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The Inn...Weds 17th October

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    The Inn...Weds 17th October

    Morning boys and girls

    I slept much better last night so I am tripping around like a little bambi this morning...tra la la......I didn't even hear those bottles being recycled (oh yep...just found the in-room facility...)

    Beaches and Baby...come out of the wreck room please....and bash that Al with your silver cone things.

    Dan Stag?....mmmmm...but that rippling effect..he looks like he's about to throw up. Please...not on this nice bed quilt, Dan. Ooops...gave myself away there. I'm just giving him some hot chocolate. I am good. LOL.

    How is everyone?

    Suze x

    Beaches.....I'm really affected and touched by your posts. What a hell of a situation...*big hug*
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    The Inn...Weds 17th October

    Morning folks!

    Er ..... where do I check in?

    Oh and - where is the gym?

    Love :l



    Day 91 of my new life today.
    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      The Inn...Weds 17th October

      I want a room too! on day 4 again! no more excuses. See you in the gym satori!
      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


        The Inn...Weds 17th October

        Mornin' all-

        I love the Inn!!!! My inn-mates are so cool and fun to hang around with!

        Hi Suze!! So glad you had a better night's sleep - it does make such a huge difference, eh? And leaping around like Bambi? A sight I'd like to see! With my dumb sprained ankle, there'll be no leaping for me today, but I am feeling SOOOOOOOOOO much better mentally and emotionally, here on my day 5 AF. I can't even believe it. You've been a critical part of the "support team" - thank you for helping me so much!

        Hi Satori - My heart skipped a beat when I saw your 91 days! What an inspiration! It's AWESOME and lets me know I can do it too! I haven't found the gym yet, sadly. I've been doing seaweed wraps, hot stone massages and pedicures in the spa instead. Hopefully I'll get back to working out soon. Just needed a little extra rest and TLC to get my strength back.

        See you all in the dining room! I love the cappucino here! And to think - they even serve the MWO supplements with your breakfast!

        See you later!

        xoxox Beth :h


          The Inn...Weds 17th October

          Good morning all! I had a very nice sleep at the Inn my bed was fabulous and the pillows were the best I have had ever.

          Thank you all for your kind words last night, they meant a lot. I have really been working hard at changing myself and just hoping others (in my family) come along with me for the journey. I know I can't change any of them so that's why I am working on me.

          Today I am going to take a nice walk around the Inn and breathe in the fresh air then off to work.

          See you all later.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            The Inn...Weds 17th October

            Hiya Max - yep gonna hit the gym later for sure need to get those endorphins flowing!
            Might have to be the pool for a couple of days mind you - see my reply to Wonder below.

            We have a hotel here in Scotland that I sometimes stay at where the decor is very Zen inspired - they have a massage area where they do hot stone massages.
            A hot stone massage in minimalist japanese style surroundings, complete with huge Buddha statue - now that is my idea of relaxation!

            Sorry to hear you hurt your ankle - I hurt my ankle on too on Sunday - not badly thankfully - by taking the "direct" route down while climbing (ie I fell off!) just tweaked it a little - hope yours isn't too bad.

            Day 91 is no biggie - it is just the same as day 5 - and you have already done that!.


            Good to hear you are doing Bambi impressions today! Just, watch out for that ice OK? - we don't want any more ankle sprains!

            Oh BTW - who do we see about getting a meditation room set up here???

            I need one, Meditation Mama will need one if she drops in, Wonder will need one and I'm sure I saw a new member called Buddha27 or similar - my guess is he might need one AND we might be abe to persuade him to stay here if we provide the facilities!

            Have a great day

            Love :l

            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              The Inn...Weds 17th October

              Baby is in the wreck room! Do I drink because I hate my job or do I hate my job because I drink? Last night I drank a bottle of wine ... in my case I think it is habit ... I had over 50 days last winter & I just can't seem to get my head wrapped around this...


                The Inn...Weds 17th October

                hey BG -
                what do you think is the difference b/w this time and when you did the 50 days? what got you drinking again? what would help you feel like you're making a new start?



