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Sunday-September 16th

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    Sunday-September 16th

    Good morning everyone. Sorry for not posting yesterday. I got on a filing fling. Put on the TV and kept on dragging over piles of papers to sort through and file. I got a lot done, finally. I can see the top of my desk, at least on one side.

    I just read yesterday's thread, and I love the M&M's analogy. I couldn't think of anything better than trying to eat just one M&M. Just not possible for me!

    Good on you for your microbrewery trip Deter. It's good to think of yourself as a positive influence, eh??

    Maybe in a totally different lifestyle, I might be able to consider mods; i.e., not single, my partner being a light drinker, having lots of other things to do, pretty happy with my life, etc. I know that where I am right now, moderation is most likely impossible. It is soooo much easier just staying sober, and I am much happier with myself. I don't even really have a time-line goal at this point, except to stay sober. I just don't drink alcohol. Period. What is it that MikeUpNorth used to say? "Not an option." I miss him.

    Anyhoo. I've got to run down to the university today (only 50 miles away) and deliver Maddy's computer to her, as it has FINALLY arrived. I think we will have lunch together too. Verrrry nice.

    Anyway, love to all of you, have a great AF day!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Sunday-September 16th

    Kathy: I posted this thread earlier & was probably typing while you were. Sorry. I don't know how to paste it here. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Sunday-September 16th

      retteacher;195818 wrote: Hi Everyone: I hope all is well w/you. Isn't it great to have a new way to celebrate the weekends? The weather here is fantastic, so something outdoor will be fun later. I'm beginning to tell myself that I can really have a great life wo/alcohol. This is a first for me. I was afraid to make that life-time committment. But when I look at the menu life has to offer, I can just eliminate alcohol. I do not want to go back to where I was when I was drinking...especially the last 2 years. The shame & guilt were almost worse than the physical distress. I can look people in the eyes today & know that I'm not harboring a dark secret. Have a great day! Mary
      Here ya go, Mary!!

      Have a lovely Sunday,

      AF April 9, 2016


        Sunday-September 16th

        Hi, Kathy, Mary & Cindi, and all to follow. Just peeked outside and it's another lovely day. Hope to sit on the deck for a bit this afternoon and enjoy it. Hope everybody has a great Sunday!
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          Sunday-September 16th

          Hi Kathy, Mary, Cindi, Hannah and all those yet to come.
          Rainy day in Glasgow.......but my mood is ever so sunny.

          Am 7 wks. sober today.......Yippeeeeeeeeee

          Like you said Kathy, drinking is simply "not an option"........who needs it, eh?

          Life is so much more fun without the guilt, the hangovers and the "hammered" bank account!!! lol

          Much love to all,

          Starlight Impress x


            Sunday-September 16th

            Hi Everyone! Hope all is well in AFville! Day 37 here and couldn't be happier!


              Sunday-September 16th

              Hey all: Just stopped by to say hi to you all.

              Like many of you, I don't believe that mods will be an option for me, but I'm not quite ready to think about not alcohol, ever,ever again, so I'll just keep pluggin away.

              Love and Peace


                Sunday-September 16th

                Happy Sunday ABers!
                hoping your Sunday is restful and satisfying.
                Glad to be at home today catching up on the house and relaxing a bit.
                Tried the new chat last night and it was a hoot...has sound effects and all.
                ah yes, the mod vs ab forever mental battle is a tough one...and who can say? we've seen a lot of exceptions to the "rules". just takes a lot of self honesty and keeping our eyes wide open. One thing is for sure...AB's is definately simpler.
                be well you all....
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Sunday-September 16th

                  OK I am in!

                  Hi All,
                  Day 1 for me and feeling pretty positive! Know the hard stuff will start in a few days.
                  Love you all!
                  Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                    Sunday-September 16th

                    Hello everyone,
                    ...That really struck me... being able to look everyone in the eye and know that one is not harboring a dark secret. I feel like i've been doing that for way too long. The excuses for not starting the 30 days of abs just won't quit.... I'm tired of feeling jittery until noon, and worried about what i don't remember about last night.

                    So today is day one. (Again). Wish me luck...

                    My new mantra: If not today, then when?



