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Thursday - Oct. 18

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    Thursday - Oct. 18

    Hi Everyone: I hope all is well. I'm feeling great emotionally, spiritually, & physically (except for a few old-age aches & pains). That sense of well-being is a direct result of being AF. What a huge gift! Although I know they've suspected, I've kept my drinking a secret from my loved ones. Now that I'm cleaning up my act, I wonder if they've seen a shift. I'm so much more in the moment. I always used drinking to unlock my sense of humor, but it did just the opposite. Now, I can be much more witty & fun, because I'm not on my guard as much. If anyone reading this can share some of their blessings of sobriety, I never get tired of reading about them. Love, Mary
    PS: If you're still struggling, please feel free to come here & write about it. It's necessary to express all your struggles in order to move past them.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Thursday - Oct. 18

    Good morning Abbers! Yesterday was such a long, busy day that I didn't really have time to post~sorry! I was thinking of every one and checked out the threads, but when it came time to type a reply, the old brain checked out. It's another busy one today and tomorrow too before I fly out tomorrow night, but I wanted to check in this morning and say "Hey!"

    I'm feeling so much better about the engagement party in NY now that I have talked to everyone here about it. I feel so much more confident that I won't cave in. It makes such a difference having you all to talk to. I'm really looking forward to the trip now, instead of half-dreading it (except the plane ride:fingers: ).

    Hi Mary, you and I were posting at the same time. I just moved my post over here so that things don't get confusing. Have a great day. I must confess that I'm not feeling overly blessed right now with my bum shoulder, although it is getting better. I am happy that I lost 15 pounds though, since I stopped drinking in June. I'm only a few pounds away from the weight I would like to be at, and I wouldn't be able to do that if I was still drinking.

    Anyway, I actually have a few hours to deal with my nemesis, paperwork, so I am going to do just that.

    Have a strong AF day to all who come later!

    Hugs to all,:l


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Thursday - Oct. 18

      Hi Mary, Kathy and all to come

      Waking up fresh and unhungover is one of the greatest blessings of being AF. It's such a great start to the day. Glad you are looking forward to the party Kathy, enjoy.



        Thursday - Oct. 18

        Hi Mary, Kathy and Rusty and everyone to follow: Mary you seem to be doing very well lately, you sound happier. For me, the first few weeks was absolutely dreadful with a few bright spots such as the novelty of waking up on a Saturday morning not hung over and all my teeth still in place.
        Looking back, it was probably a good two months before I really began to feel some real changes taking place and know that this was for real. Something deep down changed. I no longer thought of not drinking as punishment or denying myself something. I became at peace with the idea of myself. Sounds funny. I don't think I ever accepted myself (must be some deep seated dysfunctional family childhood stuff) but now I feel good about myself, surprisingly, I am very comfortable in my own skin sober. I never really tried it before but I like it. I no more want to drink now than I want stick my hands into a fire. Now into my seventh month I can say that I rarely ever even think about drinking anymore, there is just no room for it in my life anymore. I really can't imagine how I used to function the way I was.

        Be well all.


          Thursday - Oct. 18

          Barry: I loved your sharing. It's just the encouragement I need to keep going (from someone who is 7 months AF). I know I can do it. I like what you said: you're denying yourself by not drinking. For me, staying AF only enhances my life...nothing is taken away by being AF. I wasn't having loads of fun when I was drinking heavily. I didn't even enjoy it. Have a great day everyone. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Thursday - Oct. 18

            hi all!!
            Mary I'm coming up to a year af and there have been lot of positive changes in my life.
            And I am still learning new things about myself.
            Most of all I I have found out that I am a lot stronger than I thought.
            I drank for lots of reasons but fear and escape were biggies.
            I found out I could face things without drinking and in fact it make it so much easier not to drink.
            Every now and then drinking sounds like a fun thing and then reality pops in my head and I remember how completely wonderful it is to be sober.
            Hope everyone is doing well


              Thursday - Oct. 18

              Mary: Thanks for your kind words but don't give me too much credit, I'm still working on month seven, still a couple weeks to go before I can say I've done seven months AF. Stay stong, believe me, if I could do this you can also.


