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Monday, Oct. 15

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    Monday, Oct. 15

    I just wanted to start the daily's important to me. I'm doing fine w/my abs. It's less & less of an effort every day. I haven't had any open bottles in the house, & there isn't any drinking social event any time soon. That'll help me get a number of AF days under my belt.

    I just have to keep my mind clear of conflict. If anything comes up, I'll try to clear it up in a timely manner. Then I won't have anything festering (not good for me).

    Take care everyone. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Monday, Oct. 15

    Good morning, Abbers,

    Glad to hear you are still feeling great about being sober, Mary, in the Hippie thread, he posted a youtube video from Craig Ferguson, who was an alcoholic for years and now sober for 15.

    He said some really good things to think about. Some of it we all know but sometimes it is good to rehear. His line "drinking is a thinking thing, not a physical thing" really rings true. He basically said that us alcoholics think differently about alcohol.

    He ays he does not have a drinking problem now, because he doesn't drink. However, he could get a drinking problem really quickly if he drank again.

    He also recommended AA, but his words were you need to be around and talk with people who have the same issue. Which is what we have here on MWO!!

    What I really liked was his words about Brittney Spears and her issues. He said no amount of money will fix the problem so he refuses to make fun of her. (He is a comedian)

    So, it looks like we are doing the right thing. We are discussing our addiction with others who understand and we are trying to stay sober and change how we think about alcohol.

    I pray every day that I can successfully change my "thinking about drinking" so that I know that drinking is not an option and that my life is better without it.

    Having you, Mary, and all my other MWO friends has been such a help.

    Thank you,
    AF April 9, 2016


      Monday, Oct. 15

      Mornin Mary and Cindi and all to come. Cindi, thanks for posting that about Craig F. I had heard him talk about it some before on his show. He is an interesting man I think.
      He played an alcoholic on the Drew Cary show now that I think of it. But I think you and he are right in that we need other people to talk to who are going thru this or have been thru this.
      I don't know if I have ever thought about having just one drink. Even the very first time I had a drink I had three ( beer). Guess we do think of aclohol differently than others.
      Anyway- thanks for starting up out this morning Mary and glad you are still feeling strong.

      I am working away here in my office - I am on the second floor and have a window that looks out onto part of a roof. I keep getting surprised because these men are walking by working on the roof....just not used to seeing someone outside my window! :H
      Have a good day all


        Monday, Oct. 15

        Hi fellow abbers

        Start of another week and feeling positive. Still taking it ODAT but have joined the Inn for 30 days. Going to relax and enjoy the fun. Was really disappointed about my slip last week but at least I am going in the right direction. Because I started and stopped before a part of me really hoped that this time it was it, AF for life. It still is, the journey just isnt as smooth as I would have liked.



          Monday, Oct. 15

          Mary~I applaud you!

          rus-a slip is mistake which we learn from. Take it from me-4 yrs trying to moderate & another 4 yrs trying to quit. My advise-never give up. You can do it!

          Hi lisa-flash men on roofs...then again flash men in general-LOL!

          I'm miserable. My new friend at work had to go to the emergency room on Friday. Was with her for 2 hrs. Then on Saturday my little one "boofed" his head against my eyebrow(as I was changing him for bed) - & guess what -black eye! Great now I have to to work tomorow with a black eye. My hubby was saying to me "lovely they think I beat you up". He could not touch a fly. Never had black eye. Now I have to wear glasses. Think of me tomorrow.

          Have great AF day!
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Monday, Oct. 15

            Hi guys
            Hope eveyrone is well today...aww Breez something similar happened to me a while hubby went to turn up the air conditioner and I was leaning over to see (dont know why) and he didnt know I was there. Well, he lifted his head up suddenly and I was whacked right in the right eye with his noggin - had to go to work with a major shiner the next day. Sigh.
            Anyways, I am on day 44 AF and generally feeling good, except I am sleeping A LOT and i wonder if depression is common at this stage? Can anyone tell me? Other than that, hanging in there!
            Love you all
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Monday, Oct. 15

              Good morning AB-crew! oh eye for Breez...sorry to hear that!
              lots of nice meaningful words here this morning.
              I'm going to have to get up earlier I guess...this work thing has messed up my mwo time for sure.
              have a social event tonight....getting prepped mind and house lol.
              be well freinds
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Monday, Oct. 15

                Hi Kids!

                I'm still learning about this board and where I "belong". I'm defninitely an AF for life wanna-be and today is my Day3, so I guess this is another good place to park once in a while.

                rus - i can totally relate!!!!!! I've been dealing with my "alcohol issue" for almost 25 years!! Since I was 20. There have been periods of really long term AF when I really couldn't imagine ever drinking again, or even wanting to. And here I am at Day 3!! Refuse to hate myself about it, just want to be healthy and safe and AF again. I was absolutely born with the gene - Dad died from it young- so it's just not right to shame myself for it. I didn't choose this fate, that's for sure, and I'm doing my best to manage it - a lifelong journey and process that is so scary and painful at times. If I'm sober today, I'm winning. Thank God there are people like the ones here who really know and understand and don't judge because they have the same.

                Hugs to everyone -


                  Monday, Oct. 15

                  Hi All

                  Nice warm, calm feeling on this thread....thanks. I'm day 3 with Beth (and staying at the Inn too...)'s a different feeling this second time around. I'm too hormonal...and some other things....I was sooo lucky to have hit a calm patch last time I went AF. I must be a grown up girl this time LOL :H

                  Nice sunset over the hills from my window just's a beautiful autumn here.

                  Suze xx
                  Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                    Monday, Oct. 15

                    LOL-deter! tofu-blah!
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Monday, Oct. 15

                      sorry about the black eye breez! hope you feel better. ever try arnican? It really helps with bruising. I got some while visiting my sister in France so not sure if we have it here in the us...but it works really well.

