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6 October 2007

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    6 October 2007

    Good Morning from this side of the globe,

    Well this week was really wet. Yesterday, on the way to work the streets were flooding - an aftermath of a sort of bad weather system following the typhoon that hit Vietnam a few days ago. To get a glimpse of what the junction opposite our office looked like, I put a video on youtube ;-)

    [ame= ]YouTube - Hanoi Floods[/ame]

    Otherwise, on the AF side things are well. I'm 20 days AF ... Hopefully, I'll make it this time round. I'm quite confident though, even though stressful times coming up next week and the week after ... A lot of functions, lunches and dinners to attend as an official delegation will come on official visit here. I always dread those moments ... Anyway, I'm all Topa'ed up.

    Well, hope all of you have a good w-end. Stay safe.

    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    6 October 2007

    Hey Paddy - thanks for showing whats going on there. Is your home ok?
    Keep strong during those dinners. They aren't worth it.

    Just wanted to check in. I've been so busy and today my budget was due and I got it DONE! I was up till 1am working on it and up again by 6:30am. I got it done 6pm...and headed home.

    Going to bed. Have to get some beauty sleep for my date tomorrow

    Have a great night all-


      6 October 2007

      Yup, thanks Lisa. My home's ok. I'm on the 7th floor. There has to be a MAJOR flood to reach my apartment, ha ha. In which case, Noah will raise from the dead and pick me up!
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        6 October 2007

        Hi Paddy, lisa and all to come.
        Sorry about the flooding, Paddy......thank goodness your home isn`t affected. Glad to hear you`re doing so well.

        Lisa, good for you in getting your budget done. Aye, best get some beauty sleep now for "Wart" lol Hope you have a good time tomorrow.

        All is good here in Glasgow......WOO HOOOO, this sobriety lark just keeps getting better and better.......feeling fab.

        Have a splendid day all,

        Starlight Impress x


          6 October 2007

          Glad to hear that Paddy - 7th floor sounds like a good choice!

          Starlight...thanks for the well wishes today with Wart ....I'm getting ready right now
          I'll report out later on how it goes.

          I'm looking forward to a busy weekend. I have an opera to go to tomorrow - a matinee- at a new opera house - or center for the performing arts- in town. It sould be wonderful so I'm excited about that.
          I'd better go get to leave here in about 45 min.
          Sober dating

          Have a great Sat everyone!!


            6 October 2007

            Hi Everyone: I almost didn't come here to 30 day abs, but I must resist the urge to stay away. I did drink last night. We had a dinner w/friends & the open bottle of white was too much temptation. I only had 3 glasses, but I blew a 11 day AF run. I'm back w/it today. Tonight we have a dinner w/friends at their home. I do better when I'm out of my own home. I'm going to try very hard to be AF tonight.

            I always feel like I want to stay away from MWO when I slip. I know I can't do that, because I'll go right back to alcoholic drinking. Thanks for being there everyone. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              6 October 2007

              Good morning Abbers!

              Thanks for the YouTube video Paddy, it is nice to see you corner of the world, however wet right now. I was thinking of y0u when they said that the typhoon was going to hit Vietnam. I'm glad that you are okay, on both the typhoon and drinking fronts. Good luck staying AF with your round of functions--I know you can do it. VIVA LA TOPA, dopa and all.

              I'm glad you got all your work done, Lisa. Now you can go see Wart with a light heart.:H Maybe he will really turn out to be a nice man. We all expect a detailed report! I can definitely relate to the eek!

              Starlight, you are really sounding supa! After the last few weeks, it's good to hear you sound this way again.

              Mary, I'm glad that you came back on and told us what is going on with you. I have to applaud your courage. I know that you will get this right soon, and meanwhile, you keep racking up runs of AF days.

              I'm tired. I wish I could have slept a few more hours. I've got to get to work with some billing though.

              Maddy was cute last night. She called me when she was out, because she and her friends were driving past out old house and her old elementary school. Interesting idea for a Friday night out. I hope they weren't drinking. I'll have to ask. I'm sure I'll get a snort of contempt, but if she was, she will 'fess up at some point.

              Anyway, have a great Saturday, all.


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                6 October 2007

                Mary- good that you came here. It is hard to avoid all situations that put temptation in our way. Sometimes it can seem just a little too much. I understand that completely. When I first tried going AF I was working task force in New Orleans and the team went out every night drinking. I avoided many nights but not all. And it was very hard to go out and not drink. Glad you are back. You are working so hard.
                Kathy-- I'm headed out the door.. I'll let you know. I'm going to post my 'date outfit' on the gallery I need someone here with me to tell me what shoes to wear:H



                  6 October 2007

                  Kathy & Lisa: Your encouragement & acceptance mean the world to me. Love, Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    6 October 2007

                    Hello, Hello-

                    only have a minute....have been ENORMOUSLY busy. Too busy to even log on. I just checked my e-mails (87)! Well happy to say still AF! Will try to be better at logging on here.

                    Dropping daughter off at a sleep over & then we're taking my son to a fair. It's so hot here-and it's FALL!

                    Hello to All-Welcome newbies

                    Have a great AF weekend everyone!

                    p.s. that fish is getting fatter-I don't know if it's pregnant or if it's just plain fat! LOL!
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      6 October 2007

                      Hi Everyone,
                      Hope you are all having a nice weekend. It's still a pretty warm fall here...up in the eighties. I am getting out walking in my unending battle to shed the pounds and get back my health. I have lost 15 in the last couple months but it never seems fast enogh for me and now i've hit a plateau for the past week. Despite the ammount of exercise or what I eat, some days my weight will actually go up 2 lbs from one day to the next. I know I just have to hang on and this too shall pass....I hope
                      I guess it's the same as with the alcohol thing though, you just have to stick with it. The one thing I have reduced but not given up is my smoking. I realize that this would help with the exersice immensly....but fear for the appetite and weight thing a bit. All in all though for the whole health package it is still pretty stupid and needs to go!!!!
                      Welcome to everyone just joining . ...And to anyone who is slipping, don't give up or feel bad and stay away. We need each other for support. I hope I can muster up the strength to come back if I screw up but I know how it feels. Just think of how many more AF days in your life you have accumulated as a whole or in the past month. Don't focus on the bad days...the whole things not a wash, Right? Well I better run along, so long for now:h


                        6 October 2007

                        Hellooooo ABland! I'm typing from a friends house in Medford Oregon where it's sooo beautiful, green and nice having a nice AF visit with my Aunt and Grandma...back down to home Monday morning.
                        Paddy, hope you keep some water wings nearby. Mary good for you staying with us through thick and thin
                        I'm on a real health kick now since my aunt is a highly accomplished stuff.
                        Be well friends!!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          6 October 2007

                          Today was pretty good. Off to church tomarrow with my neighbors and then out for lunch...hopefully I can sqeeze a walk in somewhere. I find keeping busy keeps my mind off the drinking. I plan on going to the womens meeting again this Wednesday night and hope to get my thirty day coin...even if it is a week late I won't ramble, it's getting late. Have a nice weekend.

