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Tuesday, Sept. 11

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    Tuesday, Sept. 11

    Hi Everyone: I know this is the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. I thought about it this morning when I got up.

    I hope all is well w/everyone. I'm doing well but have reached a new point in my sobriety. I'm no longer on the high I was on. It's becoming a way of life, but I'm new at experiencing all the ups & downs of life. Sometimes I say to myself: "Oh! This is why I drank!" Also, I've been thinking about drinking. I asked about it on the long-term abstinence forum, & I guess it's normal. Thinking & craving are two different things. I'm not craving alcohol, but sometimes I think about it. Right now, we have no plans for parties &/or get-togethers that involve alcohol, & I think that's a good thing for where I am right now.

    I don't want to be in denial about how easy it would be for me to go back to drinking. I learned from Flip on long-term abs that drink is a "sly bastard" (his words) & couldn't agree more. I have to continue to put my sobriety first & never take it for granted.

    I owe all this to you here at MWO. Thank you, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Tuesday, Sept. 11

    Hi Mary, and all to come!

    I know what you mean, Mary, about not drinking becoming more routine, but still needing to be on the lookout and keep sobriety your priority. A slip can sneak right up on you.

    I also wanted to extend a warm :welcome: to Indigogirl from yesterday. I hope you get all the support that you need here. We're a great bunch, I think!

    I'm feeling a little blue with being alone again, but my sister called this morning, and she says she is glad to be back in NY again. Being away from my mother for several months and now going back has made her realize how frail my mother has become. I am relieved that she is there too. We were trying to get my mom to come live near us, but it was damn near impossible.

    At any rate, I've got to get a move on to my day, so I've gotta run. Have a great day, everyone--Deter, Don, Breez, Janet, Nancy, Bella, Bear, Java, and everyone else!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Tuesday, Sept. 11

      Hello Abbers, I've been bouncing around abs and mod - doing better, much better than pre-MWO, but haven't made the complete commitment to be abstinent. I have added working out to my daily routine and better self-care all around.

      Anyway Good morning Mary, Kathy and all to come. I plan to be abs for at least the rest of the week, and definitely today!
      "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


        Tuesday, Sept. 11

        hi all: Mary, I think it is probably only natural to still think about drinking, which as you say is different from craving a drink. Today is day 156 AF for me but it is still nothing compared to how long I drank. Doing things sober or not hung over is still new to me in so many situations and I usually think "oh, I used to drink when I did this" or "this is the first time I did this sober or not hung over". Alcohol had such a big role in my daily life, I think it will take a long time before I just don't think about it at all.
        I don't crave alcohol at all anymore (I hope that never changes) and if I think about it, it is usually in terms of how much of my life it has stolen from me which just reinforces my desire to stay AF.

        Welcome Indigo.

        Be well all.


          Tuesday, Sept. 11

          Happy Tuesday ABies near and far!

          well done Mary on being honest with your's easy to start denying how we really feel and end up in trouble again ( I did that about 3 months ago briefly).
          Coffe cup cheers to Kathy, Zin and the merry crew to come
          be well friends...
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Tuesday, Sept. 11

            Good evening - had a full on day at work, worst over for now but still got shitloads to do this week.
            Did well in my presentation to inspectors today so that's the main thing. I'm off to cinema later, friend who is driving has said we go for drink first.
            I would rather not as I'm tired I may be tempted to drink.
            I am one day at a time with this now, otherwise i seem to panic and trip myself up, so it's day 2 for me here. I need to exercise, I want to and need to to lose weight but I need it to get rid of my tension. Promised myself that I will run at the gym tomorrow and do weights, and go to spinning on Friday, yoga/pilates on Saturday and a run on Sunday.
            It makes me eat better too.
            anyway good evening all - day 15 no smoking for me - it feels good to be able to say that.
            Hopefully soon it will be day 15 within my calorie limit (1500 so not that low really) AND AF XX
            one day at a time


