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    Sorry to be so quiet. Have had no time to post, and only a flying check in now. Thanks for all your comments re: the sale of our house and the impending move. That's what I'm occupied with. Agents coming to do appraisals on the house tomorrow and you should see my list of jobs today!

    Tomorrow's D day! 30 Days!
    Love to you all out there who are doing so well!



      Hi everybody - quick hello and good night!

      Wow, this post has really taken off! So good to see!
      Sorry for my gloomy post this morning. I did feel sorta down all day, then my son phoned me up and invited me over to watch a movie - Now this is a milestone, he had never had a place before that he wasn't sharing with other guys, so wasn't free to do that sort of thing - you can imagine what a downer it would be for a bachelor pad fulla guys to have one of them invite HIS MOTHER!!!!! over. So did go, watched a silly movie, came home, phoned hubby and had a visit (he's in Calgary till Tuesday) and then checked in here.

      Son's move went okay. I went over and lined the kitchen cupboards with shelf liner, and unpacked all the dishes and set up the kitchen. Meanwhile, son and friends were hauling furniture, and setting stuff up. Hubby showed up to pick me up at 5:00 and that's when we went out for supper. He left this morning for Calgary, and I was in that blue funk most of the day. I cleaned up the garage, amazing how empty it seems now that all son's boxes are gone - and brought a few odds and ends I found over to his place and I guess he could tell I was kinda down - he told me he was afraid Guerrino had passed away and I just didn't want to say anything in front of his gf (because her Mom is going through tests right now, they think she may have intestional cancer). So he phoned me after she had gone back to her Mom's and invited me for the movie. I must say, if I have done one thing completely right in my life, it's my son. He is a great kid/young man. :h

      Anyhoooooooo, enough about me.

      Kyna - I noticed your post is after midnight, and we are officially into Monday now. So my count is right, and Tuesday is your big day? Also for Benno and Londoner - WOW - does it seem like a month? Awesome, dudes! (or dudettes!) That's gonna be a parteeeee!

      And - lest we forget - today, (Monday) is July's 60th! Drop by his party thread and join the fun! CONGRATULATIONS JULY!!!! Well done! You are a man of few words, but very astute and wise in your observations. Your wife is a lucky woman.

      Indigosky - Good for you on dumping the Booze! I've always said there is nothing more cleansing than dumping liquor down the drain! Makes a real statement, and no, not a waste at all!! Hope bil shows up tomorrow with chair, it's a bummer to wait on people, has never been something I do well!

      Rob - you have some very astute observations, and you are bang on. However, last time hubby and I went AF (10 solid years) we were in it together. And it worked, and the balance was much better than this time around. I'm used to it being him and me against the world, so to speak, but the balance is shifting - it's much too much him and his job against the world, and me as a sideline, not a position I am very happy with. Well, here I am again, whining and snivelling - STOP IT HANNAH!

      By the way, Rob, thanks to you also for being such a great and important contributor to our little thread. You have a way of seeing things very clearly, and explaining it well. We all are important pieces of the whole - but the sum of all of us is so much more than each individual - so THANKS to everyone who puts their two cents worth in here!

      Chief - Glad to hear about the run - hope you manage to upload the pics. If you have a any photo software on your computer, you may be able to downsize the pixels in your pic - even somewhat - and then the MWO site can convert it the rest of the way. Otherwise, you can run off an actual photo of yourself, and then scan that - this will reduce the pixels as well. Good luck, and looking forward to seeing the pics!

      Well, gotta go order some party hats and noise makers! "Nite all!"

      Still hangin' in there at 67 days AF
      Attached files [img]/converted_files/333996=1940-attachment.jpg[/img]
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.



        Quick hello after my morning read.... MWO with start to the day!

        Just thinking..... After being AF a wee while (30 days-ish) I 'saw' things in my relationship(s) and that they weren't actually booze related... The booze had simply numbed them out like so much else. They became another bunch of things to suffer at the hands of ARA - alcohol related apathy.

        They'd been there all along really. Some did improve directly from AF but the others.....

        A book I swear by is Relationship Rescue by Dr. Phil McGraw..... Especially if it can be read 'together'... In it all the 'stuff'' that puts things askew is laid out clearly (to me anyways!).... and reading it since I can see that magnify that lot with booze as well..... whoa!!

        Hope it might help......

        Back later!

        Love FMF xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



          Good morning everyone.

          Wow yesterdays posts were really interesting. A lot of us have so much in common. Its great when someone brings things up like Lindzee re the hubby issue. I guess we are all on a journey and some are further on than others. Happy 60th July.
          Like you Lindzee myself and my hubby have been drinking partners and have had great fun together. However, he has an off button and I dont so I figure since I am the one with the problem I have to deal with it. Yet it is hard to sit there while he continues to drink wine, especially at the week-ends. Its very early days for me yet, Day 24 so I am just taking it day by day at this stage. I think it was you who asked if anyone was using the cd's. I am and am finding them very relaxing. I dont have the repeat button either so I try and play the sleep one for an hour before falling asleep usually while I am reading. I dont know if I am really hypnotised or not but they are relaxing so I will use them for at least a month.

