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Oct 3rd

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    Oct 3rd

    Good Morning!!
    Hope everyone is having a good morning.
    Today is my nephew's birthday - he will be 7!!
    He got a transformer from his Aunt Lisa ....wish I could see him but they live in France.
    Maybe a trip next summer...

    ANyway- Hope you have a great day and learn something new or wave to a kid or make someone smile today.
    I have been trying that lately...smiling I mean. I have started smiling at people who don't expect it and it is amazing how many people smile back. Makes you feel good.

    Have a good day -

    Oct 3rd

    Good morning everyone.

    Nice thoughts Lisa, reminds me of the following so I thought I'd post it.

    What Matters

    One hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much I had in my bank account, nor what my clothes looked like.

    But the world may be a little better because I was important in the life of a child.



      Oct 3rd

      happy Wed!!

      Lisa, Rust,

      What a great way to start the day with those thoughts!! I will do alot of smiling too:H Just started reading some good books. One says to make affirmations such as "today I am loving towards everyone in my life" (think I will try that one too, though hard w/ some people )

      Have to go run errrands, and took the day off, so will check in later.............

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Oct 3rd

        Hi All,

        Lisa, I loved your response to me on the date thread, by the way. Smiling is a great way to attract people, and always a nice surprise. I plan on doing more of it. I have my insecurities, but let's face it, I won't get over them sitting in a hole, and I look pretty decent for 51.

        Here's a cute story. I was at a dance about 8 years ago, and I was complaining to a male friend that no one was asking me to dance. He was quite gallant and said, "That's cause you're too pretty." I laughed, but he said, "I want you to go up to some guy, especially not a great looking guy, and ask him to dance, and watch what happens." Well, I did what he said, and I didn't miss a dance for the rest of the night. I don't know that I was too pretty, per se, but I was letting people know that I was accessible and ready to have fun. It really can make a difference. (Now I have to remember that when I am out and about!)

        Today is Maddy's birthday, too. She is 18 now. Yikes! Lisa, you definitely have to get over to France next year.

        I start physical therapy for my shoulder today. I wish they'd just give me a shot of cortisone and get this show on the road, darn it!

        Rustop and MaryAnne, you both have such positive thoughts for beginning today. Thank you both.

        I hope everyone has a great day today. Love to all to come later!


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Oct 3rd

          thanks for the kickstart Lisa...very nice
          I'm in home disaster everywhere as we have the carpet guy coming in a bout an hour.
          Nancy...curious how your super garlic chilli came out yesterday. (well, I'll wait 'til you check in

          Hope Paddy is ok, heard Vietnam is getting a huge storm.

          Be well everyone!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Oct 3rd

            Hi Everyone: I passed my favorite liquor store today & just looked at it. I remembered the days of walking up that oh-so-familiar wine aisle. I haven't seen those particular bottles since July. That feels good. I'm using the ODAT (one day at a time) method for staying sober w/the commitment to stay completely long-term sober in my heart & mind. I'm glad everyone is here at MWO...I can't imagine what I'd do wo/you all. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Oct 3rd

              Hi Mary, Lisa, Kathy, Rustop, Determinator, MA and everyone to come.
              What a good start for my day! ) 's all around!
              Kathy....our daughter is a natural beauty and when she was growing up, guys were "afraid" to risk their ego...I guess....sometimes to ask her out!
              She was dateless at times when other girls had dates.
              I like the smile and eye contact idea.

              Lisa.....go see that nephew!

              Det...the chili is great. Just had it for breakfast too!:H
              I soaked three different types of beans and added lots of garlic! I would share the recipe, but I don't have one!
              I also cooked brown organic rice to go with it.

              The GS's football game was fun and they won 30 something to 6.
              Their coach had to leave the field right before the game was over(former NFL player) because the one of the other team's coaches said something nasty about the quarterback!
              Come on guys! They are 10 year olds!!!

              Well "the boots" are on the ground in Iraq and it seems like it's going to be much better this time than in water, food or beds then!
              We got an email yesterday and he said that the people are nice and the cute kids are everywhere!
              I think they organized a soccer camp in this area this summer for kids. What an awsome opportunity to show what Americans are really made of...
     won't hear about the good things that happen there on TV.

              Must run for now.....
              Not even tempted lately.....
              Love you all.
              Nancy "belle"
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Oct 3rd

                Nancy isn't that sad? the good things that Americans do globabaly are kept in the dark like some shameful secret...what the heck is up with that? Dx and I very much appreciate your son's service and you can let him know that (wonder what he'll think...Det who? LOL

                Mary, you are passing the tests with flying colors...investigating those old memories with new mental acuity...bravo.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

