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Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

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    Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

    OHMIGOD! Suze. "anxiety attack" is a good way to describe it, and yes, it has mostly passed. I drank lots of water and took more of the natural "sedative' supplements, and just rode it out. Geez louise, what a relief.

    From past experience, I know it could hit again, but let's hope not. If so, I will get through. I'm NOT drinking. I also try to remind myself that this experience, as uncomfortable as it is, means my body's really ridding itself of the poison and so that's a good thing.

    so on we go...... thanks for "being there",

    Beth xx


      Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

      Shout out and thanks to you Hannah too. And yeah, about the calories - did I not drink about 8 million calories in booze this past week? (yes). A little medicinal macaroni & cheese won't kill me.
      Did I tell you I love your puppy?
      Beth xx


        Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

        Don't know if there are any other Day1 AF-ers around right now. So maybe I'll just talk to myself here for a minute.......

        Coming to the end of this DAY1 AF- it's 8:40 pm here (and liquor stores close at 9- go me!). It has not been comfortable or fun, and there was one hour-long anxiety/hot flush/skin crawling/craving/withdrawal fit this afternoon. It passed and I took lots of the supp's, water, etc., plus the librium the doc gave me - only have enough for one more day of that.

        Now I feel, well, a little sad and very tired. Looking forward to waking up with this day behind me. Facing the music with this much honesty is hard, but it's the only way and I know from experience that every day it gets a little better.

        So grateful to everyone who's here sharing their journeys here too.....

        xx Beth


          Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

          YESSS I did it, it's two am here as I type and I have NOT had a drink today - way hay. Off to beddybys now and looking forward to waking up tomorrow so that gorgeous smile of knowing what I did tonight...... tra la la. Good luck all others, anyone up for another day tomorrow......

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

            wonderworld;208742 wrote: Don't know if there are any other Day1 AF-ers around right now. So maybe I'll just talk to myself here for a minute.......

            Coming to the end of this DAY1 AF- it's 8:40 pm here (and liquor stores close at 9- go me!). It has not been comfortable or fun, and there was one hour-long anxiety/hot flush/skin crawling/craving/withdrawal fit this afternoon. It passed and I took lots of the supp's, water, etc., plus the librium the doc gave me - only have enough for one more day of that.

            Now I feel, well, a little sad and very tired. Looking forward to waking up with this day behind me. Facing the music with this much honesty is hard, but it's the only way and I know from experience that every day it gets a little better.

            So grateful to everyone who's here sharing their journeys here too.....

            xx Beth
            You did it!

            I'm Day1 AF too. It's 9 p.m. -- liquor stores close in one hour. I felt so sad most of the day. bloated and gross. I couldn't really do anything -- I didn't feel physically well enough. But I drank a lot of water, am taking my topa and hope that helps. My digestive system hurt too much to eat, or even try my supplements. I have to be careful because digestive pain is actually a trigger -- how ironic is that? I had those hot flush feelings too.

            But I've got a funny book to read tonight. Anyone ever read The Stephanie Plum mysteries? She puts me in a good mood, and I hope I'll feel well enough to work out tomorrow.

            Monday is a big day for me. I have a doc appt to get a note allowing me to go back to work. I've been on temp disability, which is why I was so disappointed when I feel down the rabbit hole here at the end. I'm afraid my doc is going to chew me out.........

            Oh well. It is good incentive not to drink!

            Thank you everyone for posting your comments. They help more than I can express.


              Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

              Sweet dreams Tea! and :goodjob: , truly.
              "see" you tomorrow!


                Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                Yay! Wonder, Tea, and Less Desperate! You've beat little ol Al Alcholic (aka the Booze Beast) at his game tonight! I know how very hard that first night can be, so congratulate yourselves, big pat on the back! Yahoo!!!!! You are on fire!

                Attached files [img]/converted_files/345452=2095-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/345452=2105-attachment.gif[/img]
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                  Sunday morning....and I'm feeling fine! One more anxiety attack when I got to bed last night (with beastie saying a little nip of something would settle me for the night :devil...but it passed and I stayed AF.......I'm so glad.

                  I feel tired...but ready to wave that big stick in the air! :bat:

                  How is everyone else? did it go?

                  Suze x
                  Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                    Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                    Day 2 AF. A rough, night-sweats filled night. Woke up with a lot of stomach pain that made me think I wanted a drink, only to realize, after putting on a hot pad, that it's PSM stuff. I'm in preimenopause, so I have periods like every other week. It's maddening, but once I realized what was happening, I didn't want a drink at all. Maybe it's the topa. I'm in a mood, you understand. But I don't feel the need to drink!

                    Thanks to everyone for helping me to get through yesterday!


                      Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                      :goodjob: to all you guys!!

                      Hang in there today. You can do it.

                      It is great Suze joined in with you newbies because she knows what to expect and will be a great source of help and inspiration.

                      Take care, pamper yourselves, and go for day 2!!

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                        I'm In! This is Day One for me as well! Got rid of all the wine in the house last night!

                        I realized last night that I am a guzzler. I gobble the wine down to get to a really quick buzz and then sip. Today I am going out to buy some cranberry juice and guzzle that down!

                        Whoo Hoo! Hang on for the ride!


                          Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                          Go redgal! I just posted to you on your other thread. YOU CAN DO IT!! Guzzling water is good too - they say the extra hydration helps with withdrawal...

                          Suze!!! Yay!!!! Go us!!!! I made it too!! You helped me so much yesterday - big hugs and thank you!!!

                          Less - sorry you're feeling poorly, but you sound really determined AF-wise. Hang in there!

                          xx Beth


                            Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                            and p.s. Hannah - your cheerleading skills are outstanding! Thanks for the pep talk....


                              Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                              Anyone want to help me through tonight AF? Feeling so good today am DEFO not going to drink tonight. Apart from it being Monday tomorrow it will be my first day back after over a week's annual leave so lots of catching up to do with workload. Stay strong.

                              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                                Anyone Else on Day 1 AF Today?

                                In the USA, our supermarkets have a juice called V-8 Fusion. It is in the ''juice'' section of our supermarkets. Im suggesting this because it is LOADED with nutrients to replenish our systems and restore them from all the damage the booze done.

                                I add 14oz of this in my blender,

                                *one bananna
                                *5-6 fresh strawberries
                                *dice-up one fresh apple
                                *a handful of your favorite grapes
                                *4-5 tablespoons of honey
                                *and any other vitamins you feel like adding.

                                Add one cup of ice to the above mix, and mix it ALL up in your blender for a minute or so.Its the BEST tasting smoothe you've every had and will get you back on your feet alot quicker than drinking just water.

                                Good luck,

