?

                                Sorry this was such a book! Go have a snack, you surely must need it by now! Have a great night, and a great AF day tomorrow everyone!
                                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