                Thursday - Oct. 18

                Top of the evening ABerooos! yeeesh, I'll have to start a swing shift daily thread at the rate I'm going

                Mary the sense of humor things I can relate to very well...after the first drink or two I lighten up...then after like the 4th drink I start to become Mr Robot and hide in the corner in my own sad lownly world...yuck!

                Some awesome numbers coming up here...7 months...year...wowsers!

                be well friends
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Thursday - Oct. 18

                  I'm feeling so much better right now, because I finally had a block of time to sit down and get lots done this morning. It felt so good to get some things out of the way. I just felt my mood lift immediately.

                  Also, I just printed out my ticket for tomorrow night's travel. There are supposed to be big thunder boomers around tomorrow, though, which doesn't make me too happy.:fingers: I'm hoping they're outta here before my flight.

                  Anyway, this has certainly been an upbeat thread. Lisa, you only have a few more days to go until you've reached a year! I'm so pleased for you. We're going to have to partay on that day! Barry, we'll have out tickertape out for you, too, at 7 months!

                  Deter, good to see you, friend!

                  I'm turning in now--boy am I tired!

                  Hugs all,:l

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Thursday - Oct. 18

                    Lisa said:
                    Every now and then drinking sounds like a fun thing and then reality pops in my head and I remember how completely wonderful it is to be sober.

                    Well I am approaching 60 days AF next Thursday and I agree Lisa, it is completely wonderful to be sober.Actually, it is much more fun to be sober! Fact: I lost my sense of humour some time ago when I was drinking too much because I was so defensive, so reluctant to admit to myself and my nearest and dearest that I had a problem. Fact: I now get on a million times better with my husband.Since I have become AF with his full knowledge and support, life together is much more harmonious and I am actually able to support him through stressful periods at work.He has cut back on alcohol too, which pleases him as he feels the need to moderate for health reasons.

                    We are much more aware, much more respectful of each other-more loving in a real sense!

                    Barry said:
                    Looking back, it was probably a good two months before I really began to feel some real changes taking place and know that this was for real.

                    Coming on for 60 days,I agree. This is for real. There is no going back into that chamber of horrors. I am determined to be sober always and to always plan accordingly.

                    Tomorrow is my birthday. My hubs and I had a chat and I said I was anxious about celebrating with champagne or suchlike as I wasn't ready to try mods as yet (maybe never-who knows?) He was delighted at my decision! So, take note folks, we will celebrate my b'day AF for the first time since we met nearly 30 years ago-2 people who between them have been drinkers for 35+45=80 years between them!! Scarey maths I know, but we are feeling really happy and free and positive-I am so excited about all the AF things we can do here tomorrow in Londontown-my best present to myself is being the supersober person I am today. I am different. My personality is different. My temperament is different. Hell, I am just nicer! More tolerant and caring, more aware of others.More much more content with the person that I am.

                    So thank you MWO and the people who make this superb forum what it is-a genuine,non judgemental, warm, loving,empathetic,funny,courageous,happy and sad,living and breathing, caring community, without whom I reallly believe I could not have come thus far. Thank you, one and all. Being sober? Makes me appreciate you all! You guys are real not virtual!!

                    Big thanks to Mary for starting this thread-I don't usually say so much about myself but you prompted me to say something - so glad you're feeling great! Those days are piling up!

                    Big Big thanks to RJ-what a generous gift you have bestowed on us! :thanks: from me and every single newbie to come-this is a lifeline for so many:thanks: from Anna :h
                    IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                    Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                      Thursday - Oct. 18

                      WOW Anna !!!!!!!

                      What a beautiful beautiful post. I feel teary! Hope you have a wonderful Birthday! And congrats on your stellar 60 days! You're awesome!!!!!

                      luv, Beth

                      :bday7: :goodtime: :bday1:

