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It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

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    It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

    Good Morning Fellow Innkeepers!:H

    Hope you all had a good night.....I found poor Sven slumped in the hallway so he has been having a little tlc in my room. Please let him rest today, ladies. I just made him some hot chocolate and read him a bedtime story. I am so good.

    Apart from Sven I had a pretty bad night myself. I went to bed fine then woke up feeling just sort of ill...which led to a bit of panic....but luckily the thought of alcohol made me feel worse! I seem to remember I had this sort of thing last time I went's a weird feeling, as if I'm just grinding to a halt, my heart slows down and I have to remind myself to breathe. Anyone else ever had that?'s another bright new day for us to bounce around in....let's keep it sweet and keep Al firmly in the bin. :goodjob:

    Suze x
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

    Morning Suze - sorry you had 'that' feeling in the night.... yes, I had it too (horrible!) but it did pass....sorry, can't remember how many days AF you're cherishing... but it did take several days/early weeks for things to settle down.

    Get Sven to keep massaging!! (Or was it a swoon....?!?!)

    (I need my head examining; I dreamt I stabbed someone in the back of the neck last night...?!?!?!? Eeek. It was HORRIBLE!!) (Was it my mum perchance?!?!?)

    Love to all at the Inn....soooh lovely!! Enjoy your stay!
    FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

      PS - just a little note to say don't forget to check out the last posts on the day before before starting gabbling on the new day!!! Hannah-Deb posts late coz of work and longtitude!! She's got the visuals down to a fine art! (i.e. if you miss the pic of Horatio from last night...well, your!!!!!! Aaaaaaah! Sigh!!!! Swoon.... stop it woman (me) - you're old enuf to be his mother....eek!)

      Have a grand Tuesday!
      Love FMF xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

        Good morning fellow Inn mates

        Wow, this is a great place to be. The scenery is amazing!! thanks Hannah and Rob. I'm a bit of a techno alien so I really admire all the graphics. Had a great sleep last night after another AF day so feeling good. Going to check out the facilities, might go for a sauna or a massage.



          It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

          Hello lovely's-

          As some of you know, AL snuck up on me last night and grabbed me by the hair and wouldn't let go. I had to send out an SOS to get him off my back. He was REALLY trying to strangle me and he ALMOST overpowered me. On my own I wouldn't have had a chance. Thank goodness so many of you have been working out in the gym, eating well and getting rest - I was too weak to punch him out on my own. I hope the next time he tries I can karate chop him immediately. But if not, it's so good to know I have brothers and sisters here to help. You guys are FIERCE!!! And p.s.- Margaret was nowhere to be found. I have my suspicions about where she was but I don't like to gossip......

          Also sprained my ankle pretty badly yesterday while out power-walking on the beach. Sven may need to spend alot of time in my room today, but I'll try not to tire him out.

          What time does the breakfast buffet start? Would LOVE some fresh juice, and, oh......., how bout eggs benedict? mmmmmm..................

          Hope everyone is well! Maybe Margaret (that hussy) can rustle up a wheelchair and wheel me down to the pool later for a virgin pina colada. Maybe a game of cards? Anyone care to join?

          see you later! luv, Beth


            It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

            Ah what a lovely morning at the Inn. It's very nice to see you all. I slept well and had a very strange dream about looking into another woman's purse and seeing how nice and clean and organized it was, very unlike my own.

            Beth, that sounds like a wonderful breakfast and I would be happy to join you. Anyone else in?

            I love all the graphics too from yesterday, you guys are amazing!
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

              Good Morning from the INN

              Suze- What a kind and caring person you are, I'm sure Sven appreciated your ministrations. Which bedtime story did you read him? The Three Little Pigs, I seem to recall hearing some huffing and puffing coming from direction of your room.

              I'm sorry that your nights sleep was interupted and that you were feeling a little off color. I think some of the effects that we have depend on how much and how long we drank. The longer or drinking history, the more likely we are to have physical effects including sleep disturbances. Are you taking any supps? Some people have success with calms forte before bed or melatonin.

              Anyway, I've hired George who is a sleep fairy to sprinkle his pattented Sweet Dreams Sleep Powder around the halls. Let me know how it works out. I think he's a little near sighted though.

              Finding- You are absolutely right Hannah/Deb is doing incredible work with the graphics!! They add so much to the posts and give our little retreat so much character. They also take a good deal of time to collect and upload so everyone shout out a big THANKS to Hannah/Deb.

              Rus-Good Morning! I'm glad your enjoying your stay. Sounds as if you are doing well.

              July- How was you run? As usual you're right. Having run the race once is not the end. You put on your running shoes and run it again or better still run an even tougher one. Always glad to see you here as we are a little light on the male gender.

              Just a few notes for the day:
              I've given bothe Sven and Horatio the day off, they're both suffering from exhaustion. However, Helga is still down in the spa for massages.

              There will be a Pilates class starting on Monday. You may sign up at the main desk.

              I think I've finally gotten the kitchen sorted out. I've hired a master chef Antiono to oversee things there and Ernie the plumber is setting up different work areas for our various cooks. Bobby Flay is our guest chef today and we have lots of antacids available at the kiosk.

              Finally, I noticed that we will be staying at the Inn over Halloween so of course we need to plan a costume ball. Everyone is invited to join in the fun.

              Well must be off to get ready for the other job. Everyone have a great day

              Love and Peace
              Rob Attached files [img]/converted_files/346407=2149-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/346407=2410-attachment.gif[/img]


                It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

                I need a detox massage -- mini bar Monday took over!

