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Sunday, Oct. 7th

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    Sunday, Oct. 7th

    Dear Friends:

    It's very early Sunday morning, but I couldn't sleep. We went to a dinner party, & I'm happy to report I stayed AF. I learned from my slip on Friday that it just isn't worth it to spoil a nice AF streak & my peace-of-mind w/alcohol. I really want an AF lifestyle so much & will work very hard for it.

    Because I had my wits about me during the dinner, I noticed that the guests had between 2 - 4 drinks over a 4 hour period. There is no way I would have been satisfied w/that. I drank to get high...not to enjoy the taste of a good scotch or wine. I can see why I should adopt an AF commitment. I will never be satisfied w/moderate amounts of alcohol. I'll always want to abuse it. I'll always want to drink alcoholically.

    Looking back on the few slips I've had since the middle of July, I again must ask myself why I do it. I know the reasons are complex & varied. I can think about the reasons but must just keep reminding myself of how wonderful I feel when I don't give in & how rotten I feel when I do give in. I feel great right now & had a really nice time at the dinner sober. In spite of the few slips I've had over the past few months, I've made great progress wholly because of my involvement w/MWO. I could never, ever had done this wo/all of you. Thank you everyone, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sunday, Oct. 7th

    Hi Mary and all to come.

    Very well done for last night, Mary. You know that AF for life is what you want.........go get it, Lady!! we both already know, life is so much sweeter without the booze and we can cope so much better with whatever life throws at us when sober.

    Am feeling really well........spectacularly truly amazed at the transformation in me this past week. I think I was sadly disappointed when I was newly quit, as I felt so unwell/ill. Can honestly say that I`m glad I persevered with not drinking.........I feel like I have a whole new lease of`s all been worth it.

    Anyway, have work to do cleaning house........need to blast the music today I think........housework is just sooooooo to see it all done, just don`t like actually having to do but a necessary evil !!! lol

    Am gonna smoke like a chimney today........definitely going on the nicotine patches first thing in morn.......imagine quitting fags will be more trying for me than quitting the booze, but I know I really do want to stop, so hope I can cope tomorrow.

    Have a fab day all !!!

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress x


      Sunday, Oct. 7th

      Mary....well done you! That is very impressive! Bet you feel like a million dollars today

      Star.....get yer patches on, matey!:H

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        Sunday, Oct. 7th

        Thanks Star & Suze: I do feel great & have made the daily commitment to stay AF today. I've been reading on the long-term abs forum. It's very helpful in terms of what to expect & what the rewards of AF are. I know that, for me, alcohol is an escape when things get tough. I need the confidence to know that I can ride out difficulties AF instead of blotting them out w/alc. I know I can do it. The more I do it, the easier it will become. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Sunday, Oct. 7th

          Mary, Star, and Suze,

          Well, today is Sunday, which is my worst day of the week to night drink!!

          Will have family over that will be drinking wine and it is tough.

          I will do it.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Sunday, Oct. 7th

            Hi everyone. You're so spot on Mary. I tried moderation on Topa. It worked for a while, but then under stress I just break. Moreover, Topa seemed to lose its effect while on the sauce, after a couple of months. Anyway, given all the emotional turmoil after a booze night, AF is certainly the only way for me to go.
            Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


              Sunday, Oct. 7th

              Hi everyone

              I'm afraid under stress I broke my great AF run yesterday. Was disgusted with myself this am but am trying to get back on track.



                Sunday, Oct. 7th

                Well done Mary, think gold star Cindi.
                Love Paula. xx


                  Sunday, Oct. 7th

                  I thought I'd pop over here and say hi to everyone. Day 7 for me and feeling good after just one week. Aiming to get to the end of October and beyond. Have a good day everyone. Janicexxx
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Sunday, Oct. 7th

                    Hi Janice,
                    I'm glad you're doing so well. Day 4 for me today and still very determined. I just feel like thirsty and craving something sour to drink???

                    Good luck
                    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                      Sunday, Oct. 7th

                      Cindi: It is hard for me to be around alcohol in my own home, but this is a drinking world. Nobody I know drinks the way I drink. I'm going to have to learn to cope w/a bottle in my fridge from time to time.

                      If you've slipped, just keep coming here & recommitting. We'll do it together. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Sunday, Oct. 7th

                        Dearest Mary,

                        So far so good!!

                        We are doing "dinner" early and then hubby must finish studying for tests so...

                        I think I will make it through this Sunday unscathed. Yahooo!!

                        I'll let you know and Thank You for caring. It means so much.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Sunday, Oct. 7th

                          Hey Rustop - it's ok.... Big Hug. FMF xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            Sunday, Oct. 7th

                            Mary, I've been reading your posts and watching you struggle. You want to live an AF life so bad, and yet you slip.
                            Mary, I don't want to sound harsh or uncaring, but please listen to me. You can't drink. Ever.
                            You are like me and a lot of others here. There is no moderation. Those days are gone. You have to quit hanging on to the notion that someday, somehow you can sit down and enjoy a glass of wine like other people do. We are not like other people. We are alcoholics. That's the way it is. You are a smart person and smart people do not keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result.
                            I'm only on day 58 and I know that is a drop in the bucket in the big picture, but I will tell you the day I finally accepted the fact that I could no longer drink is the day my life changed. I no longer struggle with the "AF or Mod" debate. There is no question. I would not take a drink now the same as I would not inject myself with heroin. It's just a no brainer. A given. To do so would be insane.
                            I'm not trying to preach to you, it's just that I care about you and want to help. It really is all about your frame of mind and accepting the facts. Take the burden off your shoulders. Embrace your sobriety and your new life.
                            Have a good rest of the day today and think about what I've said. PM me if you want to talk or want to tell me to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.....



                              Sunday, Oct. 7th

                              Cindi, You hang in there... Sunday is no different than any other day. You don't drink, so it doesn't matter what day it is. The Beast puts that crap into our heads. Hangover free Mondays...that's what we like.

