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Monday Oct. 1

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    Monday Oct. 1

    Good morning glories!

    I'm getting a early start here today.
    I joined a fittness-wellness club and I'm off and running...Or rather doing water stuff with some other old gals!
    It's fun so far and just what I needed to take my mind off the deployment here.
    I hope you all have a great day.
    Love you,
    :l Nancy "Belle"
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    Monday Oct. 1

    G'day Nancy,

    Great to read you. I was thinking about you the other day. I thought, what's happening to ole Nancy? Haven't read her in ages. I went running this morning too. Started off last week. Lenin park, which is just next door where I live. Great venue, at 31 Degrees. But as I have not been running in years, I feel like a chain smoking 80 year old. Though I have never touched cigarettes, ha, ha.

    Anyways, hope you guys have a good week - that is all the ones that will join after.
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      Monday Oct. 1

      Good Morning Nancy- and everyone else not quite up and at em yet-
      You have fun today at your class. That sounds great.

      I'm at work and ready to get started back on my budget project.
      I'm also back to working on the dating thing again too. This is harder for me than I imagined. Why am I so afraid?

      Anyway- hope Monday treats you all very well.
      Hey Paddy - posting at the same time ... good for you for doing the run.- always feels good when you stop


        Monday Oct. 1

        Hi Nancy, Paddy, Lisa and all to come.

        Starting second 30 Day stretch AF and I must say I feel a lot better 1st October than I did 1st September. Celebrated last night with a few glasses of wine, AF of course!! It was my first time trying it. I had been a bit wary in case it made me crave the real stuff. The first sip was a bit insipid but after that I got used to it and I sipped not guzzled like I would have had it been chardonny. I think I might use it and maybe AF beer for the times at night when I get a craving and hubby is there with his glass of red wine!!

        Have had a four mile walk this morning with the doggies and now have to tackle the housework, ugh!



          Monday Oct. 1

          Nancy - I am thinking of you; difficult times for you I know. Hugs.

          Lisa - I've never had the courage to follow up anything on the dating front either! Window shopping only! (And then realising that my stuff's up there and no one's 'picked me'...aaagh! Good luck to you! Be brave - you deserve a good 'purchase' !!

          Paddy - congrats on the run! Phew - hot!

          Raining here.... ugh. Walking into town in a mo ...still deciding what to do re house, job, family, money, everything!! At least in town I can think without it totally overwhelming me...too much just me in the house alone!

          Hi Rus - posting at same time! Good on you...

          Blessings all round - there is so much to be grateful for...

          Love FMF xx

          Love FMF xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Monday Oct. 1

            Good morning, everyone!

            I can't believe it's October! Amazing!

            Nancy, it's great to wake up and see you starting the thread. Glad to see that you have also joined a fitness club. It is good to fill your mind with taking care of YOU.

            Good to hear you too, Paddy. I think I would sound like you too, if I start doing any cardiovascular workout. It's good you're getting started though. Keep up the good work!

            It's wonderful to see you Lisa too. We should start a "terrified of dating" club. I wish you luck this time around. I have to get my butt back on line again, for starters. Just the thought makes my heart skip a beat.

            Congrats on 30 days Rustop! You must be proud. I'm wishing you all the best as you begin Round 2!

            FMF, I read your post yesterday about the rain. I can relate to how you were feeling. I'm glad that you are feeling a little bit brighter today. A walk into town will be good.

            Anyway, I'm up and at em now. Work starts early today.


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Monday Oct. 1

              Hi Everyone: I love that "new start" feeling w/a new month. I really want to rack up the zeros on my DrinkTracker for October. I had 2 drinking days in Sept. which kind of blotted my record for the month. Yesterday, I kept very busy, because Sundays are difficult for me. I'm usually left to my own devices (husband=football) on Sundays, & that's not a good thing. Instead, I routed him out from in front of the TV, & we went for a long hike w/our puppy. Today I feel great. I have a few social occasions coming up on the weekend that involve drinking, but I'll take those as they come. Instead, I'm taking my sobriety one day at a time w/the commitment to stay sober for life. Why would I want a different life? I feel great & look better. No hangover or bags under my eyes. Thank you everyone here at MWO. Sometimes I fear something is going to happen to MWO. I know that's kind of irrational, but it's such a big part of my recovery, I can't imagine what I'd do wo/it. Take care everyone, Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Monday Oct. 1

                Thanks for start the thread, Nancy, and very glad you joined a group of women to workout with in the water. Fun, low impact exercise and company. Can't ask more than that!! I, too, know how difficult it is for you with the deployment. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers, too.

                Paddy, I assume 31 Degrees Celcius? 88 Degrees Fahrenheit, then, and I imagine a bit humid. Ick. Good on you for taking up the exercise.

                RU, I hope at the end of this month I can say 31 days AF and you will be done with round 2 of 30 days. Whew, who would have thought a few months ago, huh?

                Lisa, Kathy, FMF - boy if something happens to my marriage, I would be like all three of you, really dreading the "dating" thing. The thought sends chills down my spine. I don't think I could do it!!

                Mary - You will see 0s all over the October Tracker. I just know it!!

                All to come, have a wonderful day.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Monday Oct. 1

                  Wow, great check ins this Monday for ABland!

                  I might have to come up with another word for Monday as they really don't seem the same without a hangover anymore can't believe how many stupid hung over Mondays I used to invite into my life....arg!

