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30 day challenge

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    30 day challenge

    July - looks like you are having fun w your new avator, second change tonight? I kinda like your suggestion for a name - Inn for 30 has a certain kind of high classy ring to it - not surprising coming from you, because we have always thought of you as a classy kinda guy. However, this Inn has a nasty little secret - we are still voting on what he looks like, but the Booze Beast (or whatever he will be called) lurks about the Inn and leaps out at people when they are least expecting it! Wonderworld, you would probably be best at describing him - a rascally immortal who exists solely to suck us into the abyss we are so eager in turns to escape, or slide back into.

    Wow, off to a good start. Good to see all the new faces, and all the old friends.

    Satori - thought you like my hair more like this?

    Rob, Cindi, July, Finding, Rustop and all the rest of my old Booze Bustin? Buddies ( yes, even you Satori!) looking forward to another 30 day?er? with youse. Mary, Wonderworld, Indigo, Debruce, Cindi, Janice, Delight,
    12Many (Dave) & all all to follow - looking forward to getting to know you better. Attached files [img]/converted_files/345033=1739-attachment.jpg[/img]
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      30 day challenge

      I'd like to join...I'm very new here and am not sure exactly what a thread is or how it works. I am on Day 14 of AF...I had started before that but had a slip up. This is really hard but I am so glad I found this site!! Together we can do anything! I'm really proud of ALL of us...keep up the good work!


        30 day challenge

        Thanks all for more warm welcomes - it means SO SO much.
        I could cry with gratitude .......
        Really looking forward to getting officially started on our 30 day challenge!
        see you tomorrow :h :h :h


          30 day challenge

          OKay!! I am "Inn for 30 days!! "

          Wow, so much warmth, truth and caring on this thread!!

          I love the new name and I am so appreciative of the new people who have joined and want to make life better.

          Thank you Hannah and Rob for the new thread. This journey is so much easier with good friends like you!!!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            30 day challenge

            I'm Inn for 30 days. Also, I like the #1 booze beastie.



              30 day challenge

              I like "Inn for 30" great name and agree with booziebeast A!!

              Day 13
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                30 day challenge

                Good morning friends-

                Can't wait to check in at the "Inn"! - grand opening tomorrow! ha ha. I'm claiming today as my day 1 AF. There were 3 beers in the fridge leftover from last night which I threw out so there's no booze in the house, just printed out the book, have the supp's and a filled script for campral (can I start it today? on day 1?), the kudzu is on the way in the mail, and I think I'm good to go.

                The early part of the day is not usually problematic. It's the late afternoon into evening that I get squirrely. So I'll be spending alot of time here. any help/support/advice is oh so welcome......

                and p.s. I have to take the garbage bag with the beer in it to a dumpster somewhere far away. the last time I just put unopened beers in my outdoor garbage can, I fished them out later and drank them - yuk. I'm going out now to find a dumpster.

                luv you luv you luv you-


                  30 day challenge

                  Hello All! Hope you Saturday morning is going great.

                  I know Rob has decided this will be a daily thread, but I am thinking that will begin tomorrow (Sunday) as per plan, so I?ll just post on the original thread.

                  Wonder world (Beth) - Sounds like you have your boxing gloves on and are ready to pound the crap out of the Booze Beast - good for you, sending you support and best wishes.

                  Morning, Janice. When I read your post, I thought it said ?I agree with Booze Beast Al." Of course, you were saying you liked Booze Beast #1. But maybe AL wouldn?t be such a bad name for him (ie., short for Alcoholic?).

                  Wonder (Dave) - Your story is very moving. Hope that you find the strength you need here, It?s amazing what this forum has done for people, myself included. It?s good you recognize that AF is the only way for you - with many people, that is a concept they are never willing to accept.

                  Well, my hubby has left for a one week business trip. Although I will miss him, it means I can focus completely on my own ?AF?ness and be totally selfish, eat when I want and go to bed when I want, and most important - have full access to the computer! Yay! Usually I am posting late at night when I finally get a crack at it.

                  Off to fill up my day with ?stuff?. First on the list is to watch my poor dirty vehicle, and then on from there. Have a great AF day everyone! Attached files [img]/converted_files/345278=2084-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/345278=2085-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/345278=2086-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/345278=1973-attachment.gif[/img]
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    30 day challenge

                    Thanks for directing me here, Beth....I saw it but thought it was a 30 days already underway....d'oh.

                    I'm jumping on to join tomorrow...although I cheated and have started AF today :H ...thanks for reminding me about that temptation to feel I've been given an excuse to drink tonight just because the thread starts tomorrow!

                    I'm anxious, but I'm excited! Bring it on!! :banana:

                    Suze x
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                      30 day challenge

                      suze- I just posted to you on "our" AF1 thread. p.s. you have the dancing-est graphics and I love them.

                      Hannah - yes I'm still in beat-down-the-beast mode but am feeling a little jumpy. Didn't expect it so early in the day. The fact that we are starting our 30 day AF journey all together tomorrow is keeping me going. I want someone to hit me over the head with a sledge hammer and knock me out til tomorrow. AF Day1 is a slippery slope and I hate it.

                      MONSTER GO AWAY!!! YOU'RE UGLY STUPID AND MEAN!!


                        30 day challenge

                        p.s. Hannah - your graphics are so wiggly-cute too and they cheer me up.


                          30 day challenge

                          Hey all--Sounds like everyone is geared up for tomorrow!! Yipeee!!

                          So Inn for 30 it is. -- Thank you July.

                          Maybe going along with the Inn theme--those who are ovetaken by Al -

                          Can go to the WRECK room--

                          Sorry guys, its taking me forever to get this post out. Having to stop to perform various chores. Just got the pumpkin muffins in the oven and have a few minutes back here.

                          Suzie and Teetotally, welcome to the in hope you have your bags packed for the stay.

                          Wonder, I can relate to diggin the beer out of the trash, been there done that, very gross, especially when you then drink it warm--ugghhh!!

                          Well off to assemble the Sunday Shoutout and Inn Rules. Back Later
                          Love and Peace


                            30 day challenge

                            You guys sound like you are ARMED and DANGEROUS!!! Look out Beast! Great attitude!
                            I'm looking forward to watching you go and kick some Beast Butt. I'll throw my 2 cents worth in every now and then if it's all right...

                            You guys rock!



                              30 day challenge

                              Absolutely Chief--Any time!!!


                                30 day challenge


                                Thanks for getting us organized for 30 days AF. Hannah I'm glad you are along for direction.

                                Wonderworld, slightlysuze, Janice, 12many, Janice, db2. teetotally and others I'm glad to be staying at the Inn with your folks for the next 30 days AF.

                                We will have a good time as we deal with this very real challenge for all of us.

                                Chief, Satori and other friends drop by.


                                Day 79 AF

