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It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

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    It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

    Oh - regarding the foil hats that to Al are like garlic to a vampire - the best, and most stylish ones can be made from used Jiffy Pop containers - you know, the kind you shake over a campfire? Just kind of squash it down over top of your head - the leftover oil makes a dandy hair conditioner, and the peak makes a cool sunshade if you wrap a little toilet paper around it. No, no, don?t thank me for the insight - fashion tips are my forte!

    Cindi, hope you enjoyed your day by the pool. May I join you tomorrow? I am off for the day (My sanity Wednesday) and don?t have to do anything except go to the dentist (lost a @*#&$%(*^^% filling today!!!!!), houseclean, do laundry, shopping, and oversee lino repair at my son?s condo - heck, should have all that done by 9:00, (note the slight cynicism there) see ya at the pool! Attached files [img]/converted_files/349477=2171-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/349477=2172-attachment.jpg[/img]
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

      Janice - Please enjoy your holiday. We’ll be sure to keep your room for you - and if your mini bar is empty and the bed is full of cracker crumbs, it wasn’t because we had a party in there, no way, not us, we wouldn’t do that! And yes, for sure we will have a big holiday bash! Start picking out your costumes everybody. However, is NOT invited! (Except, of course, to be pummelled).

      Welcome, Ggirl! I can’t talk with any real knowledge about the CD’s and most of the supplements, because I never took anything except the occasional Kudzu, but from what others have said, it is money well spent. And you only have to buy the CD’s once, and you have them forever. I would go for it, if I was struggling. Any ammo in your gun against the Booze Beast can only be a good thing. Good luck to you, and please keep posting. There is always room here for you at the inn.

      Vino - I think what you are saying in a nutshell is that we somehow expect that life will be perfect if we can only kick the booze. Much as we also think life will be perfect if we could only lose ____ pounds. (Fill in the blank here). Well, life will definitely be better, but it won’t be perfect. Life never is. And the reality of going AF is that you have to find some way to cope with that reality because you are no longer numbing it with alcohol. But, believe it or not, you can find ways. In the early days, people often eat a lot of sugary snacks, etc, and gradually you get beyond that too. Lots of people also exercise, go to the gym, get frisky (this hotel should prove that point beyond any arguing! Check your inhibitions at the door!)

      Hi Accountable! See you are a late night “post”er just like me! Attached files [img]/converted_files/349483=3698-attachment.gif[/img]
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

        But, hey, Rob - re Dan Stag - I?ve been good - can I keep him, Huh? Huh? Can I??????? Oh drat, guess I?ll just have to go to the exercise room.

        then off to beddie by for me See y'all around the Inn tomorrow! Attached files [img]/converted_files/349485=2174-attachment.gif[/img]
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          It's Tuesday 16th at The Inn

          Hi all....lost post #1 (%&$'#!) so am just gonig to redo my note to Beaches if that's OK...

          Beaches love...I am worried for you...You have done and dealt with soooh much in your life. You are clearly incredibly strong. However, is it as you decided you just HAD to be? You sound like you've not been acknowledged by your parents so just learned to 'get on with it'... And folk like us attract people who are, or just become, happy to just bleed us dry. My ex hubby was even happy to just sit in the arm chair while I dealt with the bailiffs at the door (literally) coz "It wasn't fair, life didn't give him a job" and we were stony broke. Me and my family gave him over ?150,000 in total over ten years to 'help him get on the ladder of success'... I'm still stony (and, of course, so's he!) as he had all I was getting and I lost my house through it. He has only given me ?5 a week for the last 4 years of our 8 year divorce to help raise his kids because 'he can't get a job'... Grrr! And I see some similarities in you? (I hate losing posts; this one's not working the same! Sorry!) BTW not suggesting your hubby's that bad but I don't see him 'hhearing and seeing' you.....?

          Flip posted "The squeakiest wheel gets most oil" a couple of days ago and it really spoke to me. I MUST squeak more and get to feel a bit more deserving.... my folks said nobody'd want me and I'd end up on the seems I'm still believing them somewhere deep down as I'm getting closer all the time! We must stop 'listening' now!! Start asking for what we deserve. Because we DO!

          You're an amazing person and what you do every day with your 'brood' and job and I am sure your Mom's still got some mothering in her somewhere...demand it!! I know, it's just so easy to 'let it go' because it takes an enormous amount of energy to ask for things....I'm a master of 'non-asking'...but look where it got me....!? The bottom of a bottle?!? I let the bug**rs do THAT to me??? What am I on? (I used to think the bottle wouldn't answer back or say no.....ha ha ha ha!! Hwo wrong I was!)

          Beaches - I hope you don't mind me rippling your peace in the Inn...I don't want to see you go on being torn to shreds with exhaustion.

          Hugs from me to you - and to everyone. Be back later I expect - got to check out all these hunky new masseurs!
          Love FMF xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

