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30 day challenge

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    30 day challenge

    Ok guys, I've kinda pulled back from this discussion in order to hear other people's opinions and collect my own thoughts about it.

    I think Satori--Oh wise one, verbalized my thoughts best.

    Having completed 30 days AF has allowed us to decide if we want to continue AF, moderate or do something in between.

    I agree that those who have "graduated" should feel free to move on to other threads or start their own. However, I do believe that having a place to come and share for the first 30 days to share the trials and tribulations, fears and accomplishments is very helpful.

    Unfortunately, Doggy's sudden departure, in my opinion took some of the joy from the thread.

    So here's what I propose:
    I'll start and moderate a new 30 day challenge thread with a new intro.
    I will check in every day
    No one from the previous thread will be obligated to check in.
    A new thread will be started weekly to keep the tread managible
    I'll give it a month to determine if there is adequate interest.

    So there ya go, thoughts? opinions?

    30 day challenge

    Hey Rob-
    I am brand-spanking new here. Today is my day 1. I would love to be part of a 30 Day challenge group. I'm highly motivated and SO need all the help I can get......truly!


      30 day challenge

      Hi Rob & Wonder: I would like to join. The BB thread was so long & complicated, I just couldn't quite grasp it. As some of you might know, I had a long AF run (over 2 months). Then on 3 separate days recently, I slipped (one slip was pretty bad). On Oct. 6th, I established a new sobriety date (I use DrinkTracker). Something shifted within me a few days ago. I realized that drinking added absolutely nothing beneficial to my life. All the fantasizing about lovely wh. wine &/or cocktails was a complete sham. I now know that my goal has to be an AF life. No half-way measures will work for me, because I truly am an alcoholic. I will check in here every day. I know I can offer any newcomer hope, because I was in a pretty deep pit when I came here to MWO in April. Thank you, Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        30 day challenge

        Hi Rob,Wonder,&Mary,
        I haven't posted in a while. I check in and comment here and there but haven't really felt like i've known where to fit in to things here. It does get a bit confusing and sometimes I ask questions and no one seems to notice..oh well. I haven't been around as long as some and I guess it takes time to get to know each other. I do know that there is no such thing as moderation for me. I can't even play around with that idea anymore...been there, done that. Too many wasted years. For those that can manage it, I wish them the best and it seems that some can but for me it is definately a disease. It is cold and rainy here today so I have spent too much time on the computer. I did get pretty much done though getting in touch with family out of state by e-mail (keeping my phone bill down). I am also checking into doing this course for medical transcription which you take online. I sent for the info which should come in the mail in a few days...then I may be able to work from home which would be good. My other big emotional project is working on getting visitation set up with my daughter. Without going into great detail let me say that this has been a source of great pain to me over the past few years. I have used alcohol to numb my pain over it and even used the fact of not having her as an excuse that life was meaningless enough that it didn't matter what I did as long as I didn't have to feel the pain. I now realise that I just wasted those years escaping when I could have been standing up for my rights. I intend to make positive changes because she is still little and I want to be part of her life. I won't let her father and step-mother take that away from us. What has gone on has been completely unfair and it is going to take alot of strength and sobriety to straighten out. For one thing The money is on their side. I don't have money for a private attourney and will have to rely on legal aid. Even with them they don't guarantee that you will have someone with you in court. It really scares me to think I will have to represent myself. I know they will have a lawyer who will be binging up my past...hospitalisations for bipolar, alcoholism etc... dui. But her father had all the same things in his past....that's the thing, these things are part of the past. I never abused or neglected her in any way...she was my world. This wife of his though has my daughter calling her mommy and doesn't want to have to deal with (the other mommy). Even though she has four of her own kids and 3 grandchildren. Then she has to take over my daughter and erase me out of my own daughters life. As far as my daughters father goes, if she's afraid of my involvement with him....she can have him. There's no threat there. Sorry, I didn't mean to get so invoved into all the detail here. This is the junk I used to drink over though. I don't have a sponsor. I have gone to two AA meetings but don't know how involved in the program I want to get. I don't feel like getting overly committed to anything right now I guess.
        Thankyou guys for letting me ramble. I realise this may not be the appropriate forum for such a rant but where is??
        Take care everyone...hope you have a nice evening


          30 day challenge

          Hi all,
          I would like to join the 30 day thread. I am heading in to day 5 AF. What exactly is involved in joining one of these threads??
          Have a good day one and all!!


            30 day challenge

            I would like to join the 30 day thread - I'm on the newbies in need ODAT - but need and like the discipline of that 30 day goal. I'm on day 11 now. I did pop into Boozebusters now and again but lost track as it got so long. A shorter thread would also be more welcoming to newcomers to MWO. Love Janicexxx
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              30 day challenge


              I read every word of your post and my heart goes out to you!! :h

              I cannot imagine losing one of my children to someone else. period.

              Yes. Join us and get sober so you can be a real mommy to your little girl!! and do whatever it takes to fight for time with her.

              The little ones are so precious. I have three grandkids and soon two more to come into the family with marriage and they make my life so complete. Each of them is such a little human in their own right and deserve special attention.

              You, too, have a nice evening and good luck with the courts AND hang on and be sober.

              You do not want to be a drunk mommy when you DO get the time to be with your little girl.

              AF April 9, 2016


                30 day challenge

                Indigosky - feel free to have a good rant anytime - that's what we are here for!!! ....and please don't stop posting!! Janicexxx
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  30 day challenge


                  You are doing brilliantly!!

                  You are a shining star for this forum. I have seen so many down days for you and look at you now, 11 days sober and glad to do more!!

                  I will jump on this thread, too, because it doesn't matter how many days, one day at a time, one week, or a month.

                  Every day sober is an awesome day.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    30 day challenge


                    What a response. When I put out the suggestion for a new 30 day challenge, I shut down the site and walked away from my computer, knowing that if I stayed here, I'd be checking every 10 minutes to see who was saying what.

                    I am impressed at the level of interst shown so we will continue the 30 day challenge thread. Like I said, we'll start a new thread each week, probably on Sunday.

                    I'm planning the official kickoff for this Sunday--So here's how you help
                    1-Name that thread!!
                    2. What do we use for our official Shoutout--Stars, happyfaces, other keyboard symbols or something more individualized.
                    3. I have an idea for a mascot--does anyone have a preference?
                    4. And if someone slips???? I think the fugly green suit is a little moth eaten, but that may be the point.
                    5. How do we celebrate 30 days? Should it be graduation day so that the celebrants feel free to move on to other threads?
                    6. How about a moto and/ or a theme song?

                    Jump in here folks with suggestions. I want to make this a thread that serves everyone facing the 30 day challenge.

                    Love and Peace


                      30 day challenge

                      YES! ROB! Way to go!

                      Have to admit I've been a blue funk at the very thought that our beloved thread was petering out. I'm in - but won't "officially" start until Sunday (More on this later).

                      I'll be here to help. You are just great at keeping spirits up, and have gotten really PRO at attachments, etc., and bring so much to this forum. But it's a big load on just one person, so if you want me, I'm here. Still not sure if I am going to stay AF, or moderate, but if I am a "host" that is irrelavent, I think, and I will be taking plenty of 30 day challenges anyways, just to keep the "moderation" in control.

                      Do you want to carry on with the basics, such as the AF stars, mascot, fugly green suit, partees? I sure hope so, lot's of good light hearted fun, keeps things interesting and motivating! Not sure what to call it, but I suppose we shoud aim for something different that Booze Busters just to define a new and different thread.

                      Oh, I'm so pumped about this. If you are willing to stick around to "host" long after you are beyond doing 30 day stints, I will be too. I thing there should definitely always be something there for anyone wanting to take a 30 day challenge.

                      Ok, now have to tell you about my evening last night. You all know about the grief my family has been going through w Guerrino's passing. We've all been pretty down and out, and I was actually away from home for 10 days being w Wendy making funeral arrangements, etc. (Hubby had to work, although was there for prayer service and funeral - in fact did the eulogy). It was also our anniversary, and my birthday, last week, which we never even thought about with everything else. Had originally been planning a weekend away & attending a concert, which all got shelved at the last minute. Well, hubby is going away on business on Saturday, and we decided last night to go out for supper just so we could say we had done something to mark the occasions, and to have a bit of time and relaxation, just him and me. We both had two glasses of wine (my first attempt at actually moderating), a lovely dinner, and a really great evening. It was heavenly. Felt like we have truly connected and reestablished our relationship, and very gratefull to still have each other, whole and healthy, and strong.

