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Good Monday Morning from the INN

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    Good Monday Morning from the INN

    Suze- You were up bright and early. Don't worry, right now the plan is to post the house rules only on Sunday so you can so feel free to start a new thread if you're the first to log on. You only need to make sure that the day of the week and Inn are in the title.

    As to the 4 am racket, I'll have to investigate. It could be that Al thought he would take one of our guests to the Wreck Room and was met with a good deal of resistance. My only other thought is that it could have been Horatio visiting one of the female guests and he recieved a hearty welcome.

    MM- I hope that you are feeling less blue. If the mint was wrapped in silver it was definitely not a turd as Al is deathly afraid of shiny things which is why you will occasionally see your hostess walking around with a foil cone on top of her head.

    Lucky- You are quite the nature girl!! Enjoy your morning hike, the woods are beautiful this fall. Come in and enjoy a hearty breakfast when you're done.

    Beaches- Welcome, time to unwind, relax and enjoy some great company.

    I have to go do a quick kitchen check so will be back soon.
    Love and Peace

    Good Monday Morning from the INN

    Good morning Rob and all, I feel right at home already. I'm just going to kick my feet up for a bit and relax. Maybe call on Horatio later on.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Good Monday Morning from the INN

      Beaches- I am so glad that at least you are able to relax-

      I have just escaped from the kitchen, Lord help us all. I'm afraid that in my effort to accomodate all of our guests I've created chaos! The vegan/macrobiotic chef is complaining about the smell of frying bacon, the kosher chef just had a fit because someone used her chicken stock pot to make a cream sauce, and our guest chef Paula Deen is telling them all to "get the hell out of the way, she just needs a stick of butter".
      Where the Hell is Hannah???

      Ok, I'm going to go hide in the office for awhile. I'm trying to figure out how to give all of our guests access to graphics of Al, the Wreck Room, etc. Any techies here HElP

      Love and Peace


        Good Monday Morning from the INN

        Is this just not a typical Mondy Hannah and I were starting the thread at the same time.


          Good Monday Morning from the INN

          I posted on the other Inn thread. See you there. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Good Monday Morning from the INN

            Hello Inn Keepers and Fellow Guests,

            I go away for a few day and when I come back you've built an inn. See what minds free from alcohol can accomplish in such a short time!
            I'm going to jump onboard before the prices rise from increased demand.Once everyone sees how great the life is here the rooms will quickly fill up. We'll have to build an annex.

            Thanks Rob, for coming up with this. Great idea. The enthusiasm is contagious!! It's nice to get rid of what FMF (I think it was her) calls AIA "alcohol induced apathy". I hope there are suanas to soak it out of me.

            I would love to say that I'm going for a walk in the woods or a swim reality I have to go to the accountant...yuk.

            I'll be back to enjoy the inn life.



              Good Monday Morning from the INN

              Good Morning! I had a great sleep and am waking up refreshed in mind, body, and spirit.

              I think we needs some bouncers @ the door of The Inn to keep Al out and any other kooks, I mean other unwanted guests, that may come along. I will in charge of hiring them and have ordered the badges they shall wear. It is a very important job so I plan to hire an army with serious weapons. Once they are in place, we have notihng to fear. We are safe @ The Inn.

              Make it a great day!


                Good Monday Morning from the INN

                Good morning everyone

                Good idea Lucky, feeling safe and comfortable at the INN already. It seems like a fun place to be and am looking forward to staying here for the 30 days.



                  Good Monday Morning from the INN

                  Hello fellow innmates-

                  Day 3 AF here for me and I woke up tired from bad dreams and sleeping with my teeth clenched. But then I went back to sleep for about an hour and feel much much better. I live in the Northeastern US and it's starting to get chilly and the leaves are starting to turn. May sound lovely to some, but I have that Seasonal Affective Disorder thing, and have to fight mild depression when the wheather changes. Oh well - part of my larger plan in life is to move somewhere where it's warm and sunny year round - that would be just the best. Anytime I've spent in Florida, Southern California, or anywhere else wam and sunny, I'm thriving!

                  Anyway, all is well. Gonna try to get into the day with a little gusto now.

                  Crazy mad grateful for this board. Hope everyone's having a good day. Will say hi again a little later-

                  hugs to all, Beth


                    Good Monday Morning from the INN

                    Just how many Inn's do we have? Maybe when we get tired of one we can go to the other? I like options!


