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The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

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    The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

    Hey Suze- Sorry you missed the harpist this am. I personally have never been able to convince the utility companies that I am a wonderful person and should not have to pay for the electric, gas, phone etc. So off to work I go. We do have an excellent coffee bar that serves smoothies. If you're into caffine try the cappicino mocha smoothie--heavenly!!

    Wonder- Satori is indeed a good egg. I have no doubt that he is laughing his butt of at my outbust yesterday. I swear if he had a little more hair, he'd be the man I'm married to, who I do incidently love to death.

    I do, unfortunately have some hot buttons and one of them happens to be judging someones ability by their looks or gender. I took Satori's ribbing way too seriously and for that I appologize. I will attempt to curb my temper in the future.

    Hannah/Deb- Thanks for the Imodium- afraid I'm going to need it again today.

    Love and Peace


      The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

      Taa-Big welcome to you. My aren't you beautiful. Thanks Wonder, new folks here can be a little confused. Taa for the full house rules check out the Sunday Welcome thread.

      Lucky has set up excellent security here but so watch out for AL(coholic) .

      His mission in life is to get people who want to remain abstinent to drink and when he accomplishes his goal he will drag you off to the Wreck Room .

      Come on in and enjoy the amenities.

      Love and Peace


        The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

        Top of the morning!!

        Life is definately (finally) coming back to normal for me.. Because I am unable to communicate with the outside world while I was away, I had HUUUGE piles paperwork and many people lines up to talk to me.. On one hand I was refreshed and ready to handle it, but on the other hand I am starting to like the simpler, quiet life of retreat.. Maybe I will become a nun after DD goes to college - oh, wiat - there is that celebacy thing.. never mind. I'll just have to find balance in the real world.

        Back is finally feeling better with the thanks to my wonderful acupuncturist! I was even able to use the lovely exercise room this morning.. Love the new rowing machine! Thanks!

        On the massage therapist shortage.. I will send some over from the spa.... I wanted to make sure they were big and strong so as to "get the knots out"!

        I'm off to the zen garden for my 30 minutes of meditation.. then off to work.


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

          Thanks Rob,well I was beautiful.. seems my mood has switched today to a little more of mighty woman power, little scrawny but feeling like I can fly. I will keep my eye out for my old pal Al. Some friends just aren't worth keeping. Enjoying the spa presently but will be hitting the gym a little later...hoping on 5 miles... kids permitting. Oh yeah the name Taa initials... would love to change it anyone know how.....seems impersonal I can refer to me as Tammy or as some like to call me Gumby! Has to do with my flexibilty? Yeah! Strength and Peace Tammy AKA Gumby


            The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

            Oh MM thanks so much for the recommendations!! I was thinking more along the lines of skills and education but what the heck. Yeah, that whole celebacy thing does put a crimp in the nun vocation. Glad to see you here as always.

            Tammy- I like your fiesty new ativar!! I think you can request a new user name by contacting tha admins.

            Well my recent bout of intestinal whoes has inspired me to upgrade our bathroom facillities. I have found the most wonderful toilet/bidet. . This thing is fabulous. It has a prewarmed seat. You also have a choice of hard or light streams of warm water both front and back and a warm air dryer. In addition there is an automatic air freshener! Quite pricey but only the best for our guests. Ernie the plumber will be installing them in the guest rooms today, so please overlook the inconvenience. Attached files [img]/converted_files/350304=2191-attachment.jpg[/img]


              The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

              Wow, this place just gets better by the second!
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                Hi everyone! Day 18 and feeling great!! Looking forward to hols - going to a lovely little place called Rowardennan on Loch Lomond, West Scotland. Can't wait! Staying in a log cabin so should be nice and cosy!! Of course, not as cosy as this place - that reminds me, I need to check out today but if I could have my room ready for next Sunday, thats when I'll be back and I know I will definitely be 28AF days !! Yippeeeee! Can I celebrate with Sven & Horatio??? Take care everyone and good luck whatever your goal is. Janicexxxx
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                  Have great trip Janice!!!! And congrats on your 18 sober days!! It's awesome!!!

                  XOX Beth


                    The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                    Janice have fun and of course we will hold a room for you!!
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                      Sorry to be a party pooper...but I won't be able to be at the Irish fiddle gig tonight. I haven't been feeling well for a day or two and I feel yucky as hell tonight. I don't think it's the might be a bug, plus my hormones are playing up LOL (sorry, chaps, WTMI). The only good thing is that I do NOT fancy any alcohol at maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Oh, and I might have cystitis too. Darn. :upset:

                      Poorly Suze x
                      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                        The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                        Gday, this time travelling thing is wearing me out, its friday here! anyway my training will start tomorrow for the run. Who kept me up with that loud music last night? I bet it was Satori cranking his tunes! will start to need those massuers I bet!

                        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                          The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                          I have been informed that some sort of covert surveillance is required at The Inn. The subject is a shady looking character with Beastly intentions. With my prior military background in this field, perhaps I can be of some assistance.
                          I will require a suite overlooking the pool and unlimited access everywhere. I will be in and out at will. I cannot be registered and, of course, mum's the word on my extended stay. In fact, this post never took place and will self destruct at the appropriate time.

                          Good Luck to all guests..

                          I will consider myself on duty until the perpetrator is caged and deemed no longer a threat. Approximate duration of mission: 30 days.

                          day 69


                            The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                            Will the person, who may or may not have checked in, and who may or may not have posted VERY recently on this thread, and who may or may not have experience in the military, please take a look in the hall outside of my room and also out on my balcony. I often sense "the creature" lurking this time of the evening, and tonight I think I really heard a few rustling noises, and I just want to be sure. And maybe Lucky could alert his crew as well. Better safe than sorry.
                            A guest, room #777


                              The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                              Evening Fellow Inn Guests,

                              I've remained cloistered in my room as I've been so afraid Al would be lurking about in the halls. I have felt somewhat weak and we know how Al is a demon at knowing when you're susceptible to his wily charms.

                              Hopefully will feel stronger tomorrow and will venture out to explore the amenities offered at the Inn.

                              See you all tomorrow,



                                The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                                Hello all fellow guests.
                                I have now read the Sunday post and feel I'm ready to really enjoy the Inn. Today is #18 AF. Think I'l turn in early and read for a bit. I was so tired all day today. Of course I had to sit through a training session from 8-4 which was mind numbing. However, it would have been so much worse with a hangover. Or maybe better? LOL! Just kidding.
                                I'm afraid I have to check out of the Inn tomorrow until Monday night as I have a business meeting in San Francisco. I'm terribly afraid Al will be there and I'm trying to prepare myself to fight him off. I'm listening to my social drinking CD tonight and will do the same on that long flight tomorrow aft. Can anyone arrange to have that military guy accompany me for the weekend? Of course, he could be incognito and I would pretend to not know him.
                                Thanks, and see you all on Tuesday!!
                                AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs

