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30 day challenge

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    30 day challenge

    Well, July, you are amazing!!! Right on cue....!
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      30 day challenge

      Hey Rob and all-
      So psyched for this new 30 day thread and thank you so much for offering to moderate. I'm needing it and all the rest of this community! I do have a new script for campral, filled and ready to go (have gotten mixed feedback on whether it's okay to start on the 1st day AF or if I need to wait til day 3 or 4). I have all the supplements (except the Kudzu which I've ordered and is on the way). I have the book in PDF to print out tomorrow. I love being AF and miss it - these last 3 weeks of drinking have been scary and lonely and weird. I've never had an okay relationship with alcohol and am terrified to let this relapse get too far. My drinking is not safe. I have no problem, once I 'm started, drinking alone at night and it can lead to really dangerous behavior - like driving drunk. Dad died of alcoholism very young and I got the gene full force. Moderation is not in my vocabulary. In short, I NEED to be sober and really love it once I'm "over the hump". I've had years of 12 step, therapy, etc. I'm just in a textbook relapse and want to take care of myself and be safe. Not into A.A. anymore - was 4 years sober without it (and 10 years sober with A.A. before that). I'm really hoping and praying that this board and the MWO program can offer a new way out for me personally. Just want to have that clean and sober feeling. It's 10:30 here in the NY area and I'm getting ready for bed. Looking forward to "seeing" everyone here tomorrow. You guys are awesome! xoxo Any newbies out there....... let's do this together!!!


        30 day challenge

        Wonderworld - We are all in this together, so glad you are up for the challenge. Lots of alcoholism in my family too, ongoing battle - let's do this together, shall we?
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          30 day challenge

          you bet Hannah! What a heartbreak, this family curse, eh? Let's help each other through......


            30 day challenge

            Hi Everyone: It looks like this thread is off to a good start...or actually it'll officially start on Sunday. Today is day 6 for me. My sobriety date is Oct. 6th. I just want my AF life to go on & on. I feel very strong lately. I think something kind of clicked in my mind. All the fantasizing about alcohol is just that...fantasizing. The real thing (in my experience) was not pretty at all.

            Indigosky: Keep putting one foot in front of the other in your struggle w/your ex. Your little girl needs to have you in her life. And stay sober...that's essential.

            Sincerely, Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              30 day challenge

              Hannah: Is your avatar your own puppy? If so, we have a beautiful apricot mini that we just adopted who could be his/her twin. He's wonderful...Buddy is his name. Unfortunately, his past owners didn't take care of him very well, so we're needing to build up his confidence. He's very afraid of everything. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                30 day challenge

                Mary - yes, this is my beloved Misty, our almost eleven year old bichon firse, she actually has very good blood lines, not that we care a bit about that, she is just our sweetie, and we never intended to show her. She is also an "apricot" ie.e, has a slight apricot tint to her ears that has become less obvious as she has grown older. I am sure you will give Buddy a loving and caring home, and he will be much more comforatble w people in no time.

                xxx Deb
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  30 day challenge

                  Hello Everyone!

                  On day 5 after my last little slip, feeling good again- had a bit of a wobbly week but stayed sober. Glad there's a new 30 day challenge thread started and wish you all the best, will log on as often as I can-hope to get a job today so will have less time (which is a good thing though-the boredom is killiing me!) Send thoughts my way, interview is in 5 hours!

                  Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                  Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                    30 day challenge


                    Sending positive thoughts your way on the new job.

                    I hope it is a job you want and not one you have to take.

                    All other abbers,

                    Glad to see the new thread and all the positive responses.

                    I am with all of you, I am working on my first 30 days and then to "Infinity and Beyond!!"

                    Have a wonderful Friday, all, I'll be doing the airport thing and I hate it because I am still sick. At least I am going homne!!

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      30 day challenge

                      Looking forward to joining you all Sunday. I did join the last one and found it very useful to get through my first 30 Days. I did 5 weeks but due to stress and a nasty e-mail from BIL slipped. Back on track again but have been taking it ODAT not putting too much emphasis on counting. Think this will motivate me and will see Sunday as a start of another 30 Day stint. Indigo feel free to vent, we all do, it helps.



                        30 day challenge

                        Hi folks,

                        Hope you don't mind if I drop in here now and then too - just want to keep in touch with all of you who started out together on the original Booze Busters 30 day challenges and "meet" all the newbies just starting out on the adventure!

                        Have a good one

                        Love :l


                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          30 day challenge

                          Everyone: I'm staying w/this thread through my 30 day goal period. I know I can do it. Take care everyone & let's stick together.
                          Deilight: good luck on your interview.
                          Cindi: hope you had a good work week. Now you can go home & be w/the family AF. Enjoy those grandkids. We're having ours overnight tonight. They love it & so do we, though we're usually pretty tired after they go home the next day.

                          Love, Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            30 day challenge

                            Hi everyone, looking forward to the new thread - I'll definitely be there come Sunday!! Life is definitely changing Rob - Losing dad knocked me for six and I am still struggling bigtime and miss him so much but not drinking allows me to see the positive things in my life right this new thread for one thing!! Thanks........Janicexxx
                            AF since 9 May 2012
                            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                              30 day challenge

                              Hey everyone-
                              Couple questions (still new and a little confused) :new: . We're starting the 30 day challenge this Sunday (the 14th) right? Is that cuz that's when your last 30 day challenge ends? And, duh, this would be good for those of us reaching for 30 days AF? I've got Campral, supplements, MWO book. waiting for Kudzu (sp) in the mail.
                              I'm spyched and a little scared.

                              And......can anyone relate to wanting to drink just because Sunday is 2 days away? The defiant/addict/escape artist in me (a rascal who actually has some good qualities but sobriety is not one of them) wants to act out until Sunday when all the toys will get taken away. She's the perpetual teenager who just wants to listen to Led Zeppelin, smoke weed, drink beer and pretend she's immortal with no earthly responsibilities whatsoever. I love her, but she's ridiculous. And she can't be trusted with ANY alcohol, drugs, car keys, credit cards, and anything else that can be abused. She's kind of like a slightly more mellow and classy (if i do say so myself) version of Courtney Love. God help me. She could throw some really big fits in the days ahead.......

                              Looking forward to getting to know my 30 day buds better. hugs to all-

                              p.s. Last week I did go see the Van Halen reunion show in the 4th row and screamed my lungs out (and guzzled a little tequila and budweiser). I had a BLAST! And, I managed to drink Diet Coke and sober up for an hour+ before driving home - very mature - even I was surprised. love seeing live music and have spent years going to shows sober and it was awesome just the same.


                                30 day challenge

                                hi all-

                                I'll throw my hat in the ring. Just one day sober, but I'm in. Wonder - The slip that I had last was at the Dave Matthews concert. Would have been a great concert either way, but I'd be passing through 30 days instead of 1.

                                Anyway, here we go and I'm really glad to have the company.