          Hope you are feeling better today Hannah. Glad you enjoyed the movie at your sons. It must be nice to have them reared and have a good relationship with them. I have two teenagers 13 and 15 at the moment so at times its wonderful and at other times Aaaahhh!!

          Have had my morning walk so I think I'll go and listen to my cd's, today is a busy day with them. Have a great Monday everyone.




            Quick a.m. checkin - how I would love to just sit here and cruise the boards, but must go to work (darn). FMF - I am sure you are right - even the best marriage has a few glitches, and they prob seem more apparent wo the alcohol to gloss things over. I guess I just wonder sometimes which is the better scenario? No worries - no plans to slip, just an observation!

            Have a good day, everyone!
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.



              here I am again

              Hello All --

              I have been a part of MWO for some time & hecticness gets in the way & when that happens that is when my wine consumptions increases... then I come back...

              Alot of folks I have seen in this thread are new to me and there is some good stuff happening! I am a 39 year old female that has experienced too much change at once these past 2 years -- moved for a new job after ending a marraige, was promoted (did not look for the promotion) after 8 months was in a dysfunctional relationship for a year after moving here -- met him online as we were both moving to this college town... realized he was bad for me so I dumped him & have since met a wonderful man who does not drink. But I can't seem to kick it. I am lonely but when I have reached out to people here I am a finding that I don't share anything in common.

              I know what I need to do -- I even had over 50 days AF back in May / June... but it creeps back... so I am stillcrawling...



                Hi everyone,

                Like Kyna I have been very busy of late and am starting a new job tomorrow. I will make some time to post properly during the week. Things are going well and in some ways the 29 days seems like it has been a couple of years so much seems to have happened. So much has changed for the better.

                Take care all,




                  Hi Guys,
                  It's a beautiful morning here. Can't believe my brother in law sunk low enough to apparently rip me off. Never showed up with my money and no one knows where he is. I guess we'll eventually hear from him. I think he enjoys this kind of crap. I don't know how my sister puts up with this stuff. This is the stuff that I put up with for years and believe me, it makes you want to use. Now if I can't find someone to help me pick up that chair I'll have to pay 75 to have it delivered. Honestly I wasn't being sarcastic though about it being a beautiful day though...have to look on the bright side of things right ? That's what keeps us going. I have to get ready to go to the dentist, oh yeah...what fun. Guess at least i'll get a walk in today. Today is 21 days AF by the grace of God.

                  "Nature has given us one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear
                  from others twice as much as we speak"
                  Epictetus, a Greek Sage


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE NEW THREAD 9/23

                    Good mornin' fellow absters.

                    Holy cow, am I reading this right Hannah? We have 3 count 'em 3 Bodacious Booze Busters celebrating tomorrow? :wow: I've gotta get busy pulling down the :award: s and gettin them shined up for the party!

                    Kyna, Benno and Londoner, where does the time go? I'm looking forward to your posts tomorrow.

                    Indigo-I'm so glad to hear that you were able to dump that booze and not drink it especially with the frustration of having to wait for your no show bil.

                    Hannah-I really hope you can figure out a way to reconnect with your husband. It sounds as if your husband is your best friend and at the moment he's distracted with his job. I've not read Dr.Phils relationship book but it sounds like something you might want to look into.

                    hope you're having safe travels.

                    Stillcrawling- Looks like you've had an eventful year. I'm getting a mixed message here. You want to be here but you have nothing in common with any of us? I guess the one thing we do have in common is the desire to remain abstinent, so that's a starting point. I think that if you come here and share yourself on a regular basis you will not only find that we have much in common, but also you will find wonderful support that will help you to reach your goal of abstinence.

                    Hope everyone has a great monday.

                    Love and Peace


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE NEW THREAD 9/23

                      I know that Doggie Girl likes this thread. Where are you Doggie Girl? I miss you. If you're doing great, I applaud you. If you are having any problems, I have them too. Mary PS: The newbies in need thread is still there if you want to check in once in a while.
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE NEW THREAD 9/23


                        Talk to everyone here girlie :-)

                        They're (we're:-)) a great bunch of people who start to get to know each other with one great thing in common as Rob said: the desire to beat the booze!

                        I bet you'll find that you have loaaaaaaaaaaaads in common other than that - relationships, lifestyle, maybe kids maybe not, friends, landlords, exhorbitant mortgages, travelling, staying in one place, music, reading, careers, home workers, hubbies, sticky relatives, the list goes on and on and on and on and on :-)

                        Suppose you've got to reach out a little for someone to see your hand - there's always someone here though.

                        Be well, come back,

                        Thread slightly hijacked sorry booze busters won't do it again ;-)



                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE NEW THREAD 9/23

                          Happy Monday all you Booze Busters!

