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Wednesday, Sept. 26

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    Wednesday, Sept. 26

    Hi Everyone: I've been doing a lot of thinking. I really feel that for me to stay sober, I must live life openly & honestly. If I'm tired or feel burdened or am annoyed, I must express that. I can't go around harboring resentment. That is what triggers a drinking bout. It's not in my nature to be open. I keep a lot in, & I think after a while I just feel I need a break. That's where a day of drinking comes in.

    Just for today, I will not drink. I will stay sober & will do whatever it takes to stay that way. If I need to express my feelings, I'll do that. Bottling them up is not a good thing for me.

    Thanks everyone for being there. I could never be doing this wo/you all. I'm working on the ODAT method for staying sober & feel very hopeful. In fact, we have an ODAT thread in newbies. If anyone is struggling, please feel free to check it out. Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Wednesday, Sept. 26

    Morning All-

    Mar-I have had so much resentment re:my past(alcoholic functioning dad)-but you know what-let it roll off your sleeve. It is too draining to try & change something that can't be changed.

    I can change today. Today I choose my destiny. Much hugs Mary...I already see a change in you.

    Day off today....well got to catch up on cleaning. Can I tell you about my lunch yesterday?!! Well you all know I can take or leave my sis-in phoniness & her hubby-well-during lunch yesterday (we eat at our desks since there is no place to eat) anyway this one person comes to my desk & goes "this is Breez's working lunch" & proceeds to throw her yearbook in my face with my sis/bro in phoniness's pics (she graduated with them). She is reliving her youth of over 20 yrs with me stuck saying "that's nice". UGH-total torture! Now I was the phony saying nice things about my phony-in-laws! You had to be there.

    Anyway-about to get babes off to school.

    Have a great AF day everyone!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Wednesday, Sept. 26

      Hi Mary, Breez and All to come

      You're right, it's good to be true to yourself (and to a certain extent to others, as far as they deserve it) regards to the alcohol problem. It helped me heaps, from day 1 I recognized I had a drinking problem, about two years ago, I talked two my folks about it. Mum's got a drinking problem. She hasn't come to the conclusion yet that she's got a problem, but my dad really is onto it. And, though he doesn't talk much, I'm sure he respects me for doing what I do.

      I've been frank from the beginning with my fianc?e on what I'm doing, also with why I'm trying to practice total abstinence, from alcohol that is, ha ha. (,-))) It's really important. Of course, when it comes to friends, real friends, I have been quite honest about it, too. But that's as far as it goes. Others don't deserve more, as they would just tear your reputation down or misrepresent you.

      Sorry, Breez, so you're still dealing with your hubby's folks ... Mamma Mia. This frog-folks won't go away, ha ha. I'm just trying to keep my keep my fianc?e's family out of the house, the week before the wedding ... They already want to crash the party before it even started. (that's in December) They should be around twenty pple. I'm only bringing mum and dad, ha ha. Go figure ...

      Oh, by the way, I'm on day 10 AF!
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        Wednesday, Sept. 26

        :l Paddy!'s been a week! LOL! Congrats on10!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Wednesday, Sept. 26

          Hump day it is ABerooonies! Half way through for you working folks

          Wise observation Mary. Knowing myself is so difficult and so important that I use it as my sig line as a reminder.
          Breez, you are da champ! putting up with the barrage of doodoo in style.
          Paddy is celebrating 10 woooooo!
          Feeling a bit better today which is good...gotta go to town and get some things for the house...we were just going to pain the bedroom but you know how it we are replacing the windows, window sills, lights, adding ceiling fan etc.....
          Be well me loverlies!!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Wednesday, Sept. 26

            Hi Fellow abstainers

            What you said is very true Mary and I am on a learning curve at the moment. I did not want to continue living as I had for so long and am trying to do something about it. Physically and spiritually MWO is looking after me and mentally the counselling is helping. One day at a time I will get there.

            Love your description of the phoney-in-laws Breeze and enjoy your stories about them. Well on Day 26 so nearly at the magic 30. I cannot believe it every time I go into drink tracker and see all the 0's. Its such a useful tool especially when you go back to the months you were drinking, it helps put it all in perspective. Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.



              Wednesday, Sept. 26

              Hi All!

              It's good to see everyone so positive here today. I think that all of us are learning to take better care of ourselves, and that is a good thing. I finally went to the doctor today and got my shoulder looked at. It is the rotator cuff, but not too serious at this point. Lots of naprosin, ice, and physical therapy is the recommendation. I feel so much better for having gone. Not looking forward to the physical therapy though, but at least there is a place right down the street that appears to take my insurance.

              Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say hi! So hi to reteacher, Breez, Paddy, Deter, and Rustop. You're all doing great!

              See you all tomorrow. My computer is being a jerk again--thank goodness I have a "spare"!


              AF as of August 5th, 2012

