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Ready...Set... Go!!

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    Ready...Set... Go!!

    I am here, making it known I am out for AF!! Feeling more and more determined everday!! So affraid to commit!! Afraid to loose my life of hangovers, guilt, forgetfulness feelings of failure etc. Seems so strange someone would be affraid to give this all up, but I am?? I am joing in on the Monthly abstinence train. My goal is Happy 40th birthday, nothing would make me happier than to be successful!!

    Ready...Set... Go!!

    Hi taa!!!

    I hear ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is my Day 3. Here's what's working for me thinking-wise: I'm not thinking about the long term. Especially Day1 - it is sooooooo easy to BS myself - and I kept having the thought on sat. - hey, why not just start tomorrow, if I have no AF days yet, what's to lose?' - that one is very sneaky. And puh-leeeze, how many day 1's have I had in my life?

    I don't know about you, but Day 1 is the hardest - one foot in each "world" and not wanting to let go of the alcohol but desperate and excited for a new start. I stayed very close to this board on that day (and continue to).

    And..... as far as the future, I'm telling myself to commit to the 30 days, and then if I want to drink after that I can. I mean, all the alcohol will still be there. (even though what I really want and need in my heart of hearts is to be completely AF for good. Alcohol destroys me).

    Hope this helps- PM me if you want some extra support - I'm wobbly but getting a little stronger (and happier) each day. A world of difference already.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

    luv, Beth


      Ready...Set... Go!!

      :welcome: to Abs Land, Taa !

      Being determined is the very best of can do it! When is your 40th?

      Stay close and enjoy it here!

      Beth.....look at you...sounding sooo positive and good! Day 3 is nice, isn't it? At least we're getting somewhere! Talk to me more when you get near the 30 days....I have some experience to pass on LOL:H

      Suze xx
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        Ready...Set... Go!!

        I will be 40 years young 11/19!!! That is just about thirty days and I thought wouldn't it be great to treat myself to sobriety, especially since I forgot what it feels like!!


          Ready...Set... Go!!

          We've started baking the cake already!

          Stay strong :h

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            Ready...Set... Go!!

            Have much respect for you in deciding to take the plunge into`re gonna love your new life and have a spectacularly happy 40th.

            Starlight Impress x

