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Fri...Oct 12th

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    Fri...Oct 12th

    I am starting this thread a bit early, but I know when one posts late it gets missed by most.

    The last school shooting happened 1 block away from my office. The whole situation saddens me, but what hits me the hardest is knowing that a 14 year old lived such a tortured life that he went in shooting and killed himself. Last July I had the good fortune to attend a "Challenge Day" in Toledo. I really didn't expect much...but WOW...I could not belive the result. Teens who I would have been scared to walk next to on the street up just pouring their hearts and pain out. One kid in my group had confided in us that he tried to commit suicide 20x in the last year due to a medication he had been put on...he told us that one day gave him more healing than all the therapy he had been through. I walked away from that day in awe and inspired. Yet, life still took it turns and I really didn't do much with it...other than the incredible feeling I had from it.

    The shooting moved me to action. "Challenge Day" is coming into Cleveland next week and I am INVOLVED. I really can not explain Challenge Day..if you google it you will find the organization. If you order their CD it will amaze you...what one day can do to change lives. I saw it....there were these kids there that had been to Challenge Day before and it changed their lives...and I could only hope to aspire to be like them.

    So that is what I am busy doing. I have my entire office involved now. It is about waking up to what is going on out there. Being a teen is tough. To me, had I had something like this at their age...just maybe I would not have turned to drink. When I opened up to many of the kids about my drinking they outright told me...if it could happen to could happen to thanks. They expressed how they hated how their friends acted while drinking, but still felt the pressure to drink. They said that I gave them a reason to say "no".

    This program was showcased on "Oprah" about a year back. At that time I had a fire in my belly about it. Now I am doing something with it. I read the posts daily...and I get so much inspiration out of it.

    Thanks to everyone here. I do not post often anymore...mostly because unless I have something positive to add to what has already been said...I like to just read. Today I felt that fire in my belly...that I maybe had something positive to add.


    Fri...Oct 12th

    Karma - Just wanted to say how much I admire you for stepping up and participating, and going where your heart leads you. Good luick and God speed.
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      Fri...Oct 12th

      thanks Hannah

      I guess what really moved me into action was people's responses to this 14 year old kid who basically blew his head off in the end. It was so cold and joking. It showed me that for whatever reason so many people are walking around in a numb state. I needed alcohol to do many others don't even need that. So many people not just alcohol addicts or drug addicts just walk around numb to life.

      I read recently about the percentage of Americans that claim to believe in is like 85%...yet they don't live their lives like it. It shook me...because I knew I was one of those people. I am a good person and try to do the best I can...but if I REALLY believed...well...would I have continued to do the things I did. Or would I have gotten off my ass and worked to make this world a better place...starting with me.

      I have have been in the hole with alcohol...I have had sober stints...I have gone back to drinking....but for the first time I feel like I am waking up and seeing all of it for what it truly is. It is a journey. And its not over yet...for that I thank God.



        Fri...Oct 12th

        Karma: I just retired from years & years of teaching at the high school level. It's a tough world out there for 14 year olds. It's a tough world for us adults w/lots of life experience...imagine how alone & vulnerable many teenagers feel. They can feel agonized if their hair doesn't look quite right. We teachers sometimes feel that most people don't understand what goes on in teenagers' lives (in school & out). Even parents seem pretty oblivious sometimes. It's great to know that there are people like you who are willing to get involved.

        The teaching profession changed greatly from the time I began teaching many years ago until I retired in 2005. The kids are needier now. They almost seem to need parenting from the schools. I stay involved in childrens' issues & also call upon the power of prayer. Children/Teens are our legacy. We have to help.

        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Fri...Oct 12th

          Well done Karma for reaching out. As a mother of two teenagers I find it scary at times. I am there 100% for them but still feel so guilty about my drinking and yet there are so many other teenagers suffering so so much. It puts it all in perspective.



            Fri...Oct 12th

            Well done Karma - your name says it all - nothing but good Karma will be following you for getting involved actuall doing something practical to help.

