Hello everyone,
Rob, thanks for keeping track of our AF days

I'm hanging in there getting close to The Day. Congrats to all of you who are doing so well! Indigosky it looks like we'll both be celebrating 30 next Wednesday. Rustop, I see tomorrow's your big day! I agree with starting a new thread on Oct 1st to attract new people. Great idea July23.
We're leaving for a weekend trip two days after my 30 day abs ends. I plan to have wine with my dinner the nights we're eating in restaurants. Since I made that decision I find myself thinking about it. A lot. The past few weeks when I knew I wouldn't be drinking I practically forgot about it. Now I'm having fantasies of that first sip of red wine and how it will feel on my lips and that first rush of euphoria as it reaches my brain. Maybe I'm not as far as I thought I was on my road to moderation

FMF, I hope I'm able to have the power that you have. I really enjoyed your post.