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30 day challenge

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    30 day challenge

    hey Dave-
    Glad to meet you. I have ?'s if you have a sec..... How are you doing with the day 1? How did you get through the early days last time? Was it hard? Are you doing any of the meds, supplements, CD's etc.? Just curious. In the past, I always started long periods of sobriety with A.A., but I want to try something different this time. And definitely want to be back to AF........


      30 day challenge

      Whoooo!! You guys are blowin' me away!! So much enthusiasm, energy and excitement!!

      Mary--Congrats on day 6!! You are sounding so upbeat and happy these days!!

      July, Finding and Satori --Welcome aboard, the new folks here will benefit from your experience, humor, wisdom and advice.

      Hannah/Deb--Oh, that's Misty? A dog, ohhhh, I thought it was you in need of a trim (Satori made me say that)

      Dei- How did the interview go? What kind of a job is it? Check in when you can

      DB2- It took me awhile to figure out the "to Infiniity and Beyond" --Buzz Lightyear, right. Those grandkids do come in handy. Hope you have a safe trip home and hope you feel bette soon.

      Rus- I hope you are able to resolve things with your bil. This all has to do with the care of your mil, does it not?

      Janice- Sorry about the loss of your dad. Losing a parent is never easy. I am glad though that you are able to remember happy times with him. I think this can help to soften the pain of loss.

      Wonder-Its only the tread that starts Sunday!! You can stop drinking today, tomorrow or anytime you choose, its up to you. It sounds as if you have experience with long periods of abstinence, can you pinpoint any event or set of events that brought you back to drinking. I'm curious because we all keep running into unexpected triggers.

      Dave- Welcome and Happy Day one. Let us know what we can do to help.

      Ok, my plan was to update the thread every week. Hannah suggested that it should be updated on a daily or almost daily basis. I didn't agree, but after seeing what has happened in just two days I have to admit that she's right :yuk:

      So how's this for plan B--Daily thread with Shoutout Sunday where the "RULES" and everybody's accumulated days will be posted. What do ya think?

      And by the way--We're still lookin for a name!!


        30 day challenge


        Here are some choices for Booze Beasts





          30 day challenge

          rob;208201 wrote:

          Hannah/Deb--Oh, that's Misty? A dog, ohhhh, I thought it was you in need of a trim (Satori made me say that)
          Yes Deb - Rob is telling the absolute 100% truth there - I did make her say that - no shadow of a doubt - it was my fault - yes indeedy - ablosutely - no two ways about it - no question- no sirree!

          It wasn't easy - but I have my methods.............:b&d: :bat

          What? LOL - No - THOSE were not my methods - Rob just kinda likes that kind of thing !


          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            30 day challenge

            30 day challenge

            I like booze beast B, or should I say I really dislike B.



              30 day challenge

              july232007;208220 wrote: I like booze beast B, or should I say I really dislike B.

              Hi July - don't agree I'm afraid (shock - horror!) - I really dislike A the most!
              B looks too nice!

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                30 day challenge

                Yes I know what B's doing but he is 'kinda cute' in a way....sorry July! I like A too... ugh!
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  30 day challenge

                  Hey Rob and all-
                  Thank God for all of you. And triggers? Good question. Here's the naked truth: the first thought that comes to mind is..... it was a dude! I was hanging out with a new friend starting in June who is kind of a "bad boy" and I was getting into my old patterns of wanting to use and get crazy. I knew in my gut it was a "bad neighborhood", but I was feeling adolescent and wanted to play/act out. I'm 44 and maybe dealing with some mid-life issues. One of my friends who's an A.A.'er said "behind every skirt is a slip", meaning that acting out with an unhealthy relationship can lead to acting out with chemicals. She was right.

                  Secondly, I was in Europe in August and hooked up with an old friend who had lots of great pot from Amsterdam, which I smoked many times. As an addict/alcoholic, I love looking for those "grey areas" where I think I can get a buzz without actually "cheating" by drinking. This chipped away at my sober clean mind and made me vulnerable. I always want to think I can smoke pot (or take non-prescribed pills) and not drink, but for me, one always lead to the other eventually, even if it takes a while. I still resist this truth.

