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The Inn...Weds 17th October

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    The Inn...Weds 17th October

    Dear Sirs,

    I feel I must comlpain regarding mamagement's blatant attempt at using scantily clad construction-persons in order to avoid actually having to incur the costs associated with actually carrying out any construction!

    I am sure that directing any male guest to talk to "Amy" regarding a request for construction work would result in any thoughts of construction disappearing very rapidly from their heads.
    While I am sure that Amy and her admirable team would be more than capable of producing a satisfactory erection should they so wish, I am willing to wager that not a single brick has ever been laid at your establishment.

    Tell me? Are female guests directed to Amy - or is the Construction team in that scenario composed of scantily clad male hunks along the lines of that admirable Scottish chap .....what is he called again - oh yes Satori isn't it?
    A fine set of Abdominal musculature I believe!

    Yours gumpily......etc.

    A guest
    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      The Inn...Weds 17th October

      BG- LOL on the morphine!!!!!!!

      Quite frankly, all I ever wanted for the holidays was a method to leave the planet and be returned when it's all over.

      I'm the one without kids in the family too (I just turned 45), so it's been expected that I have all kinds of reserves of time and energy to help everyone else. Unfortunately, I bought into that for too long. How 'bout if I just spend all that extra time and energy on having a fun happy fabulous and deeply fulfilling life in whatever way I choose? Radical!!! And it's about time......

      XOX B.


        The Inn...Weds 17th October

        Beth -- I am right there with you!!!!

        Satori -- I think there are going to be some anger management seminars later in the week!


          The Inn...Weds 17th October

          Dear "guest"-

          While I can appreciate your concerns and respect your god-given right to express them, please keep your puritanical views to yourself. The scantily-clad help (featured in all the Inn's promotional literature) is, in large part, responsible for my, and I suspect many of the other guests', decision to extend their very therapeutic stay here. I would further like to point out that the water temperature in the shower in each of our bathrooms can be set exclusively to "cold" at any time, should it become necessary.

          Another Guest

          And p.s., while I don't "pray in that church", Amy is welcome to rub my sore ankle today if Sven is otherwise occupied.


            The Inn...Weds 17th October

            Is this a bed and breakfast?
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              The Inn...Weds 17th October

              Dear Another Guest,

              Puritanical? - PURITANICAL??? - MOI???

              I don't know what the world is coming to !

              Scantily clad women with their bodies on show to members of the opposite er ..cough!?
              Men not wearing a shirt and tie while at work?
              Letters of complaint to the management of an establishment read and answered by a mere guest????

              Disgraceful I say DISGRACEFUL!!

              I shall have no alternative except to take this to the very top!

              Unless, ahem....of course, that scantily clad Amy woman were to come to my room around midnight to apologise to me profusely - several times!
              (She might want to bring her construction squad too - I believe a group apology might also help smooth the waters here)

              Then - and only then mind you......... I might be persuaded to let this matter rest!

              A guest
              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                The Inn...Weds 17th October

                Morning All!

                Tired today, couldn?t sleep last night, and of course when I was just nicely about to drift off, the dawg needed to go out (sigh).

                Whoa - was posting this, and went back just to check on any "action" and about 8 imore posts showed up! Hard to keep up, so if I don't address you personally, don't take it personally! Will catch you later!

                Hi and welcome, Maxman!Hope you enjoy your stay in our luxury accomodations. Spend some time looking around, and if you need any directions, holler!

                Morning Wonder world - Yahoo to day 5! You are over the first hump, give yourself a pat on the back!

                Beaches - love your attitude. A minister whom I deeply respect once told me that circumstances don?t decide whether you are happy or not, intimately that is up to you. Sometimes it is just more difficult than others! Sending you all the best wishes.

                BG - You know, sometimes I do think ?habit? plays a big role here. If you can find a way to change your usual routine it may help. Maybe go for a walk, go to the mall, a movie, or something that puts you in a situation where you really wouldn?t normally drink. Or find some AF drink that you actually enjoy - and just keep filling your glass w that. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit, so after that the ?habit? part won?t play such a role. I swear, I was once addicted to sunflower seeds! Yup, just can?t eat them anymore, or I end up bloated like a whale from all the salt because I just keep eating until the bag is empty. That was actually a habit for me to beat than the booze, believe it or not!

                Satori - Well, glad to see you! We are definitely short on the male gender here (at least in the ?guest? department). Be aware that the female hormones here seem to be out of control! But - don't even try to pretend that you don't like that! Who are you trying to fool? We tell all the guests to check the "whine" at the door, so I am sure I speak for all of us when I say "Button it up, "Guest".

                Sorry to hear about your slip and fall, take it easy, rest up here, and I?m sure you?ll be feeling better in no time. I?ve asked Dr. Harry Hands to whip up herbal wraps for both you and Wonder - enjoy.