                  Belle I'm so jealous of your water workout...soon as my knee gets better I'm back at the meantime exercise has to be very carefull although it's feeling better.
                  Has anybody tried MSM for joint problems?
                  Mary, there have been times (although very INfrequently) where MWO has been unaccessable and it did throw me for a loop for a little but I just waiting it out (tapping my foot
                  Rustop, the Arial brand of N/A wine is the best I've tried and that's what I had last night with dinner....I'm really enjoying it myself and it's a good "trainer" for me to not guzzle vino. another thing I was very good at...d-oh!
                  A big happy day to the rest and all to come....gotta (carefully) move furniture as we are getting all new carpet on Wed and Thurs this week.....crazy week!!!

                  Be well freinds!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Monday Oct. 1

                    Hi all - larfing at some of the above!..... I remember seeing Dolly Parton on the TV some years ago when she was asked whether she was going to like her (long term) marriage..."Oh yes, I don't think I could break a new one in now!" she said.... funny how I've never forgotten that! Of course, love does change things so I'm not giving up yet!

                    And Deter, oh yes! I wouldn't be able to move at all without my MSM!!! Works for me where the other things don't make any difference....'glutamine' etc? Good luck to you...would gentle water movement not help? Not actually pushing with the knee in swimming but having your legs 'wafting about' as you hang on from the side.....:H I know, not very 'butch' but!.....

                    Town was good - I took a piece of paper and got a coffee and wrote all the things that could happen for things to matter that they were unlikely (finding a contact that got me into a house on a private rent so I could have a little dog and paint it (the house...!!!!!!) myself - all not allowed with renting through an agent..."No benefits, children, pets or smokers" they take people??) etc.... and got to the fact that just coz times have been tough and I'm on the benefit system, broke and single doesn't mean I am the lesser citizen that modern legislation etc makes me.... scary! We live in a world that is against prejudice and yet.... I know there are people who don't give a toss about other people's property but they don't have to be broke or on benefits! Often the richest are...well, you know...

                    So, came back deciding to just get rid of the things that are history...the excess stock in my studio and other bits and pieces from the old business....just give them to anyone who'll come down here and take them away so I have no delivery hassle. They are better off gone for no money so I can let the the past and the studio go and also not have that rent to worry about. Better than me trying to make money out of it (would be a BIG gamble there) whilst being totally tied 6 full days a week to a lonely, expensive to heat studio doing something that, with memories, could do my head in and still leave me with loads of stock... Not prepared to take the risk.... just let it go. Who knows, in the letting go...? I came up with the realisation that if the poo-y bits of our lives produce the compost for the future I had better put mine in a bigger pot with some fresh soil, climb in and start growing!!! Can't go on wandering around in the muck forever! (Me and my analogies!!! :H )

                    Might keep a few bits to paint and sell but might not; trying to sell art/crafts in art and craft saturated Cornwall is hard...if I can sell 'up-country' or get my head around ebay as some of you have kindly suggested... aagh! Just how??!?! I need another course! And I've got to let my kiln (soooh proud of that!) go really. Lot of money just sitting there. But why hang on to it? Moving it (WHEN I move!) is going to be hell! (Even grand pianos are a lot easier!! And don't need ?500's of wiring in!)

                    So, that's this afternoon anyway.... Later = ?!

                    Hope you're all doing great today... :l

                    Love to all
                    FMF xx
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Monday Oct. 1

             the analogies!!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Monday Oct. 1

                        I am back!!!

                        I have been really out of the loop for quite a while, tried AA, thought that was all I needed, but NOT!!! I love reading all this and just wanted to let you all know I am giving this my ALL this time, had to drink a beer to get rid tof the DTs around noon today, but plan on not having any more unless it gets too bad again, tomorrow I plan on getting on board all the way:new:

                        You all inspire me so much, thank you!!!!:thanks: :h

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          Monday Oct. 1

                          Welcome back Mary Anne! Many of us remember you and it wasn't all that long ago! Jump right in where you left off. You can do this!

                          I remember for what it seems, 'way back in the day', the need to have that drink during the day to rid of the DT's. Let me say it does go away. It is painful in the beginning but after a few days it gets better. I have been over the limit (LOL) once since December 29th. I had a couple of drinks on two other occasions but nothing to bring me back to drinking again. Life without the alcohol is pretty darn cool I must say.

                          Even when life gets tough, not reaching for that bottle gives me a sense of pride and is slowly bringing my self esteem back. Learning to cope on life's terms without the aid of alcohol really is a challenge but it can be done!

                          Keep on reaching out here. We will be here for you.


                            Monday Oct. 1

                            Great posts all. This is my day one again. I timed it with some outpatient surgery I had today. Nothing too serious, just the recommended procedure for men over 50. Since I had to "clean everything out", I thought I would clean out the 8 to 12 beers I had been drinking everyday. Hope I make it for the month.
                            Love and Peace,

                            Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                              Monday Oct. 1

                              Hi Mary Anne and Phil- good to see you both back here!

                              FMF - I liked your post ...can't you please post a pic of your pots/arts/crafts here in the gallery? I would love to see what you do. I would sure surprise my friends/family if I got them pottery from Cornwall UK!!! Really - I'd love to see it.

                              I liked to Dolly quote too....I think I'm just too tired to break in the first one :H


