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Wed. Oct. 17

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    Wed. Oct. 17

    Hi Everyone: I don't like to let this thread go if I can help it. Hope all is well. I'm on day 12 today & feel great. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Wed. Oct. 17

    Hi Mary and all to come

    Just checking in quickly as in the middle of homework/dinner preparations. Began reading a book on drug addiction in high society and its very interesting. There are a lot of similiarities between the people in the book and a lot of us. Functioning lives on the outside, professionals, some in very responsible positions and then this inner demon destroying them on the inside. A lot of them had dysfunctional childhoods. This is an area I am exploring at the moment and the affect my childhood has had on me. The on-line counselling has been very theraputic sp???j



      Wed. Oct. 17

      Hi, Mary, Rustop, and all to follow!

      Glad to see you both doing so well. After my little stint at mods, I am back into AF for a while, and it actually took me a few days to feel comfortable with that again - just goes to show that we can never let our guard down. Have a good AF day.
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        Wed. Oct. 17

        Hello all abbers.

        Just a quick update from me.... I haven't even had a chance to shower yet today as the little one has been extremely irritable due to not feeling well. Oh, tis the season of germ infestations.

        I received the call back from the place I interviewed with on Monday and I was offered the position. I am so happy, and relieved! It is in the line of work I love the most and I am best at. Human Resources Coordinator for the School District here. (I worked for the Province at the Ministry of Education a few years back for many years, so I am assuming they felt I was a good fit.) The funny part of this is not only the salary, benefits and all of the other goodies that come along with the job, it is also right around the corner from where I live! How sweet is that. Like a two minute walk.

        So, now I am going to pray for thanks, put the little one down for a nap (I doubt she will nap) and grab a shower.



          Wed. Oct. 17

          Accountable: Great news! You'll be going to your new job w/a whole new outlook as well. I'm happy for you. Your little one will benefit from having a working mom. It'll make her more flexible.

          Everyone: I feel I'm reaching a different level in my mind regarding my sobriety. I want to guard it w/my life. I realize that drinking will only body, my mind, & my soul. Mod is just not for me. I can't have just 1, 2, or 3. My new mantra is "drinking is not an option...ever." I think that sums it up for me.

          I'm thankful that I don't have any social events that involve drinking in the immediate future. That helps a lot. However, I'm realizing that the bigger temptation is the lone drinking I got into the habit of. Today, I went by my favorite liquor store & memories of going in, buying a bottle of pinot grigio, & stashing it at home washed over me. In my mind, I went right to all the awful experiences I've had doing that. That pretty much cancelled the whole thing out.

          Thanks for being here. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Wed. Oct. 17

            :yay: :wd: AFM That is great News!! Very very happy for you. You certainly deserve it!



              Wed. Oct. 17

              :goodjob: Accountable....what excellent news! Let us know all about great that it's just round the travel stress, wonderful!

              I'm at the end of Day 5....and today I haven't even thought about alcohol at all...that feels good! I like 'not an option' too.......and it encourages lateral thinking - makes you think of other ways of coping/celebrating etc. Thanks for that Ret!

              Suze x
              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                Wed. Oct. 17

                Challenge Day

                I just got back from "Challenge Day"....WOW! I had posted about it last week. It is amazing the amount of suppressed emotion these young people are carrying around (and this is one of the more desirable suburbs). To see how they at the age of 12 are suppressing emotions and already feeling alone in the world. Seniors were there that had gone through "Challenge Day" 3 years ago spoke about how it changed them and their school. They said that it isn't perfect....but the amount of bullying and teasing that goes on in the school is almost nil. I was an emotional day. Kids just sobbing letting the emotion out...other kids giving them support and love...lots of healing tears. I makes me realize how much I have stuffed down that I don't even realize.

                Pooped out....I just wanted to add this onto the thread....I will check back in to read the thread...



                  Wed. Oct. 17

                  Mary, thanks for the kickstart! Happy late check in from Mr sleepyhead....I slept in, oops.
                  yes, it's a huge strain off for me when I don't have social events taking place that would normally involve drinking.

                  nice news a new job kinda guy I can tell you it's great to be re employed!

                  Karma, you are doing challenge day as a charitible act? not part of your job?


                  all the best and be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Wed. Oct. 17


                    I guess you could call it is not part of my job. I spoke to one of the mom's prior to the start of the day...she couldn't believe that I drove 20 miles to get there and took a vacation day from work. Her and I met up at the end of the day and spoke about the was then that she could see why I was there. It is incredible to be there for the kids...but realistically I probably get more out of it than them. I wakes you up to what is REALLY going on...and it helps me to be a better mom. But realistically it is very healing for me. It opens me up as no therapist has ever done before and it opens my eyes to so much that is stuffed so deep down. It is wild to see the world through the eyes of a 12 year old being open and reminds me of where some of my hurts orginated. At 36 there are things in there that I don't even realize or recall until I attend one of these. They are still raw and can express it....I learn how to express it to some degree. One of the seniors in my group I know was way more well adjusted than I...and he had a ton of crap to share.

                    So is it charitable...not really. I seriously wish I could go to something like that once a week. When I saw the program on Oprah I so related....which makes me think I am a 16 year old running around in a 36 year old body at times. So many of the parents communicated the same thing at the end of the day. We are all alike...our vices may be different...but we all have our crap that we cover up with something.

                    They do this really cool cross the line exercise...this is when it really gets emotional. It was then that I realized a good therapist would do me some good. I have never had a good experience with therapists...but I am now on the path to find a good one. I don't think I need years of therapy...just someone to draw the hurts out...a good cry...and then heal...rather than cover it up and pretend it doesn't effect me today.

                    What I keep stuffed down....not even knowing it is there....will carry over to my kids. Just as it carried over from my parents, from their parents to me.

                    Emotional day. I have had a passion for this project since I learned of it. Now I plan to do things with it. I want to spearhead it getting into my kids district...way before they get high school so that they don't have to endure some of what I did. Getting off my butt...and making a small change in the world.



                      Wed. Oct. 17

                      Hi again....I everyone sounds pretty good today WAKE UP DET

                      I heading to bed - had a long day. Just got off the phone discussing a bachelorette party I will I suppose have to give soon. Talking with another person in the wedding.
                      I cannot imagine a sober bachelorette party! Well, I would be sober...not anyone else. Maybe I can get out of it. ..don't we stop doing these parties at some age?