                  And third, I am a Buddhist and was at a ceremony in August in which sipping a concoction with some sake in it was part of the whole thing. Even though it was just a sip, on some deep sub-conscious level I think that sip helped set the alcohol urge in motion. In hindsight, I should have just quietly passed on it - no one would have noticed or cared.

                  And lastly, In September I went to a family wedding which really stressed me out. There were people smoking weed there and I joined in. I bought beer before driving home and that was it. Almost 5 years AF came to an end. I was an accident waiting to happen.

                  Maybe that's more of an answer than necessary, but it felt good to get it out......

                  Looking forward to a brand new start......


                    30 day challenge

                    rob;208201 wrote:
                    So how's this for plan B--Daily thread with Shoutout Sunday where the "RULES" and everybody's accumulated days will be posted. What do ya think?

                    And by the way--We're still lookin for a name!!
                    A daily-ish thread looks like it might be more manageable!!


                    The "Tempted to try thirty?" thread

                    the "Go for Gold " 30 day challenge (gold stars that is!)

                    How many members can manage a month?

                    Hmm - geting too late at night for me to think to well - I will need to go to bed soon!

                    Now 20 minutes into day 87 for me - whee - nearly 90 days already - time flies when you are having FUN!


                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      30 day challenge

                      wonderworld;208231 wrote:

                      And third, I am a Buddhist and was at a ceremony in August in which sipping a concoction with some sake in it was part of the whole thing. ....

                      Hi Wonder...Don't think we have met yet .....Another Buddhist eh?
                      Not too many others of us here - but there are one or two!

                      What kind of Buddhist ceremony was that? Not often you would see alcohol in any form at a Buddhist ceremony - 5th precept and all that....always the one I had problems with....



                      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                        30 day challenge

                        Finding My Feet;208229 wrote: Yes I know what B's doing but he is 'kinda cute' in a way....sorry July! I like A too... ugh!
                        Hiya FMF - wot you doing still up?

                        You should be tucked up with that hottie bottle of yours by now!


                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          30 day challenge

                          Hi Wonder-

                          My story - I got serious about cutting down drinking when my panic attacks and anxiety went out of control. Got some new anxiety meds (zoloft), started some counseling and it looked OK for a month or so. Then the anxiety really broke through and I went back to the doc. He adjusted my zoloft and I decided to try and quit the booze. So, I also started campral. Two days of 2-3 drinks and then nothing. Some sweating at nights for a few days. Some unsure feelings coming home at the cocktail hour.

                          I stayed sober for 3 weeks. I liked it alot and everytime I did something that I normally associate with drinking I realized more and more that the booze wasn't needed. Without booze, my social anxiety dropped so that I didn't need to 'get primed' before occaisions. Went to a comedy club and noticed my wife and the other couple had always been reasonable drinkers so they showed no personality changes. They were great company and I knew that my only path for drinking would be to pass them right up by about 7-8 drinks and chance making an ass out of myself. They were also just fine with me saying "I'm coasting tonight", no pressure, no probelms. In fact, when I think of the crowds where I do my drinking, most are modest consumers and are not surprised when someone takes the night off. I remember the rediculous treatment we would give to anyone who was a slow drinker in the navy. Gives me chills to think about it. I read some posts on here about grown adults getting the same pressure. Ugg, I'll count myself as lucky as those folks are in my past.

                          So, after 3 weeks, I had mastered my drinking problem (Ha!) and went to a concert and had a beer. That began my slide. a few days later, I got a call that my wife had had a seizire and could I come to the emergency room and collect her. This is probably the toughest part of my life and I usually lean on alcohol. I let that solidify my slide and that lasted two weeks.

                          Went to a HS football game and embarrassed myself and my family. Came home and finished the job. Woke up with renewed conviction to stop no matter what. Well, by this time I was awfully keyed up on anxiety and I had the toughest damn evening. Made it to bed but was on pins and needles. Managed to drift off to sleep and then the wife comes running in yelling that the kitchen is flooding (anyone recommend a good sturdy brand of RO filter?). Got that shut off and mopped up and tried for more sleep, but no avail. panicked and swaeted all night. Finally got a few hours at 5:00 (and I was just considering have a couple of medicinal martinis to live through the evening). All the next day, I was keyed up. I was straight, but jumpy, shakey and anxious. I saw another killer evening coming my way and so I medicated myself liberally and ended my one day streak.