                And do check out the gym - nothing but the best here. We do have both male and female personal trainers here. I think you?ll enjoy Gretchen, our female trainer - and yes, you dirty boy, she IS wearing undies - I checked that out, don?t want any ?smut? at our Inn, no sireee! NOW, tell me again that you aren't enjoying this Inn! Afterwards, do check out the zen garden. We do have some Buddhist guests checked in at the moment, welcome to the group, and enjoy your stay.

                Attached files [img]/converted_files/349706=2179-attachment.jpg[/img]
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  The Inn...Weds 17th October

                  Ok guys stand back while your proprietress cuts loos on one of the guests!!

                  - I swear you have an absolute gift for winding me up!! For your information Amy (Matthews) is a real person who does construction. The construction chicks--maybe not so much. However, to imply that attractive women are not capable of qulaity construction is rediculous!!

                  I promise you that your meditation room will be built to specifications, on time and under budget!!!

                  And what's this about sirs, did you not see who started this thread?

                  OK guests continue to frollick.


                    The Inn...Weds 17th October

                    Satori, management has spoken. At this point I will take Amy's team or the other team and continue on with frollicking.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      The Inn...Weds 17th October

                      Sorry you guests had to witness that little temper tantrum. I'll have to visit the Zen garden this afternoon.

                      MDBiker- Welcome. The INN is whatever you want it to be. If you go back and look at the Welcome post on Sunday, we have the house rules posted there. Hannah/Deb pointed out that if we continued the thread for a week it would get too long and confusing and as you can see she was right as usual. So welcome aboard and have fun!!

                      We're currently in the process of planning our Halloween ball and 30 day celebration for some of our INNmates, so jump right in.

                      I think its intersting that without planning it our daily threads take on a theme. Yesterdays ways, free floating anxiety or the hibbijeebies. Today it seems to be: How your family can litteraly drive you to drink.

                      I think that the hardest patterns that we have to break are the roles that we acquired in our families. Mine was the "good girl" stay quiet, out of the way and if all else failed FEAR (F---K Everything And Run). This is so intersting when you consider how little time we actually spend being raised in the home with our family--what 18 or so years. But as soon as we get together again we tend to snap back into our roles, especially in a crisis.

                      OK, much to get done this afternoon. Hmmm. Maybe I can get a guest lecturer tonight on conflict resolution.


                        The Inn...Weds 17th October

                        Watch it, Satori - you've got management well and truly pissed off! Would love to stick around and watch the battle, but gotta go to a dentist appointment (oh yay). Will check in when I get back.

                        BTW - did everyone gear themselves up with the jiffy-pop head gear? For instructions, refer to last post of yesterday's thread. Very stylish, don't want to be the only one without!
                        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                          The Inn...Weds 17th October

                          Hi felow Inn-Mates!

                          I have been absolutely backed up with work, soccer and the like for the past few days.. in otherwords, locked in my room! Calming down and will come down for a visit tonight...


                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            The Inn...Weds 17th October

                            Wow everyone is in hilarious/feisty spirits today - so nice to see as long as everyone is feeling well.
                            Babygirl - I applaud you on your previous 50 days....I am only at day 46 myself but its the longest i have ever gone since I started drinking. I also like to keep the approach really simple. Here is what I have done to deal with the drinking thing:
                            1) I take lots of vitamins and supps to leep my body healthy
                            2) I call a good friend who doesnt drink for support if needed
                            3) I tell myself whenever the thought of drinking comes to mind - "its simply not an option" - Its just not EVER - there is no excuse or justification. And if I was to let myself slip, then I know I am opening the flood gates to being back where I was and I just have to think back to how desperately I wanted to stop and the stupid things I did, to remember I dont want to go back there.
                            Ask for help whenever you need it and be honest.
                            Thats just my two cents - so nice to see you all
                            Love Jen
                            Over 4 months AF :h


                              The Inn...Weds 17th October

                              Jen: I just read your message twice. It's just what I wanted to see when I came here to MWO today. I really love determined talk like that. "Drinking is not an option...ever." I like that as a mantra to myself.

                              I haven't felt particularly tempted or had any cravings lately. I'm only 12 days completely sober, but I had a long AF stretch w/a couple of breaks from July until now. I think I had those slips, because I was unconsciously letting myself think I could drink. I'm now realizing & telling myself that I cannot ever, ever mod. I'm an alcoholic, & it's been at least 5 years since I've been able to drink like anything resembling normal. Thanks for the straight talk. Mary
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012


                                The Inn...Weds 17th October

                                Sorry I have been a reckloose since checking in. Lots going on but I hope to emerge from my room soon to be more social.

                                Glad things here are so well managed.

