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The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

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    The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

    am in chat if anyone is interested


      The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

      Hello all at the INN. Well I had a great night at Open House with the kids then left them at my other home and came back here. My son ( who has autism) was just out of his mind with all the changes in the school and his routine. He was screaming, dropping, etc. So I let him know all was well and we went to the van and watched the Wiggles.

      Well this military man seems great. I like having him around to check out everything, what happens at the Inn stays at the Inn. With Military man and Lucky and her crew we are good to go.
      I will also have to check out of the Inn for awhile. I know that Al is a knockin'. I won't be gone long. I will be back soon. Actually I will be checking in daily. I was doing so well then as usual got off track and need to wrap my mind back around this. Which is what I plan to do. I admire all of you so much and your strength to become AF and have so many days in a row. I have managed more AF days than ever and I need to do more. I guess more soul searching is in order.
      I love the Inn I will not be a stranger..unless you ban me....
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

        Al is lurking around tonight, however I am keeping him occupied so he won't get a grip on you. Keep your guard up and be aware of his desire to ruin your plan. There is strength in numbers and we have the advantage. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT let your guard down. Stay focused on the goal.
        We can do this. We have eachother's back.



          The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

          Rob & Hannah,

          Thanks for the mention, The Inn for 30 has taken off with your (and many others) start. No I am not offended about the (lack of) G rated request of my daughter. You know 11 year olds, they can't think anything is ok with an old Dad unless it is so very tame.

          I think this whole place is great fun and full of positve energy and when I can think of something to add, I sure will.

          Take care Inn-mates tonight. Be well & AF.


          Day 84 AF


            The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

            Good Evening All: Well Hope everyone had a great day at the INN.

            Beaches-Sorry you feel like you need to check out but we'll keep your room open for you. I'll personally put fresh flowers in there every day for when you're ready to come back.

            Chief-Covet Ops!! Great Al doesn't stand a chance now. I'm glad you're here to help keep us focused.

            Veno- You're right. Sometimes the best you can do is just hunker down and wait till your strong enough to face the world.

            Auntie- Congrats on day 18, Have a safe trip this weekend. We'll see if Chief has an operative to spare to send with you.

            Suze- Sorry, you're not feeling so great. Take it easy and if you need we can send Dr. Hands up to see you.

            Janice- Hope you enjoy your cabin in the woods. Sounds wonderful. You can celebrate any way you like when you get back.

            Well guys time to pack it in for the night.
            Sweet Dreams
            Love and Peace


              The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

              Holy cow - There are like 32 posts on this thread already today! Wow!

              Wonder - Glad you are enjoying the scenery! No, I refuse to even consider that Sven and Horatio are an item - no sireeee, would be too much of a waste, if you know what I mean! As to keeping track of the posts - have you tried using the “go advanced” button? If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see all the previous posts. Neat o, huh?

              Mary - 13 - baker’s dozen day! Good for you.

              Slighty Suze - Irish fiddle band? Really? Well, ok.

              We’ll take "home" video’s if you aren’t feeling well enough to come, maybe you need to borrow some of Rob’s Imodium? Hope you feel better soon.

              (Tammy) Gumby - Welcome! The more the merrier. Is Pokey along w you? He has to stay in the stable, you understand. Margaret, our head housekeeper, draws the line at shovelling sh*t!

              And to you too Tammy! I am finding it hard to type as I am presently getting a manicure myself. ‘Dat you having the facial over there?

              Lucky - Glad to see you are also doing frequent flyovers. Hey, do you get frequent flyer miles? Can you really control that thing? Should we alert the lifequard if you crash into the pool?

              MM - so glad you are feeling relaxed, refreshed, and in a good place, mentally. You have been through a lot. Hope you are enjoying the Zen garden. (And many, many thanks for the loan of the massage therapists - what is it they say, “Many hands make light work” (Ha) - or something like that! How could you even THINK about becoming a nun! Peace and quiet, yeah, but the scenery wouldn’t be nearly as nice!

              Help!!!! I’ve fallen into the new bidet and can’t get out! Rob! I think we need an instruction book!!!

              Beaches, remember there will always be a place for you here.

              and Janice - yes, we will save your room for you - but as I said earlier, if you find crumbs and empty food containers all over, it’s not because we had a party in there - nope, wouldn’t do that…..18 days - that’s great! Enjoy you little getaway, looking forward to seeing you when you get back.

              Maxman - Sorry your sleep was interrupted. That darn Satori, such a partyer, he was probably partying with Gretchen - don't know, he may be a bad influence on her......

              But, at least we can sleep snug and safe in our beds tonight, our unnamed covert surveillance guy (who drives a red convertible, go figure) will be on the prowl tonight, keeping us safe from all beasties that lurk in the hallways.
              Oh covert sir, will this view do?

              Careful, lots of thingies could be lurking in all that vegetation! And not all of them monsters! (Ha!)

              Vino - Hope you feel stronger tomorrow. Order yourself up some nice AF drinks from room service. - I like sparkling water with lots of ice and a squeeze of lemon or lime. Do you have any supplements? I have tried the kudzu, and recently bought some L-glutamine, which I just got in the pharmacy, and it’s supposed to be very good. If you are feeling especially weak, just keep reading and posting, and hang in there.

              Beaches - Let’s just say you are visiting “up Island”, and we will keep your room for you? Sending you strength, and remember, we are all in this together. We draw strength from our numbers, so don’t go too far away, ok?
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                The Inn...... Thursday Oct. 18

                I have millitary experience too don! used to be a tank soldier, I beat the beast sensless last week and havent heard from him for a while!
                "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