                      Good Monday Morning from the INN

                      Long and kinda complex techno stuff

                      Ok, I've been trying to figure out how to give all of our guests access to Al(coholic) and our other graphics. Hannah has resolved the short version. Here it is:

                      The first thing you need to do is get the graphic on to your computer. You do this by hitting "Post reply" going to Attach in this case its ATTACH 2127 .
                      LEFT CLICK on the ATTACH 2127 the pic will show up in a different box, right click on the pic again and a drop down dialogue box will show up select the Save picture as or Save target as, which ever one shows up. Your Windows Pictures box should show up as a default. In the file name box the title of the image will show up and you all you need to do is hit save.

                      Once Al is in your computer you're good to go. Just click on the paper clip at the top of the post box. The first box says upload from your computer and to the side there is a browse button, click that and your windows picture file will appear. Simply click on Al, hit open and your good to go. When you get back to the post hit the paper clip again and the file will show up again, click on it and Al will be inserted into your post.

                      This sounds very complicated but it really is not. Give it a try.

                      Most of the graphics that I use here are from free animated graphics,uselessgraphics,free animated gifs,free animated Graphics,free gifs,free e-cards free,gifs,e-greeting cards,
                      You can find Al on page 3 of creepies, The Plumber on page 32 of Men and the Wreck Room on Page 8 of Horror.

                      Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to get the Wreck Room to show up in all its glory by using the paper clip thing so I have to use the photobucket option. Long, detailed instructions follow, but once you master them, you can have lots of fun.

                      Photobucket 101:

                      1) Get image to your computer--See above.
                      2) Get a photobucket (or similar acount,they're free)
                      3) Open photobucket, go to my album. On the right side of the screen there is a list of options. The default option is get images from my computer.
                      4) There are three boxes. To the right of each box is a browse button. Click the browse button on the first box. This will take you to your windows My Pictures.
                      5) Look through your pics to find the pic you want to upload and click on it, hit save.
                      6) Go to the bottom of the list and hit UPLOAD, Viola--your image will show up in your album. (Note: you do have the option to upload three images at a time)
                      7) The newest image you have uploaded will show up on the far left side of your album and will have four boxes underneith. Click on the box at the bottom.
                      8) Go to the Post reply, click on the envelope at the top of the screen, you'll probably have to temporarily allow scripted whatevers, click on the envelope again and a popup screen will show up in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Right click and select paste, the click ok.
                      9) If you scroll down to preview post it should show your pic. You'll notice that there is IMG on either side of the pic. I go in and remove these but its not necessary.


                        Good Monday Morning from the INN

                        Lucky: There's only one INN. Hannah and I posted at about the same time this morning hence the confusion.

                        RE: My previous post for some reason, the attatchment was invalid, I'll try here again.. There that should do it. Attached files [img]/converted_files/346227=2123-attachment.jpg[/img]


                          Good Monday Morning from the INN

                          Lucky- Thanks for taking care fo security. I'm curious to see what those special badges look like.

                          Wonder- Sorry to hear that your sleep was not all that restful. Maybe a trip to the spa would be helpful. I too have problems with depression during seasonal changes and every year I fight it as long as I can and eventually go on antidepressanty. Really, it is just silly to put it off, but I do.

                          Veno- Welcome!! I hope you find the Inn to your liking. Don't worry, we have plenty of rooms here. Get comfy and feel free to wander the grounds.

                          Take care all-Got to go make sure that there have been no homocides committed in the kitchen.


                            Good Monday Morning from the INN

                            I have had a wonderful day exploring the Inn. What a wonderful place you have brought us all too. This is going to be great. I just got done with dinner with some sparkling flavored water and now I shall sit in the sauna for awhile.

                            Lucky I am also looking forward to seeing these guards.

                            Rob and Hannah, thanks for the website. I found Al and all his other creepy friends! I could spend hours looking around there too but I must get going on my relaxation.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Good Monday Morning from the INN

                              Hello Inn-mates,

                              A great start to 30 days AF for everyone. I am checking in for thirty because I like the company and the goal oriented nature of thirty days.

                              As I have posted before, I am a life long runner and the idea of 30 days AF is like a lap on the track of life for me.

                              Run a lap well, recognize the effort, run another lap.

                              I hope each of you has a wonderful AF night.


                              Day 81 AF

