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Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

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    Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

    Today is my Day 1 AF. Was hoping to find some others out there - you know, talk each other through. At the risk of repeatng myself - I've had some nice long periods of AF, but fell back down the rabbit hole about a month ago and I'm really wanting to clean up before the huge disasters start (and they always do - DUI, total shame and public embarassment, huge weight gain, financial woes, total alienation from all who love me, and on and on .....). Moderation has never been an option. Dad died young of full blown alcoholism and I was born with a really bad case too - lucky me. Total abstinence is the only way I can have any life at all......

    Any other day 1 AF-ers out there?

    Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today? already know there's me, Wonder LOL!

    How are you doing so far? I just saw the bottle of gin sitting in the kitchen from last night...and I put it right into the cupboard with a smile. It was lurking there to try to trip me up in about an hour's danger point! But I am not drinking today...ner ner!

    Anyone else joining us? C'mon...don't get nervous cos it's the 13th!:H

    Suze x
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


      Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

      Hi again Suze-

      Go us !!! I feel like a wobbly little toddler, but I'm plugging along. Just cleaned the cat litter box for a little fun and excitement. I'll probably just keep puttering around the house muttering to myself. Day 1 is treacherous. Night 1 is usually even harder. Going to try to take a walk later. What time zone are you in? I'm on the U.S. east coast - it's 11:29 a.m.......

      And yeah - anyone else out there on Day 1?!?! Please join in!!! We need you too!!!


        Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

        I'm with you.........

        I fell down the rabbit hole too just recently after making some nice progress. Dang. So yes, this is my Day 1 AF. Mostlty my stomach hurts. Drinking really screws up my digestive system. You have that problem too?

        Hang in there. What I'm telling myself is I'll feel so much better tomorrow.


          Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

          I'm in the UK, Wonder, and it's just coming up to 5pm. This is the dangerous hour LOL!

          I just walked the was great, lovely autumn afternoon.

          Hi Less....yes, it messes up my digestion too. Although, strangely, it always helps if I've got indigestion already! I'm feeling a bit that way at the moment (ate too much at lunch!) but I'm recognising that it's just the booze calling me and trying to mess up Day 1. It will not succeed!!

          Keep strong both of you, all of us........we're going to feel so good tomorrow!

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

            Hi Less Desperate-

            So glad you hopped on to this thread - it helps so much to know there are others in the same boat today.

            I don't get GI problems from drinking - unless you include throwing up at the end of the night from being sick to my stomach from too much alcohol - which I did at least 3 nights in the past week.

            I hope you feel better. Be gentle and do whatever you need to rest and get through.

            I plan on being close to this board all day. Let me know if I can do anything to help....



              Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

              I hear you Suze! 5 pm is when the demon pops his head up around here too - the bewitching hour. And I don't know about you, but on Day 1 there's an extra urge to "delay" one more day and just "start over tomorrow". Insidious little monster.....


                Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                Yep....especially if there is a bottle of wine in the fridge with 'just one glass' left in it

                My husband drinks...moderately and with no there will always be booze in the house. At about 5pm a little bell starts ringing from each bottle...I'm the only one who hears it though!:H

                I can't tell you the number of times I've had that 'start tomorrow' feeling!

                I've started TODAY....and that's how it's staying! I am in a fighting mood.....:H

                Suze x
                Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                  Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                  I'm fighting with you Suze! There's strength in numbers!!! And won't we just feel so lovely and fabulous tomorrow on day 2 !?! Bells be damned!!

                  And you may know this already, but there's a hardy bunch on this board starting a 30 day AF challenge tomorrow if you're up for it. I'm determined. What could one more drink/drunk possibly do for us anyway? pheh!



                    Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                    Oh...great...I hadn't seen that 30 day challenge.....I'll go look!

                    You still doing ok Beth? (Lol...only 'spoke' to you an hour ago :H )

                    Suze x
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                      Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                      funny you should ask Suze - and thanks, because actually about a 1/2 hour ago I started feeling kind of edgy and almost like crying and a little bit of a hot flush. I know it's largely chemical, but I'm uncomfortable nonetheless. I'm not even allowing the thought that a drink would "fix" it, because I would just be back in the same boat this time tomorrow. I just bought some comfort food (ignoring the calories - fist things first), and I'm going to take some extra supplements - I forget which, but one or more of them are meant to calm down the nervous system. I know this will pass, but I'm only at 2pm!
                      Tell me I'll be okay.........
                      boo hoo :upset: ,


                        Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                        I'm getting better... but still trying
                        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                          Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                          Hi Beth...sorry I wasn't here an hour ago (when you posted, I think). How are you doing? You said it yourself....if you fix it with a drink now you'll be right back at square one this time tomorrow. I found the first 7-10 days were the worst, and then it sort of clicked and I felt a lot better.

                          Comfort food is fine.....especially right here at the beginning. And I'm sending you a :l to keep you strong!

                          I had a small anxiety attack just around the 6pm mark.....but it passed. Yours will pass too (maybe already has!) I'm looking forward to tomorrow...then I will know the journey has really started!

                          You will be will be will be okay!!

                          Take care:h

                          Suze xx

                          Hi Capt are you?
                          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                            Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                            Hi Wonder, Szue & all. Hang in there! I know the first day is like pulling teeth, always a good day to wash walls or clean out closets. . . in other words, keep BUSY! And junk food is a wonderful thing - calories/fat grams do not count todya - just think about all the calories you are not DRINKING today.

                            Rootin' for ya! Attached files [img]/converted_files/345339=1950-attachment.gif[/img]
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                              OOps, sorry Suze. Can't type worth a damn!
                              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

