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Morning Star....
only have a minute-not looking forward to work today. I did an "oops" & had paperwork at home that people were looking for. Gee wish I had time to elborate more.
Have A GREAT AF Day!:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
Morning starlight and knya and breez(hope you have a good work day - you'll feel better about the oops once you are there)
I have been reading when I can here but not posting the last few days- just so busy trying to catch up at work after being out for last week with moving my parents. I am just starting to get back into a little of my routine and have luckily slept well the last two nights.
A good friend called me this morning and said it was time for a girls night out ('we need a few drinks' is what she said).
I think my friends figured I was just stopping drinking for a little while but that it's time to start again. This is the second friend suggesting this to me. I have a feeling I may disappoint them a little. I even thought about saying - "nope, I'm stopping for a year" But then what about after a year? My year is coming up next month.
Well, I suppose I'll figure it out. I don't want to 'try out' drinking again.
Happy Friday everyone!!
Hi lisa,
A year next month is such a commendable accomplishment.......hope you`re enormously proud of yourself.
Would like to think that I`ll never try drinking again.........who knows, perhaps after a lengthy AF spell, some of us could moderate, but one night`s drinking could easily lure us back to our old ways..........seems like too much of a recipe for disaster to me.
Starlight Impress x
Good morning fellow absters: Star losing track of how many days you have is a good sign because it means they are piling up. Lisa, I know what you mean about what you tell friends you used to drink with. I was telling people I gave it up for 30 days to clean out my system. I'll have six months AF on Oct 9 so that's getting old. Ski season is comming up and we have guests over every weekend all winter. In fact, I don't believe I myself have ever spent a sober night at our ski house. I'm already thinking about it. I'm planning on telling people that I just want to be in really go shape for skiing this year. Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, no sense stressing over it today because today its a beautiful day out and I'm clear eyed to enjoy it.
Hi Breeze and Paula and everybody else.
Be well all.
Good to see you all! Of course, I'm running out the door, but couldn't resist checking. Now I want to post, but I can't be late. Right on Lisa! I'm proud of you! It's good to see everyone's commitment to sobriety. I'll be back on later.
Smooches for everyone. xoxox
KathyAF as of August 5th, 2012
Morning Glories!'ve come so far! I'm very proud and happy for you.
I think I'll start working on plans for another confetti parade!! Remember the one you had when you were first starting out ? Hang on to that feeling and determination.
Hi to everyone here and to come.
Dove hunting season starts here tomorrow. "The good ole boys" will be here in droves! Waaaa hooooo!
I think Belle and I will find somewhere ELSE to be!
Otherwise, I have a few plans of my own to visit with the dil and do some "Hunting season" (NOT) shopping!
FYI....that is when the girls go do "girly" getting nails done and go places that the boys don't like to go.
Thank you for continued thoughts and prayers on the upcoming deployment. Just staying busy praying for the best.
There are some interesting things on Joel Rosenberg the "take" on this war. It has opened my eyes to the different levels of Islam and the "dangerous" breakaways and their plans for the west(USA )
Hope and Peace to all..
:h Nancy"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10
Aloha Friday ABland!!
Kyna nice to meet you!
well, turned in my key yesterday so I'm officially unemployed....eeeeek! got interviews Monday though so things should be working out fine. My new coping skills are sure a comfort...times like this prior to March of this year and I would be stressing out and abusing myself with hangovers.
worked out super hard last night which was wonderfull, although limping today...ow!
Barry, you reminded me that I'm going to go skiing this year if at all possible...been a long time.
Be well everyone!!nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Hi Everyone: It was a super busy day w/my g-sons, hubby, & pup. It was tiring but great fun. I would never have been able to do it under the influence or hungover. Today is the kind of day the we'll file in our memory box. Thank God for my sobriety. Mary (day 67)Wisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
hi again
Nancy - Boy do I remember my confetti party. I believe it was 10 days af. I needed something to celebrate...mostly to just keep me going...and that sure helped.
Starlight - thanks for the nice words - I can hardly believe I'm almost at a year either.
kathy - hope it was a great day - :l
barry- I kinda thought what you thought...I'll worry about it later and I'm sure the words will come to me.
It kinda does seem crazy to even consider trying drinking. I have not been able to fool myself into believing it would be a good idea yet!
Thank goodness! And thank all of YOU!
Quick work story. We are selling our property to new ownership. We had some water damage done to some rooms and the new owners were coming to inspect it today.
Our director of engineering was on vacation so our dir of marketing and the eng supervisor went to show the rooms. Later the dir of marketing told me what had happened.
When they all got in the elevator she, dir of marketing ( and the new owner) could distinctly smell alcohol on the eng supervisor.
He was late meeting them, he was disorganized and he smelled of alcohol.
I was bothered because it was embarassing the dir of marketing and it was embarassing for the property....but I felt really bad for the supervisor. It brought back some memories of feeling sick and hungover at work and I thought - I hope he gets some help - and then I thought "I'm not going to drink tonight"
So whatever day you are on today --Congratulations, and remember this is so much better than spending the day drunk or spending it hungover!
ANyway...Love to all of you :h
Wow, meaningful story, Lisa. That could have been me for sure. It sure reinforces sobriety for me. Hope you find a way to handle your friendships that used to involve drinking.
Nancy, a confetti parade for Lisa sounds like great fun! Let's have a partay! I remember eating dove jambalaya when I lived down south. Ugh! Why people bother to shoot those little birds and then eat them is beyond me! (I hope you don't love eating them.:blushAnyway, I think it's a great plan for you and Belle to get out of there.
Sorry I can't say hi to everyone personally today. I've had a busy, frustrating day, but it was a good one. I got a lot accomplished that I needed to, and Maddy's computer FINALLY got delivered, so all is right with the world.
Love you all! :h
KathyAF as of August 5th, 2012
Hi Everyone!! It's almost 11pm and I'm just now getting on the computer for the first time today. Didn't get home until 6:00 and then my wife and I went out to dinner with our 2 sons and their girlfriends. We haven't seen my oldest son since Christmas, he is here for a couple days in between jobs. Had a nice dinner, I had a virgin bloody mary which was great! Didn't miss drinking a bit. Usually I would have had 3-4 drinks with dinner. It was nice not drinking.
I haven't had a chance to go on chat for a few days and haven't been posting as much as usual either. I think I'm going through MWO!
I have been reading some posts quickly the past few days and it seems like some people who have been AF for a while are talking alot about thinking of drinking. Not drinking, just thinking about it. I don't really know what to think of this: 1. Is this normal after being AF for some time? 2. Is this The Beast working it's magic and people aren't recognizing it? 3. Do they REALLY think they could moderate? (of course they can't, maybe 1 in 100). I don't know. It just seems to be contagious or a pattern..or..4. Could The Beast possibly be using this site as a breeding ground for "thinking about drinking"?....interesting...
Day 35 here and all is well. Hope everyone stays strong and has a good weekend..