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Fri...Oct 12th

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    Fri...Oct 12th

    BIG congrats to is stories like yours that remind why AF is so much better. I have yet to see a downside to it.

    Kathy BIG congrats on 4 months!

    Thanks to everyone for the warm response to my post!


      Fri...Oct 12th

      Kathy: 4 months is so great! I don't think life will ever be easy (as you said), but at least I'm not adding drunkeness to the mix. That fact alone clears up a lot of the angst I've had in my life. Any strategies that work for you in staying sober for so long would be greatly appreciated by me. I'm still in the beginning stages of abstinence. However, w/people like you in my life, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Fri...Oct 12th

        Hi Guys,
        Thankyou for all your warm messages and encouragement. I really hope I didn't come off sounding like a little baby that needed to be consoled and coddled by everyone. I hate to be some whiny pip-sqeak but I guess yesterday my feelings were really close to the surface for some reason and out they came.

        I know you guys care and are supportive of each other and it has to be hard to keep track of everyone here when things get so long. So, I am plodding along here at 38 days AF thanks to the grace of God. I started out on my own and found this site, started using the drink tracker. I found that very helpful to the little kid in me...the whole reward system of the sticker on the chart:H and not wanting to mess it up. Hey whatever works. Then I finally got my insurance to cover the Topamax, began exercising 4 days a week and eating healthy....who knows which is the magic??? I have no physical cravings and or mental obsessions over the beast. I suspect it's a combination of all of the above though.

        Not to get all mushy and Hallmark like on you all but had this place not have been here for me on Sept 4....I don't believe I would have made it this far. I also realize that nothing stays simple and uncomplicated in life and it is comforting to know that there is a place like this to come and share our feelings.

        Congratulations Kathy on your 4 months and Barry on your 6....:goodjob: Hope everyone has a peaceful day.


          Fri...Oct 12th


          Hey, we all get emotional and have blue days at times. The great thing about MWO is you are allowed!!

          You did not come off as whiney, btw, just sad and a little hurt. I think you did the right thing by letting us know. Yes, sometimes important posts get overlooked because this is a busy site, but that is no excuse. I believe you would be there for me if I needed some help, too.

          Truly wonderful on 38 days!! I am doing stars on my signature line. Hey, whatever it takes!! I don't like the drink tracker so I use this. I also kind of like to change the stars from blue to gold so I can "see" how many days I have left for the 30 day challenge.

          I like to mix up the one day at a time with a little bit of long term challenge so that I can keep in my head that I truly am shooting for AF the rest of my life but know that it is a daily issue.

          Hope you have a wonderful Friday!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Fri...Oct 12th

            Challenge Day


            I completely forgot to respond to your post about Challenge Day. By the time I had read through all the posts, I was excited for Barry and Kathy and being somewhat ADD.... easily distracted.

            My ethernet connection has died on my computer so I am actually using dial up and that website is very slow on dial up. However, when I finally get out of this hotel and home tonight, I can access through my wireless. I will check it out then.

            But it does sound awesome and inspiring. I love the "fire in my belly" feeling you describe and helping children is about the most important thing we can do in life.

            Good for you and thank you for sharing. Once I can read about it, I might get involved myself!!

            AF April 9, 2016


              Fri...Oct 12th

              Thanks Cindi,
              I hope you are feeling better soon. Your mood thingy looks like you have been feeling sickly. I appreciate your understanding and comments.

              Hang in there cowgal. It really makes it hard to be around someone who is drinking all the time around you. If they aren't willing to change along with you or not do it around you????? All I can say is that I had to get out of the relationship because it was killing me and the drinking and drugging was more important to him than I was evidently. Try using the drink tracker to chart your days and keep posting. Welcome

              Talk to you guys later.


                Fri...Oct 12th

                Hi Again All,

                Just got back from a belated b-day dinner for Maddy, my DD, and then out to buy her a non-surprise b-day present. It was fun. I used to be so scared to go to a nice restaurant for dinner and not drink. I'm getting much more used to it--it's much easier.

                :welcome: CaptJBean--I haven't seen you on this forum before, but I see you've made a number of posts. I'm looking forward to seeing more of you.

                Hey Karma, I'm still bowled over by the idea of Challenge Day. I'm so pleased that you are participating. I've gotta get my act together enough so that I have time to donate for a good cause or project.

                Cindi, the time will pass if you don't pay too much attention to it. I don't pay much attention to the days themselves, I just think about the things that I need to work on in myself and in my life to make my life closer to how I want it to be. I figure I am just living life now, and I have some great moments, and some duds too! I also continue to remind myself that alcohol is "not an option", as an oldie but goodie member, MikeUpNorth, used to say. By the way I love your gold stars, and I enjoy counting them each day along with you.

                Cowgal, I feel for you. I took me quite a while to get my head together to stop, and I had NO ONE around to tempt me. I just couldn't bear the thought of a life without alcohol. It's actually much easier to just stop than all the worry and build up to stopping. Buy AF wine or beer if you have to for awhile until you get used to not having the alcohol in your system. Then you can begin to work on the habit part of it, without having to deal with any withdrawal, even if it's just anxiety or irritability. You can do this. You will make it. I tried several times before getting it right, and I could slip tomorrow. I hope not, but if that happened, I would be right back here starting right over.

                I'm not a strategies type, Mary. I do fine at home and at work. I will watch TV sometimes to relax now instead of drinking, or read a book. I want to start a knitting project. If I go to a social event, I take AF wine with me. I don't even want any temptation. I remind myself of the weight I've lost and ask myself if I'd like to gain it back. Duh, NO!!! But that's it. That's all I do now, but I used to listen to the hypnotapes, and I also read a number of memoirs of people who recovered from alcoholism. Journal. Think about things that YOU like to do, and make some time to do it. You've been doing great ODAT, so obviously, you are doing something right.

                Indigosky, I didn't experience you as whining, but what's wrong with wanting to be consoled and coddled once in a while anyway? We all need to be taken care of sometimes for a bit. I sure know that I do. We're all here to help each other, and when one person is down, then another person is doing well, so there's always someone to help.

                Well, I'm a real chatty Kathy tonight! I'm tired, so I guess I'm going to get ready for bed.

                Be well, everyone!



                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Fri...Oct 12th

                  Hi just wanted to check in and say hello. Karma - I had not heard of challenge day but I am going to look it up. We need some help for kids today. I do think they have it tougher in so many ways.
                  Congrats Barry! so good to see you doing so well
                  And congrats to Kathy - you are special and you are really doing this !
                  I want to chat more but I'm exhausted and have to get to bed.
                  Wanted to say hello to Cowgal though - welcome and good to meet you.

                  Some great posts today ...thanks for that as I love reading all the posts here.
                  Have a good night all-