                          Overdid it on Wed and woke up on Thursday overhung pretty bad, but again resolved to try. This time I tried using the librium (related to valium) the doc had given me for the first dry-out. He said not to be afraid to use it, but I was and I didn't touch it. So this time my first dry evening passed like one of my better alcohol free days. Slept quite well last night. Trying to stay out from behind the wheel, becasue I don't understand the librium too well. All in all I'm in a really good state and looking forward to a good weekend. I'll only take the librium for another day or so.

                          So, to conclude my saga, I wish someone had introduced me to this site and the range of available meds a long time ago. I used to believe in only painful, lonely cold-turkey pains and AA meetings where I didn't feel comfortable at all. The anxiety meds are something that I need and you may certainly not (alcohol fights them by the way, so they work WAY better when sober). The anti-craving meds are terrific. This program calls for Topamax in an off-label prescription that looks like a good solution, but I'm comfortable with campral. And darned if using that librium took out the pain of withdrawl. You combine that with the terrific support you get on this board and it starts to sound pretty doable, doesn't it?

                          I wish you all the best and don't hesitate to PM me if you have more questions or just want to chat.

                          Best Regards,


                            30 day challenge

                            Thanks so much Dave, and oh how I can relate. My doc gave me a 3 day supply of librium to take before starting the Campral. Don't think I've been drinking enough so far to get the hardcore withdrawals, but I AM, like you, very sensitive in the anxiety/insomnia area, so we'll see. The supplements seem to be helping too. So glad we're in this all together. Who else would understand? I'm starting the Campral tomorrow, and looking forward to this 30 day challenge. Definitely can't do it alone, and A.A. is just not for me anymore. Fingers crossed and hugs.....

                            Satori- pleased to meet a fellow Buddhist! The ceremony was related to a transmission that included a calligraphic stroke. The sake poured for all of us contained a drop of the ink from the Lama. And oddly, they offered glasses for people who "can't drink" that were "water" with the ink in it, but it actually had a touch of the sake in it too. And I know....the 5th precept. But I guess for some if the sake is not imbibed as an "intoxicant", it can be just a ritualistic conduit. I mean, if you don't have a problem with alcohol, and your intention is not to "get high", it could be just another liquid, eh? There was clearly a lack of understanding about the effect of even the smallest amount of liquor on those of us with the predisposition. It was MY responsibility to handle the situation, and I fell short. The fact that it was a high ceremony fed my denial about it too. You know.....if it's so "holy" how can it be dangerous? I guess that it's similar to people taking communion in a Christian Church - it may be holy wine, but if you've got the "flu", you can't have it, not even a sip.

                            Love all of you already......
                            My my oh my. What a pickle I'm in! Grateful for all of you here.......


                              30 day challenge

                              I like daily, bi-weekly, or weekly threads as long as they don't get too long & involved. When we all finally decide what the rules are, could they be posted somehow?...for those of us that are not entirely on the ball...senior citizens like me.

                              We've got the g-sons sleeping over. It's so much fun! With so much unconditional love, why oh why would I ever want to drink? They thing we're the bestest! You can't get better than grandkids.

                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012


                                30 day challenge

                                fooling with my avatar

                                Hello 30 Dayers,

                                wonderworld & 12many you are welcome additions to our growing comunity. Many of us can relate and see parts of ourselves in your posts.

                                Speaking for myself, the thirty day group, this summer, gave me a kick start to a continuing goal of remaining AF. I know it can help each of you.

                                Rob, FMF, Hannah, Satori, Chief, retteacher and TOBB it is invigorating like an October blast to have both the old hands reporting in and the new energy and urgency of our thirty goals shared.

                                A passing thought (since this is a gathering place for MWO folks seeking to set thirty day goals or more) consider calling the thread: Inn for 30. You stay as long as you want and like a favorite place you are always welcome. The idea is that we all come and go but the Inn with a goal of thirty days is here for those who need it at the time. We could keep the posts short by naming it daily. Inn for 30: on.
                                Just a thought.

                                I hope you all have a wonderful AF weekend.


                                Day 78 AF