                Hi All -- Monday's are a long day for me and quite stressful as a teach a class with my boss but she is so unorganized that I never know what is going in (I actually think it is a passive aggressive thing on her part) well she is out of town and yesterday was terrible as the students had so many questions,needed clarification, etc & I did not know the answers -- just so uncool -- anyway I had two beers... so, I was feeling good and I did not prepare for Monday -- Ironically I came homeandsaw how everyone talked Wonderworld through a tough time... well it wasn't wine, and I could stop at two but I NEED a Monday plan!!!!!

                So,sign me up for a detox massage -- my problem is that my job is very bad (mainly due to this boss who is faculty -- I am not I have a Masters and am all but dissertation towards my doctorate) and the only thing in this town is this University, I could move but my boyfriend is a full professor... who said he would move with me but he has a good situation so I would not want him to move. It sucks... so I trick myself & say I'm an actress playing a university administrator... so it is raining here and I need togo to an awful job! BabyGirl feeling down...


                  It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

                  Hi Everyone: I'm doing well. I had a long babysitting stint w/my grandsons yesterday (8:30 AM - 7:30 PM). I came home pretty pooped but am fine today. They are incredibly sweet & loving (2.5 & 4 yrs. old). I'm glad I'm sober so that I can really enjoy them. Take care of yourselves & your sobriety. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

                    Top o the mornin', all!

                    Suze, yes, have had that sort of thing happen. This too will pass, just give it time and hang in there. My goodness, never knew Sven and Horatio would be so popular! (Poor dears!).

                    FMF - Whatta dream? Did you by any chance eat something really strange before bed? Salami and ice cream by chance? Have a really great day today, FMF, will be thinking of you.

                    Morning Rust - Pics are fun to do, and makes things interesting. Glad you?re enjoying them! Hope you have a pleasant day ?At the Inn?!

                    Wonder world - Ouchhh! What you need is a little TLC! Please take it easy today! Congrats on wrestling and coming out on top! We?ll have to see what Rob is rustling up for breakie! Could get used to this ifestyle!

                    Beaches - Well, it certainly wasn?t MY purse you were looking into. No organization there, nope, no way, no Sireeee?..

                    Aw, Babygirl, lots of hugs and also a kick in the butt (because that?s what we do here, both are part of the program!) Hope today is a better day, and hope your problems seem a little less daunting. Hope you got the fresh flowers we sent to your room.

                    Morning, Mary! Always good to see you here too, glad you had such a good time w grandsons!

                    Haven't seen Margaret around this morning myself (?). The rest of the housekeeping staff looks mighty grumpy, hmmm.......

                    Rob - Take a bow for yourself too, while you are at it. We are a pretty good team, what say? And thanks to all of you! My morning graphics are not likely to be very exciting because of lack of time - must get to work, darn it all -

                    But, first a quick stop in the kitchen to see what Antonio has for us this morning!

                    Have a great AF day all, will be checking in tonite! Attached files [img]/converted_files/346422=2122-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/346422=2154-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/346422=2155-attachment.jpg[/img]
                    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                      It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

                      Love your stuff, Hannah! Can we pay you to work full time at The Inn - no need for you to go to work then!

                      Do we have a recycling facility here? I have some bottles to dispose of*......:H

                      Suze x

                      * elderflower cordial, since you ask.
                      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                        It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

                        Sorry to hear Horatio is on a break.

                        However, I plan on yet another day of lazing by the pool and catching up on some reading, drinking decaf tea and water.

                        Enjoy your stay, all!!

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

                          Morning everyone, day 16 for me. There's so much going on at The Inn, I can't keep up! (Shame, think that's what Horatio said!!)

                          Well I was looking forward to the pilates class but I am going to have to check out on Thursday as going on holiday with the family......but would you be kind enough to keep my room vacant for my return - Sunday 28th - just in time to celebrate 30 days AF!! (And Cindii too and anyone else who started 1st Oct!!) Can we make a booking for a party??? - maybe a joint Halloween party?? PLEASE??

                          Have a great day fellow residents and Management.....

                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

                            Suze - same boat here! Bottles galore.......Sainsbury's Caledonian lemon sparkling glass and now making more noise than the wine used to! I used to feel guilty then because I I feel guilty in case people think.... aaaagh! Can I drop them round the back of the Inn? When's recycling day? I'll drop them off QUIETLY in the night!

                            Have a fun evening here guys....listen up and if you here the Djembe (african drum) it'll be me!

                            Love FMF xx (Horatio - get your strength back soon - I'm back on your waiting list....! lol)
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

                              G'day all Inn guests,

                              What amenities we have here!!!
                              My get-up-and-go dissappeared this morning before I even got out of bed so I'm feeling a bit out of sorts. It seems to be one of those days when something is bothering me and I can't put my finger on what it is. Often, these feeling (and I don't even know what the feelings are all about) would be a trigger for me as it seems so much easier to drink and forget the "issue" rather that dig it up and address it.

                              Tonight,therefore will be a challenge. I'm trying to get things done so the evening is a stressless as possible. Then maybe I'll figure out why I'm antsy and feeling lethargic and a bit down.

                              All of you who have been Af for a while seems to accept these feeling as one would a wave and just ride them out. That seems to be the wisest thing to do....just accept that we have down periods,ride them out and let them pass. Tomorrow will be better.

                              Doesn't the AA serenity prayer address this in a way...change what we can change, accept what we can't change ,and learn to understand the difference between what we can and can't change.......Very bad paraphrasing I know.....somehow it helps though (one of the few things I "kept" from AA.

                              We will all have a good night at the inn, I know.