                          I brought up the hubby problem yesterday because I?m interested in hearing how other people handle this problem. I love to hear other points of view. Thank you for all the good feedback! Funny thing happened yesterday after I posted. I went for a walk and when I came back my in-laws had dropped in so we invited them to say & eat with us. My mother in law is a boozer (hubby inherited her genes) ?not a sloppy drunk or anything but she loves her martinis and wine and keeps up with the rest of us. Well, hubby had to share his precious wine stash with his mother, ...that really cut down on his drinking

                          July23, thanks for another male point of view. I agree with you that honest feelings should be shared. I need to tell him about my frustration but the difficult part is doing it in a tender, non-judgmental way.

                          Rob, those are all good questions your raise. I do know that in the past years I started drinking less and hubby started drinking more. Why, I don?t know. I don?t expect him to become AF ?that?s why I am doing this on my own and haven?t told him about it. I think actions/results speak louder than words and hope that when he notices the change in me he will want to join me but I haven?t asked him to. You?ve given me a lot to think about.

                          Hannah/Deb,- I know what you mean about glossing over the glitches with alcohol. In the past when I was annoyed by hubby?s goofy, buzzed, under-the-influence personality, I?d simple have another drink myself. Great logic, huh? Yeah, makes me wonder too which is the best scenario. The old way is definitely easier.

                          It sounds like you raised a really good son. Isn?t it good when your kid grows up and you can actually be friends? I raised two daughters who were hellraisers as teens. Hmm, coincidently that?s around the time I started drinking heavily. Anyway, they?re both grown up now and have children of their own. And they?re my best friends.

                          FMF, I love that phrase 'alcohol related aparthy' explains so much. I?ll look into the Relationship Rescue book. This is right up my alley since I usually turn to books for my answers before making any move to correct the problem.

                          Rustop. believe it or not I?m the one with the off button, when I chose to use it?other times I chose to go on numbing myself. Thanks for the info on the CDs. I went to sleep last night listening to the sleep CD for one hour. Maybe it?s a coincidence but I slept throught the night until the alarm went off this morning. Usually I wake up, can?t go back to sleep & have to watch infomercials for a while to make me sleepy again.

                          To all of you who posted, have a great day, night, whatever it is in your time zone.

                          Proudly on day 21 AF!


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE NEW THREAD 9/23

                            Hello Booze Busters!

                            You've heard of the last night stalkier? Well, I am the late night poster! Seems I'm always posting about the time you all are snoozing.

                            July - Wise man once said that honest talk w husband is good? Well, I screwed up my courage and phoned Hubby at his hotel tonght, and we actually had a good long talk. I came right out and asked him if, from his point of view, we had problems, if he was still happy in our marriage, etc. Had a really good talk, hung up feeling much better. He said he is sorry if he comes home at night and doesn't have much to say/doesn't have much time to do things w me so that we would have something to talk about - but the job has proven to be much more all encompassing than he had ever envisioned it to be, and he is barely keeping his head above water & doesn't see that changing soon. So doesn't change the situation a whole lot, but at least I feel better in that we aren't drifting apart because he doesn't care, it's just the situation as a whole. Makes me feel a lot better. We have gone through so much together in our almost 29 years of married life that we can weather this also, so long as "we" and still "us".
                            right on!

                            And re the driniking - he hasn't gone completely AF, it's true. Guess you could say he's moderating, and I guess that's ok too. Guess this also isn't the time for him to give it up completely. I realize that I may at some point (certainly not yet) make an attempt at a very, very, very, occasional sort of mods, maybe only when we are away on a weekend somewhere or something.

                            Wow, it's really getting late now, and I'm sorta tired, but it's a good tired today, instead of a depressed tired.

                            Indigo - congrats on staying AF through a couple of very trying days. As they say, you can pick your friends, but as for family. . . . Hope your chair finally shows up, and also the $300 you gave bil! And - hope trip to dentist went alright. I am headed there myself on Wednessday, oh joy!

                            Sorry, will just say a collective hello to Finding, Rob, July, Chief, Rustop, Lindzee, and all TOBB - have a great AF day tomorrow, and guess it's another PARTEE DAY! Yes indeedee, Kyrna, Londoner, and Benno are celebrating 30 days, and this guy :alf: is NOT invited!!!!

                            Be sure to drop in and join the fun!
                            And in case I don't say it often enough, YOUSE FOLKS ARE TOPS!

                            68 Days AF & Still Counting!inkele: Attached files [img]/converted_files/334391=1950-attachment.gif[/img]
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE NEW THREAD 9/23

                              Hi Guys

                              Well done to the three 30 Dayers and good luck with whatever path you choose to take. I have really enjoyed your threads. Well I'm on Day 25 so on the home stretch. Have been struggling the last few days but am determined to get to 30.

                              We miss you Doggy if you are reading. Hannah, Rob etc. you guys are doing a great job on keeping tabs on everyone.



                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE NEW THREAD 9/23

                                Geez, guys. Feeling very alone here. Where are all youse?:beach: :sup:

                                69 Days AF
                                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