                      As you prob know, fell off the AF wagon :b&d: at the "Italian wake". The first few glasses of wine that were pressed into my hand I had just carried around for a while, then snuck into the kitchen and poured down the drain - but then caved, and drank it. And had several more glasses over the course of the week. And then had some wine at supper last night. The wine w my husband when we go out for supper I really want to be able to do - and this is why I am going to have to do stints of AF - because I recognize that after having had that week of having a few glasses of wine, and then the 2 glasses last night, that I am perilously close to throwing in the towel and going completely away from AF in any shape or form. I am always going to have to keep a very tight rein on things, I just know it. So once hubby has left, I am going to start another 30 day stint on Sunday.

                      Special note to Indigo - Indigo, sorry if we have been lax in paying attention. Sure was never intentional. We all are here to love and support one another, and each one of us is special. So my humble apologies, Lord knows I have whined and sniveled on this thread more than probably anyone else, and I feel bad if I have been totally ignoring you. You have some real challenges on your plate. Whatever happens, never lose sight of the fact that you are a worthy person, just as worthy as your ex, from all accounts, and we here all know that. :l to you, and support. If we don't hear you, scream louder, never want to let someone hurting feel all alone. Attached files [img]/converted_files/344500=2066-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/344500=1975-attachment.gif[/img]
                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                        30 day challenge

                        Hey all-Just needed to the bidnizz out of the way.
                        Welcome one and all.

                        Wonder-Glad you're here, Day 1 what a great start! Keep in touch here and let us know how you're doing and what we can do to help. Are you using any meds, supplements or hypono CDs?

                        Mary- So glad to see you here, your posts are always full of great advice and inspiration, is it day 5 or 6 for you?

                        Debruce- Generally, the only thing involved in joining these threads is that you sign over your life savings to the moderater and give a pint of blood to the Red Cross on a weekly basis--just kidding!! We just come here to support each other, talk about the challenges of staying AF (alcohol free) and the changes that we see in our daily lives. Most people try to check in daily but its not required.

                        Janice- Happy Day 11!! How are things changing for you?

                        Cindy- Great to see another familiar face, I'm looking forward to your input here. Day 10?

                        Indigo- By all means rant away!! It sounds as if you've had a rough time of it. However, it also sounds as if you are making positive strides forward by learning medical transcription. It also sounds as if you're coming to terms with the changes that you need to make in your life in order to get visitation with your daughter.

                        Many people here have strong feelings both pro and con about AA, my personal feelings are, you should do whatever works for you and that may mean many things in combination. But of course, the first step and probably the most important is that you make the commitment to yourself to do what you need to do to stay sober.

                        That's where we come in, we're here to offer help, support and/or a kick in the patoote as needed.

                        OK, so now I'm done with MY rant for tonight.
                        Sweet Dreams All
                        Love and Peace


                          30 day challenge

                          Rob - love the new avator!!!!!!!
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            30 day challenge

                            Rob, Hannah and all other 30 dayers,

                            I'm on board. I like the thread and company. Plus I'm a simple man who likes to count life a day at a time.


                            Day 77 AF


                              30 day challenge

                              Rob - a middle of the night visit from me to this great, great new thread....what a wonderful thing to find when you can't sleep!! Thanks!

                              I might not be able to sleep but I also can't string three words together so will think more clearly about any ideas tomorrow... (2.50am here now!) I wish I could find succinct "july" type words to describe how I feel about this place...(hopefully he will come and say it 'properly'...July?) and how good this new energy feels...successes, fresh starts, 'graduations', tears of disappointments coupled with the love and support of others to pick you up, dust you off and push you gently on your way successes, etc etc... and all the laughs as well on the way...

                              Welcome to Wonderworld and Debruce and everyone to come....I hope you have a really good 'journey to 30'. We're all here to help over the bumps in the road and cheer you can do this! (You may become affectionately WW WW! Is that OK?!? Say now!!! Or maybe Wonderful!)

                              Thanks again Rob.... (and blessings to DG if, perchance, she ever checks in...)

                              Love to all
                              FMF xx
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