              Tuesday, Sept. 11

              Hi Everybody,
              It's going to take a bit to get eveyone straight. Thanks for the encouragement though. Today is 8 days AF for me. It's rainy and cloudy here today but I like those days once in a while. It kinda slows everyone down and makes things peaceful. I have things I really should be doing as far as errands but have been procrastinating. I am waiting on an appointment right now but the person hasn't shown up....guess I'll wait another half hour but can't waste the whole day here.
              Guess I just wanted to say I'm grateful to have you guys here to talk to and really what a blessing it is to be AF. Hope todays a good one


                Tuesday, Sept. 11

                Only day 2 here...only 2:30 in the afternoon so not too bad right now. It is that 4:30 to 8pm time that I really struggle, so I am nervous about how I will be in a little while. I want to be close to the boards and hope I can find some wonderful people on chat a little later because that saved my ass last night. I actually put myself on the drink tracker for the first time as well, hoping that may help as incentive. I guess we will see. This is tough. It is all mental, but really tough. However, the optomism from some of the AF'ers here is really inspiring me to forge ahead and get through this time. And, I have got to focus on short-term good things, like how great it felt to wake up this morning. That was a lift!

                Ok, hope you are all having a wonderful day.

                formerly known as bak310


                  Tuesday, Sept. 11

                  hello friends

                  I used to be a regular here and had done the whole MWO programme as per RJ, 100%, with amazing success. However, the combination of a) a shite divorce and b) a well meaning friend whose husband works in the pharmaceutical industry begging me to get off topa means that the whole thing has totally unravelled for me. Topa, for me, is the key. and mods are a creeping ruin.

                  I am now back on 2 bottles of wine a day - one in the day time, starting roughly mid day. another after the kids are in bed. It sucks. I hate it.

                  However, I KNOW this programme works. I have just ordered more topa on-line and will go and buy all the supps tomorrow. Anyone new - take heart - this works, but you can not come off the wagon without consequences (altho I have had more stress than some I guess).

                  Anyway, am gonna start 30 days AF tomorrow guys. Will be hard, based on previous experience, wihout the topa (marvellous miracle drug that it is) but I am so sick of being loaded all the time.

                  God bless you all. I am happy to be back

                  Rip x


                    Tuesday, Sept. 11

                    hey- checking back later AF here!
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Tuesday, Sept. 11

                      Me too! Quick check..... Rip and Beth, good on you. We're right behind you cheering you on!
                      Lots of love all round.
                      FMF x
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        Tuesday, Sept. 11

                        Hello All, It's good to hear from everyone. I love to read your posts Mary. I think the drink thoughts will be with us for a long time because drinking was such a big part of our lives. It's almost ingrained into our thought process and The Beast will use everything in it's power to make "having just one" appear glamorous, relaxing, harmless, nostalgic, etc. We just have to remain diligent and know we can never go back. I know for me, there is no such thing as mods, and that will never change... Don


                          Tuesday, Sept. 11

                          Hi all, Thanks for all your comments, I have been thinking of alcohol a lot, and I guess that is expected because its only day two AF. Today is especially hard because I'm working pms (3-11 pm) and I have to be home alone while the bars and stores are still open. I wish I had my internet set-up at home, so that I can visit mwo, but I can only do that at work for now. Hopefully, I will think of all of you and that will give me enough strength to make it through the night. Back to working nights tomorrow, I hope to have good news. Thank you all again.


                            Tuesday, Sept. 11

                            Hi Beth and Ripley,

                            Beth, I know that evenings are hard, so I scheduled myself to work later in the evening at first so that I would have less time to dwell on drinking. Is there any way you could mix up your schedule a bit at first? It can really help.

                            Ripley, I remember you. Sorry that your friend's husband had his way with you about the topa!! I'm also sorry about your divorce. Most of the time divorce is crappy, even if it is the right thing to do. I'm glad you've come back, and I hope that we can give you the support you deserve.

                            Everything is okay here.

                            Oops, missed you John; we were posting at the same time. Welcome and good luck!


                            AF as of August 5th, 2012

