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    LindZee - Way to go! It's great how your weekend worked out, hope the mods continue to work for you. Have you thought about using the drink tracker? I've never used it yet, but thinking I may start.

    I really agree that the initial 30 day mods (which I did twice) was a great start to retraining ourselves. I am not going to say that I have it all figured, but at least I do realize that it's not the end of the world a) If I don't have a drink today, tomorrow, or next week, and b) It's not the end of the world if I have an occasional glass of wine.

    Key word being "occasional". I was surfing the long term mods board last night and found the way someone there had described how mods works for them as "Regarding myself as being abs, but having an occasional drink."

    And I think that is how I will have to approach it. So I think I will be everywhere on these boards, both mods and abs, because I get something from both, and because there are no rules, anyway, this forum is here for us to use as we need to.

    Back to the furture of this thread - maybe it's the name of the thread that should be changing. Maybe it should just be called the "Booze Busters" and people can post their individual challenges as they desire. That would allow those who are presently going on a 30 day abs challenge to still do that within the bouondaries of the boards, have the support of the rest of us, parties, discussion, etc. I think the way that this board has evolved is just great - :alf: - our lovely mascot, our fugly green suit, our Bodacious Booze Bustin Babes, our stars and trophies, etc. Anyone who is doing a 30 day challenge will have to shout their stats loud and proud. I don't know about the rest of you, but I want to be here whether I am abs at the moment or not, because there will always need to be periods of time that I am abs. And we can continue to start a new one every week or so, and add up the stats.

    And issuing the challenge in January again, as I suggested earlier.

    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.



      I so agree with you. It's not the end of the world whether I have a drink or not. I admit when I was doing the 30 days I took it very seriously. But now I am trying to think of myself as someone who has an occasional drink (or two) but doesn't waste a lot of precious energy worrying about it.

      I am using the Drink Tracker. I plan to watch it closely and if I'm drifting away from my guidelines I will do another 30 days abs. BTW, the Drink Tracker is kind of clunky in that it won't let you go back to update a previous month. But it's a good tool if you keep it up to date.

      I am all for changing the name to Booze Busters. That way we keep the original intent and continue to celebrate milestones which I think is important for keeping people on track. I also read all over the boards but there are so many people coming and going I can't keep track. That's why I'll probably continue to post here., especially with others here trying to mod as I am.




        Hannah - you've put it so well (as ever!) One thing that seems so great is just how many of us BBBBBBBBB's (?!) are (currently anyway!) in a place of feeling a bit more confident in ourselves - whether in trying mods or just in feeling contented in ABs... And yet still so full of the knowledge of how lucky we are to feel like that and so ready to be there for newbies (well, I hope it comes over like that...I can't seem to find words that don't come over as 'arrogant' which isn't a characteristic often to be found on these boards...anyone agree and/or help me out here?) I think I mean that when new I would have been encouraged by knowing that there was 'life' ahead but a bit daunted too....I really needed to talk about 2,7,13 days!!! But we have got the days we've got and we can't pretend we haven't...and we all need hands to hold that happen to be 'in our class at school'. The joy of MWO is that we all find our own way and if that means mods, abs, a mixture and a hand or kick if or when we fall over...then, as we know, we are in just the best place. (I mean, I had a funny day a couple of days ago - it was like an 'itch' that I couldn't place...I really wanted/couldn't get out of my mind a cold white wine (not normally my tipple!) but each time I tried to pin point the 'itch' it moved...but here you all were even though I didn't mention it and it went by that evening.... nowhere better to sort it than with 'old friends'!)

        Um, what am I saying...? (?!) I think a BB thread that isn't 30 days is a great idea - ODAT seems to have taken over a lot and the 30 day thread anyway... DG and co. did us a great 'service' and it would be sad to see it go...funny how different threads gather different groups together...but not funny at all of course; a natural thing that happens in life.

        I would be sad to 'lose' the Fugly suit and mascot etc and the knowledge that that is what I'd get from someone here if.... and the ability to shout stars and days etc loud and proud when I felt it was the thing I needed. (Just now, for instance, I am soooh happy to not even know where I'm at - just ok and not wanting to drink but not being as terrified that if I dared take a sip I was finished. I think the AA terrrors may just have left me!! Like, if it was my Em's wedding this
        weekend, I would be happy to toast her in a few sips of champagne without feeling the world was going to end... (I 'used air' coz there was nothing else...!)

        LZ - you did really well and it wasn't dull at all - I really appreciate you posting all the detail. It's as if we need a 3 days mods board...all the details of our 'efforts' (wrong word; no effort!), experiments? But I think 30 days might be a riskily long time there!!!

        We've all been, and are still, on an amazing journey, and all together too, as friends... I don't want to lose you all if we move on to 'college'!! Let's stick together whatever? Even if we've had to start all over again recently?... We're all still buddies aren't we?! Each of us knows how quickly things can change after all...

        Change and growth! Did we ever think we'd be posting like this?!?!?!

        Love and hugs all round - will try to do 'news' soon. Busy! (That's so good too - those weeks of feeling so early AF wobbly and not doing much?!? Past now!) Off to African Drumming tonight! Listen out for the beat!

        FMF xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



          Hi guys - I'm not sure that I know where to go with this thread now either!
          The original BB30 day challenge thread started up at a time where I was "ready to go there" if you know what I mean.
          DG was so damn enthusiastic and was here every day keeping it together initially.
          Laterly Deb and Rob took up this role - but TBH (again - like FMF I don't want to sound arrogant) a lot of the original participants in the 30 day thread have sort of "come of age" and are not so much in need of the 24/7 enthusiasm and support as they were at the start of the original challenge.

          Perhaps we should be just posting on the daily thread - and should allow the NEXT generation of 30 day challengers to emerge.

          The only thing I would say is that the idea of 30 days AF is an excellent one - I think people really NEED that amount of time AF to know where they are going drink wise, so to just drop the 30 day bit from the title might mean we are not "advertising" the very important 30 day AF aspect.

          Perhaps A Booze Busters Club thread for the members of the original challenge to keep in touch as it were (because I don't want to lose touch with all you guys that accompanied me on my journey to where I am now!) AND a new 30 day challenge thread for Newer members might be a good idea.

          I am happily at cruising altitude now, I KNOW I can go 30 days without alcohol and in fact I know I could probably go AF indefinitely - so the idea of a 30 day challenge is a little obsolete for me ATM (tempting fate??? ).

          Wot do you think???




          (84 days into my new life!)
          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



            Hi Everyone: I just started the daily thread. I do find it much more manageable than this thread. If this thread dissolves, I hope you all will come to the daily. Think about it. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012



              I wish Kyna would write to say hello, I haven't heard from her for ages.

              I hope you're all OK, I've been so slack in writing, but I do read.

              Take care all on 30 day AH thread, I'll have a look at the daily.

