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Sunday~Sept 23

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    Sunday~Sept 23

    Happy Fall Ya' All!

    I can't believe there is no Sunday thread yet-get up lazy heads! I already did grocery shopping, cleaning, etc.

    Yesterday was the b-day party....wasn't that bad. Put up with the stories, the blah blahs. Only good thing was my sister-in-phoniness's friend & hubby from another state were there (they are J's godparents). Yup that's another sticky situation where my sis-in-phoniness had her 2 kids before us & not once asked my hubby to be a godfather (he's her only sibling). My hubby is hurt but won't say so.

    So their friends were there-they are so nice & a hoot. Can't believe they are great friends with my sis/bro in law. I guess opposites attract? Go figure the only people that I enjoyed the company of were not blood related. LOL!

    Anyway...then as I went into the house to say bye. "The Elders" made me feel bad b/c they were about to show the "cult's reunion" pictures. Like I want to relive that again. Anyway I say no-we got to go & make a B-Line to my hubby mouthing "let's go". Didn't work. So I sat in the kitchen as the "Elder's" relived it frame by frame (showed digital pics on TV) in the living room. Lord kill me with boredom.

    OK-enough negative talk. Did it AF & am happy about it. No one will take my power away from me again.

    Well-going to put all my statues away into storage as well as all the patio furniture (we got a gazebo, pool & patio) in preparation for winter. Ugh all that lugging. But it's a beautiful, clear blue day. We're having our Indian summer. Gotta watch out for the bees tho-they are relentless before hibernation.

    Have a great AF day everyone!
    Attached files [img]/converted_files/12642=1935-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/12642=1936-attachment.gif[/img]
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Sunday~Sept 23

    Hi Breez

    As :new: I know we haven't 'met' but I read your post and just had to say hello and well done on that occasion!

    I think you're FABULOUS for getting thru that without having a shed load of 'numbing liquids'!
    I know what it's like to CRINGE when you're around certain people in your extended family. She sounds like she carries such a destructive vibe around with her.
    It can be so tempting to have a drink so you don't care about being around her. Or have a drink so you don't notice her. Or have one cos you're feeling anxious about yourself or just stressed to be stuck there in her company. Or have one so that you can deal with her by 'sizing up to her' if she crosses you. Or have one so that you can tell her exactly what you and your husband think of her.

    I know it all so well.

    Major good news you rubbed her nose in it by hitting it off with her friends :H

    OK maybe I'm getting b****y now, shame on me, and I only just wanted to say hello and :goodjob:



      Sunday~Sept 23

      Hi Breeze. Family can be painful. It's as they say ... Friends you choose, but family you just gotta take.

      Funny, for my wedding, it's only my parents who I have invited. All the others can go to hell! Don't want them there. I made a point that I only want those people at my wedding that I really care for. All my grandparents died. So all aunts and uncles, bloody lot can go right to hell. And the cousins with them, grin ... No mercy. Having said that, with my wife (who is Spanish) I inherit a whole lot of new family. It's like with the big fat Greek wedding, ha ha. So no loss.
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        Sunday~Sept 23

        Hi Breeze, Paddy, Phoenix and all to come: Pretty lazy Sunday here, I'm just trying to eek out one last weekend of summer because of the beautiful weather here. Hey Paddy, when my wife and I got married we just went to a resort in the Caribbean for two weeks and got married there all by ourselves. Neither one of us has many relatives we are close to and we figured rather than spend a bunch of money so our friends could get drunk we would spend the money on an awesome trip and get married over there. We have our 13th anniversary on Halloween. This October will be special because I'll be six months AF on October 9, not a drop. I'm also going to be in the best shape in years for the start of ski season by the end of October, skiing is the only thing I can do really well so I really enjoy it, hope I can do it till I'm 80.
        Be well.


          Sunday~Sept 23

          Top of the Sunday ABland!

          Breez, you have earned your combat medals for AF under fire again! My Dad used to break out the dreaded slide machine when I was a seemed like an eternity.
          Phoenix, welcome sounds like your already fitting in like family (good family
          Paddy, good idea keeping the wedding to those who count. thats what Dx and I did and it was great...we had about 20 people at our wedding total.
          Barry, lemme know if you come to Tahoe to ski and we'll get together...I haven't been in like 8 years but if I can get my darn knee healed up I really want to go this year.
          I'm moving into unknown territory 95 and feeling just fine. Cut back on the sugar again and feeling great. going to have to figure out some kind of exercise that doesn't require my knee for a few more days at least.
          Be well me loverlies
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Sunday~Sept 23

            Hi All,

            I just got back from a visit to my friend's lake house. I missed being connected and also enjoyed not having "real" TV or anything, either (the cell phones worked though). I had a lot of fun walking and going out on the boat with her, but I also faced a lot of temptation today. I brought what I thought was plenty of AF wine, even an extra bottle for her, because I know she would like to mix the real stuff with the AF. It wasn't enough though, cause she REALLY ENJOYED mixing the AF stuff with her wine. She was also drinking a bit of wine, too, however. So it was all gone, and I was surrounded by the real McCoy. Boy oh boy, did I want some!! It was calling my darn name. I just kept drinking coffee, water, anything else. The booze beast was talking to me big time. I did manage to get out without caving though, and I feel proud about that. Phew! I had a great time besides the cravings, but I am soooo glad to be home.

            Breez, good on you for making a decent time of it with your in-laws, and doing it AF to boot! I hope you got a lot done today. You should be really proud of yourself.

            :welcome: Phoenix. I'm looking forward to seeing you around more.

            How are you Paddy? I feel like it's been forever since I've "seen" you! I hope you enjoy all of your new family.

            Barry, I love to ski too. You make me want to start working out the old legs! Congratulations on your almost 6 months of sobriety. Six months seems so far away, and with facing heavy temptation today, I feel a little rattled. I hope to be where you are soon. Keep up the good work!

            Deter, I hope your knee improves. Have you seen a doctor? You are almost at 100 days, and that is wonderful. I'm glad you are feeling good about it.

            Anyway, time to hit the sack. Back to the grind tomorrow. :upset:


            AF as of August 5th, 2012