                  The Inn...Weds 17th October

                  Hi Beth -- I started to drink after my 50 day plus AF stint when my sister moved back to town -- she is a train wreck (ironically she does not drink) I have since set up a HUGE boundary in that department. So, part of me is just being a brat, drinking is an escape, I know better but for some reason I can't seem to get the AF notion to "catch" this time.
                  I did have 5 days AF before the slip...


                    The Inn...Weds 17th October

                    Hey all Good morning from the Inn- I'm a little late getting down to greet you all. So much to do!!

                    Ggirl--Welcome! Great to meet you. By all means use any tools that help you to obtain your goal of abstinance. If you'll check back on the Sunday welcome thread the "house rules" are posted there. The goal of this particular thread is 30 days consecutive abstinance, so come on in and enjoy the Inn. There are great people here.

                    AFM- Hi there. Great to see you. Hope you have a good time here.

                    Hannah/Deb- Our style maven!! I can hardly wait to see your costume for the Halloween ball. Wow who are those guys? Is that the security team?

                    So where is our BabyGirl, I know she is not still in the Wreck Room.

                    Beaches- I love Loise Hay. I had her "You can Heal Your Life" tapes and flat wore them out. I really do like her affirmations. If I'd just listened better I probably wouldn't be here. It sounds as if no one has ever really been there for you. But that is changing NOW. While the INNmates can't physically help change your situation, we can support you with our love and encouragement and just say really nasty things about people who hurt you.

                    Finding- As always, you offer your experience to support and encourage those in need, thanks.

                    Suze-I wondered where Dan had gotten off to- Frollicking like Babmbi huh? I guess you took Dan's lecture to heart.

                    Satori- Check in at the main desk. By all means I will be happy to accomodate your desire for a meditation room, just talk to Amy and she'll get her construction team right on it. In the mean time we do have a Zen garden you might enjoy.

                    Max- Welcome, Great goin' on Day 5. Check out the gym and see if we need to make any improvements there for you.

                    Wonder- Good news, after his day off Sven is back. He'll be able to work on your ankle today. Hope it continues to improve.

                    Well, off to start decorating for Halloween-Back later.
                    Love and Peace
                    Rob Attached files [img]/converted_files/349649=2177-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/349649=2178-attachment.jpg[/img]


                      The Inn...Weds 17th October

                      Well shoot BabyGirl- This is what happens when it takes forever to put together a post. I missed yours until I had already put mine up.

                      Come on out of the wreck room and join us!! The question I would encourage you to ask yourself is: How does drinking improve my situation?

                      Ok, now I really AM going to decorate!!

                      Love and Peace


                        The Inn...Weds 17th October

                        Thanks Rob -- I like the simple approach -- and no it does not improve the siutation at all.


                          The Inn...Weds 17th October

                          oh geez Babygirl -

                          You're singin' my tune! I have the same kind of sister! She's a NIGHTMARE and EVERYONE around her goes running for the bottle, alcoholic or not. I've just made plans with my mom to go to her house for Christmas, and I'm already dreading it big time. My first thought, honestly, was could I get a perscription for xanax, valium, morphine, anything! to get me thru the visit? Not good. If I didn't cherish (and pity) my niece and nephew so much (they're 5 and 7), I wouldn't go. I've already decided this is the last time.

                          Is yours older or younger? mine's older, and it's just the two of us.



                            The Inn...Weds 17th October

                            Don't give up.
                            You can do this.
                            Not that I am an example, but many here are.
                            Love and Peace,

                            Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                              The Inn...Weds 17th October

                              Beth -- sounds like we have similar sisters ... I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers I am number 6 of 7 and she is the youngest. I am 40 and she is 37... I tend to be the person in our family that everyone leans on because I don't have kids (I made that choice years ago) but right now I am hurting me & I need to snap out of it...
                              I'm curious to see how you'll get morphine before the next family visit? LOL

