Hi Again! Back from meeting, and waiting for hubby, who is about an hour away after 1 week business trip. So going out for supper, looking forward to it! Meanwhile, have time to catch up on "life at the Inn!"
Suze - Hope the ?stressfull family stuff? turned out to be not so stressful after all, and you didn?t need your big stick!

Marbella - sure, there?s room for you. Got to admit, it would be especially hard to remain AF while working at a bar, but not to worry, I am sure you will find the Inn to be the right place to kick back & relax, and let your resolve flow back. Welcome! Love your kitty avator!.

Baby girl - SO glad to see you here today. Most of my graphic come from Photo Bucket - just google Photo Bucket, and you?ll find it. Happy googgling!
Rob - Hope you enjoyed your cookout. Must be nice to have such a large family, both hubby and I each only have 1 sibling remaining alive. (There?s been a lot of tragedy in my family).
Wonder world - this Inn truly is a magical place, isn?t it? So glad you are enjoying it, custom views and all. It was a nice, crisp autumn day here too, would have been great for raking leaves.

Vino - Good on you for recognizing and avoiding one of your triggers. Life takes a little adjusting when we commit to AF, but in time the changes just become part of your (now) normal life.
HiYa Lucky! Glad to see you are still on patrol!