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Good morning! Enjoy your therapy today Starlight!
I'm ramping up to a very busy work time so just wanted to say hello. It is that time of year again for business plans and budgets yippee!
But the weather is gorgeous now and it is supposed to be a spectacular Fall - I want to take a quick trip to the north georgia mountains this year. Bet it is beautiful.
Have a great Af Wed!
Star: 52 Days!! Fantastic!! Enjoy your shopping trip...get some nice things for yourself. When I stopped drinking, I enjoyed shopping so much more, because I didn't feel guilty about all the wasted booze money. I feel strong & will keep my sobriety as my most important goal for myself today. 52 Days!! It bears repeating. Fantastic, Terrific, Wonderful!!! Love, MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
Hi Starlight, Lisa and all to come,
Starlight, congrats on your 52 days. You sound so positive and upbeat, it's contagious. I'm glad you're feeling so good. I'll be with you in spirit during your therapy session today!
Lisa, sounds like you're getting ready for all the work to be done. I bet you'll be seeing more of your folks, too. I hope you'll have time to check in here periodically at least. Otherwise, I'll have a bad case of Lisa withdrawal.
Nothing much new here. I'm glad that we are spoiled enough here to be a two computer household, so that while my computer is sick, I can use Maddy's old desktop to get online. I will have to take my computer over to the shop I suppose. What a pain in the *ss! But at least I'm not deprived of my MWO fix everyday. THAT would be truly traumatic!
I met with my psychiatrist yesterday, and he said something quite touching to me. He said that for all my struggles with booze, he had the feeling that one day I would get a handle on it. I was really moved, since I had thought that he was just getting frustrated with me.
Anyway, on with my day. I woke up late, so I've got to get cracking.
Hugs to all,:l
Hi Mary, we were posting together! Have a great day.AF as of August 5th, 2012
AFM - thanks for remembering - everything here rushes around and it's all too easy to 'forget' events have happened.... Yes, I hope you're OK Breez. Come back and tell us what happened no matter what - we're still here for you.
FMF x:heart:c: :heart:
"Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."
52 days is fantastic. Enjoy your "shopping therapy"(I like that term). However, shopping is something that I would consider a punishment. I guess this is typical, but for me it's get in, find the right size, payfor it, and get out.
Way to go!!"uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"
Good morning ABteam! way to go on the personal records Starlight!
Lisa your trip to the north GA mountains is really bringing back memories from when I lived in the Blairsville area waaaaay up in the pretty there.
Well, my huge sparring partner last night did me in Im afraid. i won the match but my knee snapped in a really creepy way and now this morning I can't walk very well and in a lot of pain....dammit! Better ice it down and call my doc I guess. This time last year my automatic "coping skill" for pain would be to start chugging the least some things have changed for the better
Be well friends and do some retail therapy for me!nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Good morning all! I don't usually have the luxury of being able to post when the boards are actually active - usually late at night when everybody else has packed it in for the day. But - day off today - so able to say to everybody "Have a great day"! Enjoy your shopping trip, Starlight - you deserve to treat yourself w something special. D, hop knee feels better soon. You and Satori seem to be very hard on yourselves! "lo to everyone else, and all who follow.The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
Hi all: Long day today of meetings, I had to sit next to a guy at a conference table today who had a few adult beverages either with or for lunch, the smell was literally making me feel nauseous. His face was all puffy, eyes red and skin grey from smoking I'll bet. I felt really sorry for him, there seemed to be so much pain there. I just felt like reaching out to him and saying there is a better way but of course I didn't say anything but the guy's face stuck with me---that was my face five and a half months ago. Life is what it is, it is not going to be rosy everyday but to be free of the burden of the bottle and be relaxed and not have that awful alcohol face is making me the happiest I have ever been. Thanks.
Be well.
Hi again-
Kathy- I love having my parents here. And their new neighborhood is perfect - nice neighbors and they all do stuff together too.
Deter- I will try to take some pictures in the mts and post them here. I do know Blairsville.
Wow - you have been everywhere!
Welcome iowegian! Nice to meet you
Breez- hope it went ok ... we do need a report
barry- I've had a few of those eye opening situations happen to me too. Kind of makes you sad for the other person but relieved
not to be there with them.
oh...btw- anyone watching Dancing with the Stars this season? I'm all about Wayne Newton this year....whose with me??