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The Inn...Weds 17th October

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    The Inn...Weds 17th October

    Thank goodness, I feel safer already.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      The Inn...Weds 17th October

      Life at the Inn

      BabyGirl, we are pulling for you. The hardest part is that you have to do it for yourself.

      Retteacher is an example to all of us of how starting over and examining our behaviour can to lead to cahnge. 12 days of strength--I'm proud of you Retteacher.

      Hannah, FMF, Rob thanks for keeping us moving forward AF together.

      Maxman, WW, Lucky, InSt, Beaches, tkeene (good eyes), Satorie and others see you all in the AM.


      Day 83 AF


        The Inn...Weds 17th October

        OK, how do you get into the Inn? I'm now 17 days AF and think I deserve some time in this fine establishment!
        Baby Girl, remember we started together. You can do it!
        AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


          The Inn...Weds 17th October

          Thank you all -- your support is motivation like you would not believe!!!!

          Auntie I am so happy for you -- help me know how you handled the tough parts!

          Hannah-- is that the name of your dog?


            The Inn...Weds 17th October

            July - nice to see you. And must say thanks for the great idea of the Inn at 30, it's turning out to be a great thing!

            Auntiegriselda - Bring you bags on in, and we'll get you checked in. Always more room at the Inn!

            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              The Inn...Weds 17th October

              Baby girl - No, her name is Misty. The "Hannah" I took from a favorite book of mine, written by Janice Holt Giles, titled "Hannah Fowler". Was a pioneer woman in Kentucky. Ever read it?
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                The Inn...Weds 17th October

                Hi Everybody,
                I haven't written in quite a while so I feel a little out of the loop here. I've been checking in when I can but been pretty busy lately. Still AF here 43 days so far. I was to my family doctors and finally had my back ex-rays done and am scheduled for physical therapy now. Strange thing is that he prescribed a muscle relaxant called Baclofen which I read on this site helps curb alcohol cravings...that's pretty cool. I didn't even have to mention the alcoholism. I am also on Topamax for my migraines so I guess I am doubly protected as long as my insurance will pay for the both of them. I guess it should since they are for two different reasons.

                I am also about to dip my foot into the dating pool after 8 years of being single.....eeeks. I've been talking to this guy for a couple of months and he has been pretty persistant about wanting to meet. Looks like it will be this weekend. I've enjoyed talking to him and in a way have been stalling at this meeting part because (yes, I am chicken) but if it doesn't work out it will be sad for it to be over:upset: Oh well, guess we have to meet sooner or later. It's a blind date..we've only spoken over the phone. No pictures, only described each other. Wish me luck

                I wrote a letter to the pastor at my church about the situation with my daughter. He had the leader of the womens prayer group call me. She litened to my story and prayed with me. She is going to call around and see what she can do to help me. I should be hearing from the pastor as well. I am hoping that one of them can go with me to court for moral support. Maybe help me find some legal representation(pro-bono) or at least be a character witness for me. I am hoping to have regular visitations with my daughter...hopefully at least a weekend each month. I really hope they can help me.

                I wish everyone well and hope you have a nice weekend. It has been beautiful weather spring rather than fall. It's really been keeping my spirits up. I've been getting out going for walks everyday soaking up the sun. I've also totaly organised and cleaned my apartment out....(spring cleaning in the fall) I've given away so much stuff and thrown away so much clutter.

                Guess i'll run along for now. See you guys later:h


                  The Inn...Weds 17th October

                  what's the inn?

                  hiya. what is the inn exactly? is it you get to stay there everynight that you are sober?


                    The Inn...Weds 17th October

                    Hi Hmmm

                    The Inn is a virtual place where a group of people get together to try to do 30 days AF (alcohol free) together. We help each other along and get inspired!

                    Lots of rooms you want to check in? There's a great room with a sea view and a personal mini-jacuzzi - would that suit you? Or the one with a balcony and a whole wall full of books to read? Your choice!

                    Nice to see you - there's a new thread everyday - come on in!

                    Suze x
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                      The Inn...Weds 17th October

                      Does the Inn accept occasional visitors?


                        The Inn...Weds 17th October

                        You can crash in my room anytime you like!
                        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                          The Inn...Weds 17th October

                          Thanks Maxman ... you're a love! I come with my own swag.

                          Just don't know the house rules - I can only get away two or three days a week. Don't know if The Inn allows short stay visitors.

                          And about those jousting sticks ... tell him he's dreamin' ...


                            The Inn...Weds 17th October

                            I AM PUMPED!! just signed up for a 6.7km fun run! the arthurs seat challenge! only one km of the run is flat ground the rest is uphill! Ive got three weeks to prepare any training tips would be appreciated! Am I mad or what
                            "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                              The Inn...Weds 17th October

                              Maxman -that's great! Training tips = retire now!! (Jesting - sorry! Good luck!) FMF xx
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                                The Inn...Weds 17th October

                                Tawny...come in whenever you can.......we may try to keep you, though!

                                *Tawny seen trying to exit through lobby with 2 Innmates attached to each ankle shouting 'don't go...the party's only just started!'*

                                Suze x
                                Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