            Yes - as adults it is often difficult to know / remember what goes on in teenagers heads.
            I often get surprised by some of the things my sons come out with - they see things in a completely different light to the way I do / think that they do sometimes.

            Just gotta keep the dialogue going to make sure!

            Mary - yes - a lot of kids DO seem to need more from the school environment these days - A product of our increasingly work orientated lives I guess - parents are so often both working and have much less time to be really there for their kids these days. Kids are growing up quicker in a much more competitive world.

            When I was 14 years old - I gave litle thought to what I actually wanted to do after I left school - but nowadays - kids are focussing on the subjects needed to give them the best career choices available to them at a MUCH earlier stage.
            I just studied the subjects I enjoyed / was interested in - and hoped that somehow I would get into University / get a job at the end of it all. Seemed to work out ok.

            Much more stressful for kids nowadays. It is a shame they are forced to grow up sooner - they don't really get the chance to just be kids!
            Makes it a struggle for all concerned.


            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              Fri...Oct 12th

              Hi all you absters: I'm back from my travels to Florida and just wanted to check in to let everyone know that on Tuesday, October 9, 2007 I reached six months totally AF, not a sip.
              To anyone who is struggling or has doubts about whether they can do this let me say if I did it anyone can do it with the help of RJ's program and this site. When I came here I could not even make one day without wine. Now most days I don't even think about it. It really has been a minor miracle.
              Like a stone thrown into the middle of a still pond the effects of my new AF life have rippled out in all dirctions and touched everything and everyone I know. I have not told anyone but my wife that i have quit drinking and I don't really know how many people realized I had a problem but everyone notices something is different right done to how much better I look. While I have not lost weight I constantly get comments that I look like I've lost weight or I look younger. That is a great feeling.
              Life is not meant to be perfect and it will never be so, the AF life brings its own set of new challenges but they are immensely rewarding challenges and today I feel clean, really clean, and alive and happy. So thank you all, I don't know where this AF thing is going to lead, I never expected to make it to six months, so this is uncharted territory for me, my next goal is to make it to a year.


                Fri...Oct 12th

                Barry - Big congrats to you on the six month milestone! That's awesome!
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  Fri...Oct 12th


                  It is so heartwarming to hear stories like yours.

                  I am so happy for you.

                  Congratulations. :goodjob:

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Fri...Oct 12th

                    Barry thanks for sharing that with us. It does give us inspiration.



                      Fri...Oct 12th

                      Wow... that was really good to read.
                      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                        Fri...Oct 12th

                        Congratulations, Barry, on reaching 6 months! A half a year is a big milestone. You seem very proud and happy with yourself, as well you should be.

                        I'm wanting to shout it out that today is my 4-month anniversary of abstinence; I started back on June 12th. I can hardly believe that I haven't had an alcoholic drink for four months. I don't feel like life has gotten that much easier, but living life certainly has. I'm not tripping all over my own feet these days. It's a good feeling.

                        Karma, I am proud of you for getting involved in Challenge day. What a wonderful thing that you are doing! I wish I could talk about how great it is some more, but unfortunately, I have to get ready for work. But many :l to you for getting involved.

                        Hugs to all,:l


                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Fri...Oct 12th

                          Kathy!! Congratulations!!

                          Only 11 days AF for me so I can tell you that 4 months seems like a dream.

                          Really happy for you, too!!

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Fri...Oct 12th

                            checking in

                            I am just checking in here, wanting to do ABS but cannot seem to get even one day under the belt! Any feedback (I know one day at a time helps!) would be helpful!!! I admire you all long term (1 week even!) absters!!!:goodjob:

                            Still being new, guess I just need to commit, and maybe get away from hubby who drinks like a fish EVERY DAY!!!! GRRRRR, nothing like that:upset:

                            sorry not to be too positive, but just scarred that I am not giong to make it

                            Love and hugs to all, MA
                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Fri...Oct 12th

                              Barry: I can't tell you how much your story means to me. I too feel like I cannot take a sip. I haven't told anyone that I've stopped drinking, but I know there is a ripple effect. Thank you, Mary
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

