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The Inn...Friday 19 October

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    The Inn...Friday 19 October

    Morning Boys and Girls!

    How is everyone this morning? I could hear that fiddle band in the distance somewhere, thought I might toddle along just to watch but then caught sight of Al unloading some Guiness from a truck so I just went to bed. Feeling loads better today

    Auntie take care at that business meeting....that old Beast will be trailing you - maybe you should take my big stick with you?? Hurry back to the Inn.

    The security around here feels wonderful...really's almost as if Don is here. *sigh* If only.....................

    This bug I've had has really made me feel yuck at the thought of alcohol....anyone want me to package it up and send it to 'em??? :H

    Have a good Friday everyone :h Stay strong!

    Suze x

    Day 7 and smiling
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    The Inn...Friday 19 October

    Good morning Suze and all to come

    Another beautiful morning and feeling good. The entertainment at this Inn is second to none. Suze if you could patent that feeling and sell it you would become a millionairess. Hope you are soon feeling better though.



      The Inn...Friday 19 October

      Morning all-

      I had a horrible night's sleep with nightmares. yuk. :upset: I want to spend the whole day in the spa. Or better yet, stay in my room and take my meals in, and have a visit from the masseuse (a completely clinical one. no hanky panky).

      Suze - sorry you're still under the weather. Hope you feel better soon. I love the macho-man security around here too. It's awesome. I heard Al creeping around last night and alerted Don & Lucky. They scared the living crap out of him and he ran away right quick. Thank God. Funny, thought I heard the sound of a truck backing up in the night - beep, beep , beep - so it was AL with a load of Guiness?!?!. What a jerk!

      I'm with you on day 7 (yay!!!).

      Luv to all and see you later,

      Beth :h


        The Inn...Friday 19 October

        Gppd Morning INN-mates!!

        Suze- Sorry you're still not feeling great. Unfortunately Dr. Hands is out of town so I'll have to send his new partner Dr. Darlin. to see you.

        Wonder- Gosh what is goin' around. Sorry, you're feeling shaky. By all means call room service and order up whatever makes you feel more comfortable. maybe some and herbal tea, or sparkling water.

        Good mornin' Rus- Enjoy your day!!

        Hannah- You crack me up!!

        Max- The more security the better.

        July- Thanks for stoping by.

        Will stop back later. Must head for the other job.
        Love and Peace
        Rob Attached files [img]/converted_files/350742=2201-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/350742=2202-attachment.jpg[/img]


          The Inn...Friday 19 October

          Thanks Rob-

          Is it me, or does Dr. Darlin bear a striking resemblance to John Stamos? Please send him up my way too, I think I may be coming down with something *cough* *cough*

          And I agree, the more security the better- and with Max being an Aussie and all, he'll be all bright eyes and bushy-tailed during the wee hours here. Perfect!!!! A tank patrol while I'm sleeping! What else could a slightly wobbly Inn-mate ask for?!?

          YA HEAR THAT AL !?!?!?!!! A TANK !!!!!!!!!!!

          :alf: :moon: :b&d:


            The Inn...Friday 19 October

            Glad the security is working and providing a sense of safety for us all. I am waking up early due to going to bed @ 9:00 pm. My body seems happy with good sleep and REM uninterrupted from alcohol.

            Make it a great day all.


              The Inn...Friday 19 October

              Why is it soooo quiet @ The Inn today? Is there a party I was not invited to?


                The Inn...Friday 19 October

                Good morning Inn-dwellers!

                nice quite morning here. I hear ya Lucky, the worst thing ever is that horrible inability to sleep as is induced by overindulging...laying there...sweaty with heart pounded. yucko!

                had kind of a hard time last night being in a crapola mood and wanting to drink for the wrong reasons. even though Im mods now I won't allow myself to drink at all for the wrong reasons...bad programming. So I drank some vinegar (don't know why but that helps sometimes) and got on chat. hmmm. vinegar/garlic breath.

                be well friends.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  The Inn...Friday 19 October

                  the party has started Lucky...have some tofurkey
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    The Inn...Friday 19 October

                    Hi Everyone: I'm on day 14 today. I feel great & have a nice weekend planned. There are no social drinking events in my weekend which makes it much easier to stay AF. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      The Inn...Friday 19 October

                      Well folks I have not been AF -- I have not been on a massive binge but it started with 2 beers on Monday & then wine in the evening since... I found out that my mother had a hear attack on Tuesday (she and my Dad live in FLA she is 79) -- she is OK but I KNOW that I used it as a reason to drink -- so trying this again... I am learning as I am new to this site ... my toolkit lacks coping mechanisms -- I hope all understand... I feel terrible...
                      HOW DID YOU ALL DO IT? HOW DID I DO IT FOR 50 DAYS BEFORE???? UGH!!!!!


                        The Inn...Friday 19 October

                        Deter - snap on the reasons never to drink here....but VINEGAR?!?!?! Are you OK?!
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          The Inn...Friday 19 October

                          Aww...Babygirl....that must have been worrying news about your mum. Hope she's doing ok. Anxiety and fear are major triggers for lots of us I suspect......the only thing I can offer is that I find it helpful to ask myself if drinking will make things better or worse? I know it make things worse....a hangover to add to the initial problem....but it can be so hard to keep strong. Don't beat yourself up about it. :l Take a deep breath and start again.....

                          Suze xx
                          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                            The Inn...Friday 19 October

                            Security Update: Al was spotted last night lurking in the area. The Ready One was launched and with a combined aerial assault and perimeter tank patrol he was forced to retreat. However, intel suggests he will be out tonight as it is the weekend and he thinks we are more vulnerable. Little does he know we have been briefed on his tactics and are awaiting his arrival.
                            All guests are advised to continue living your normal lives as planned, but do remember we are at war with The Beast. Any Beastly activity should be identified and terminated quickly and without second thought.

                            Have a great weekend everyone! We can all do this together!

                            Babygirl, I'm sorry to hear about your mother. We will all send positive thoughts to Florida. Now is the time for you get back on track. This is a perfect example of how ruthless The Beast is. He will take advantage of every opportunity he sees as a weakness on your part. Don't give that miserable SOB that power. Take it back now. You can do it and we will help. Keep posting, go on chat, whatever it takes. Get rid of any booze in the house.

                            Will be on patrol tonight...


                            P.S. By the way, my suite overlooking the pool has exceptional surveillance opportunities!


                              The Inn...Friday 19 October

                              keep your eyes off the ducks in the pond don! gunna have to get the security team to take out the new doc, he is a friend of al, on a recent promo trip to aus, he came onto a morning tv show drunk as a skunk and groped the host. Im sorry but he has to go. Det, slow down on the tofurkey, if it is making you drink vinegar you have had too much! chin up mate you can handle anything. will spend the day fixing the tank!

                              speaking of parties can I have one for my birthday next week? would love to invite all of my innmates!

                              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

