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Sun. Oct. 14

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    Sun. Oct. 14

    Hi Everyone: I really like this daily thread, so I thought I'd start it today. I'm feeling great...full of hope. This is day 9 of the rest of my AF life. I don't see even the slightest shadow on the horizon. That said: I won't get complacent. I know how easy that is to can come out of nowhere. I've got a great day planned. Sundays were the days I slipped, so I'm trying to keep them pretty busy until I really get a foothold in abstinence. Good luck all...I'll check in later. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sun. Oct. 14

    Hey, Mary... Thanks for the start of the daily.. I really like a daily check in, too. Back to the AF world for me after a short, and thankfully, not too dramatic stint with mods... I like how my I feel when I am not drinking, even when I only have a few. I really feel like it dulls not only my mind, but my spirit.

    so, day one for me...

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Sun. Oct. 14

      Top of the world ABers!!

      whew! working almost around the clock to get my home office'd think working from home I'd have more spare time but it's appeared to backfire...d-oh! I'm still ABs in my mind even though I'm doing some very carefull MODS for a few weeks now. Now on day 116 DF (drunk free)

      thanks for the kick-start sound so good. Nice to see you in this part of town MMama. Big howdy to all to join.

      be well everyone....
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Sun. Oct. 14

        Hi All,

        I've been having some cravings lately, but not for alcohol. It's cigarettes. When my sister was living here, I was smoking some, and after she left, I continued to smoke, but I saw it was creeping upward again (damn those addictions!!!). I was starting to get "that kind of cough" again. So earlier this week, I just stopped. My body just can't take that kind of punishment, and it is rewarding me by already feeling better. But the cravings are hard, especially after I eat. I think I will start the patch to make sure I don't cave. I feel more ashamed admitting that I have been smoking than I would admitting it if I slipped, because I have done so well over the years not smoking. Oh well. I'm glad to get rid of the burden of my guilty secret.

        Otherwise, things are okay. I just made plans to fly to NY this next weekend for my good friend's son's engagement party. I get to feeling guilty, but I really am doing better financially these days; it's stupid not to go. I just can't deal with the drive anymore for such a short amount of time.

        I don't know if I said this yesterday, but it was fun just having Maddy home this weekend. We mostly just hung out. It felt like old times, and I have a mess to clean up to prove it.:H She is aggravated that a boy that she liked off/on for two years has finally decided he likes her. He is going to school in the mid-west in January though, and she doesn't feel that it is fair to either of them to start something that will become long distance in a couple of months.

        Mary, I'm glad that you are doing better with Sundays these days. It does take a while to get used to them.

        MM, I'm glad to see you back. I would have a hard time in the wine country in California, too. I'm glad that you returned without having to drop all the way back to square one.

        Hey Deter! I think working from home is very hard. There are lots of distractions. Good luck with your Mostly ABS/some Mods model. Let us know how it goes for you.

        Anyway, that's all for now.

        Hugs to all,:l

        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Sun. Oct. 14

          Hello Lovelies

          Sounds as if everyone is doing ok......

          Day 2 has gone well. And it has had some stresses.....looking after my dear elderly mum is hard work and depressing. She doesn't live with us, but is close by and I always see her on Sundays. It felt a little bit odd pouring a sherry for her at lunchtime!

          I brightened up later in the day.....and am hunky dory now

          How is the weather where you all are? (I have to ask...I'm English...bear with me :H )

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            Sun. Oct. 14

            Everyone: Thankfully, I haven't even thought about having a drink lately. I think it's because I really know deep in my heart that there's no mod for me. I don't see a purpose in social drinking. From way back, I only wanted the high, the buzz, whatever. It was never about taste or a particular wine going w/a particular food. So, I'm developing a taste for soft drinks of all kinds. Now that it's getting cooler teas, coffees, or espresso. Take care, Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Sun. Oct. 14


              WOW. I cannot wait until I get to the point where I can say, "I'm not even thinking about a drink." My heart is filled with happiness for you!!! :h


              My weather was one of those absolutely beautiful Autumn days, temp 69 Degree F, (20.5 Celsius.) Blue, crisp sky and lush green grass and leaves still. Waiting for the leaves to change here. Then it becomes breathtakingly beautiful!! If I can, I will take pictures and send when the leaves are in full "peak."

              Everyone else. Today is going well. Still sick, though, and SICK OF BEING SICK, if you know what I mean.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Sun. Oct. 14

                Gooday all!

                Mary, I think this daily thread is a great thing, don?t ever quit it. Hope your day is just great!

                Very quiet Sunday here. Hubby has left and just safely landed in San Antonio, driving to Sonora as we speak. So I am trying to physc myself up to doing a little housecleaning, not feeling much like that today because it?s pretty nice outside, beautiful fall day.

                Kathy - Sending you strength in your battle w the cigs. Hang in there. Glad you had a good weekend w Maddy.
                Deter - Good luck on new business! What kind?
                Suze - You are such a good daughter, looking after your Mum - know that can be very hard.
                MM - You are sounding so well, looking forward to being in the ?Inn? with you!
                Cindi - Hope you are feeling healthy again soon.:heart:
                to you, and all who follow. Attached files [img]/converted_files/345775=2112-attachment.jpg[/img]
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  Sun. Oct. 14

                  Hello all! I'm glad to read your Sunday news... I hope it continues well for everyone... :h

                  I went to my son's cricket 'dinner' (don't go there!!! A soggy pasty and a roll with processed meat and limp lettuce!! And no pudding! ?10 a head!! New venue - no more for me! Used to be a sit-down!) and had a small bottle of lager...sipped, ho-hummed and left half as it really wasn't nice! I went back to my now preferred Coke! I feel sooooh lucky to be 'here' just now...long may it last. :wow: To think about mod-ing and yet not want any is a really strange place! I feel a bit bad posting this here but in case it raises any spirits I'll just hide it in here! To think...4.75 months ago...?!? I think I am just very, very lucky but....hang in there guys! It's worth it! (Yet the 'sickie season' isn't quite here yet....hmmmm!)

                  Still very flat from Friday...(the 'Down but it is me' thread...stuff...ramble...thing.) But, hey ho, it's not the Birthday, it's my family...I hope it's not disintegrating. More than hope, pray!

                  Going to get an early night...thought I'd slept well last night but, boy, did I ache this morning...I was obviously still really tense all night...isn't that annoying when that happens!?!?!?!

                  Daughter and I took son back to school this evening..but half-term in 6 days so not long! I am a cr*p passenger nowdays! Tiny car, he folded up in the back (6 foot!) and driving daughter 18 and full of joi-de-vivre...! Eeek! I'm too old for this...I want big, heavy, armoured tank going slow nowdays! (I was very good and zipped my lip!!) I will (rightly) have served my 'time' by next July...totally grey by then I fear...!!

                  I wish everybody a happy Sunday evening or a good night's sleep and a very happy, hearty, strong Monday!

                  Love and hugs
                  FMF xx
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

