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The Inn....Saturday 20 October

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    The Inn....Saturday 20 October

    Mmmm....stretch....yawn.....happy Saturday morning Innmates I got up a little late this morning so I ordered room service for arrived in 2 minutes flat...excellent service! I suppose I'd better get going on the day...just taking it gently. Sounds from yesterday's thread as if we all need/want a nice quiet weekend. I'm going to look around the library and find something inspiring to read while I have a pedicure. I've never had one of those in my life........I'm too ticklish, so let's see how it goes :H

    I have a little bit of stressful family stuff to deal with this afternoon, but I don't need Al's 'help' thanks very much.......but I'll pack my stick just in case

    How's everyone doing? Anyone got exciting weekend plans??

    Suze x

    Day 8 thank you very much:h
    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

    The Inn....Saturday 20 October

    Hi Suze and other Inn Dwellers

    I wondered if there was a spare room there for me?

    I really MUST do the 30 days- I have slipped up this week after doing 3 days working at my friend's bar- had to have a couple yesterday to get moving and stave of the hangover- I am still feeling a little shaky today, not to mention horribly guilty as usual.

    Would it be possible to book me in starting Monday? I would like to stay for 30 days with the option of extending if possible.


      The Inn....Saturday 20 October

      gday had a good day today, took the kids to swimming lessons, prepared the organic vege patch and did a bit of grounds work! all while most of you were sleeping. kept the beast and his mate al away.hope you all have a great day, its time for me to turn in, goodnight
      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


        The Inn....Saturday 20 October

        Morning All -- I'm trying this again -- everyone is so great and supportive!
        Don -- thanks for the advice and very good tips.
        Rob -- where do you find these graphics and Hannah you too?
        The Inn rocks -- even if I have been spending most of my time in the wreck room.
        Should be a sunny day and pleasant in the midwest -- hope to spend some time outdoors!
        I'll check in later! Baby


          The Inn....Saturday 20 October

          Marbella...your room is ready for you...with fresh flowers and some handmade have a whirlpool bath and a view of the mountains......Sven is just plumping up the pillows for you in case you need a little nap when you arrive.... :welcome:

 had a great day.....hope you're sleeping like a baby!

          BabyGirl.....keep trying...practice makes perfect LOL!

          Suze x
          Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


            The Inn....Saturday 20 October

            Good Mornining Inn-Mates!!

            Suze- Glad to see you're up and about with you're usual enthusiasm. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding something inspirational in the library. Enjoy your pedi.

            I hope your family deal doesn't prove to be too stressful. It probably is a good idea to pack the club.

            Marabella- Welcome-Of course we have plenty of rooms, all with great views. Come on in and get comfy. A nice day at the spa may help you relax and we have plenty of sparkling water to help you rehydrate. You can of course stay as long as you like.

            Max- Thanks for watching over us while we were sleeping. I'll try to keep in mind that you are on the other side of the world and while we are shoveling snow you will be starting to harvest your vegies.

            BabyGirl- Great!! I'm so proud of you! As long as you don't give up the effort, eventually you'll succeed. I get many of my graphics from free animated graphics,uselessgraphics,free animated gifs,free animated Graphics,free gifs,free e-cards free,gifs,e-greeting cards, otherwise I just google what I'm looking for.

            I'll be away from the INN this afternoon. My brother is having a cookout. This should be interesting. Usually the sisters (there are 7 of us) plan all the parties. But today Brother Bob and his new wife Ruth are having a cookout and my only other brother will be there and guess what else? It seems that I'm the only sister attending. At least my husband will be happy not be surrounded by so many crazy women.

            Well, I need to be off to get my day started. Moving very slowly this am. Check back in later.

            Love and Peace


              The Inn....Saturday 20 October

              Good morning all!

              It's a beautiful day on my side of the inn too! One of the things I find to be the most magical about this place is that everybody has a different view from their room - the very one they wish for (is this heaven?) - some see mountains, some the sea, some (the boys) overlook the pool, I wonder how the inn does that!!

              Going to do some therapeutic raking of leaves today. I need the exercise and fresh air.

              Looking forward to seeing all of you around and about today!

              xx Beth


                The Inn....Saturday 20 October

                Happy Saturday All,
                I have sort of a boring weekend planned. Nothing special,but in my case that's good. It's easier to keep Al at bay when your attention is not diverted. We were supposed to go to a neighborhood party but decided against it as it will really be a drinkfest. I just don't want to expose myself to that right now although I do miss out on the socializing. If I'm realistic I have to admit that if I went and imbibed I wouldn't remember most of the "socializing" anyway.
                It's after noon and I have accomplished nothing today.

                I wish you all a happy alcohol free day.



                  The Inn....Saturday 20 October

                  Morning All! Reallly, really rushed - slept in - have a meeting to go to that I have to travel to - YIKES! So will just a quck and be on my way. Will try to be back tonight - except may be more like tomorrow, because hubby will be home and demanding the computer to check up on a week's worth of email. So I'll do my best! Have a great day, everybody!

                  Attached files [img]/converted_files/351231=2210-attachment.jpg[/img]
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    The Inn....Saturday 20 October

                    Rob -- I am one of seven also -- I am number 6 I have 3 sisters & 3 brothers ...
                    Thanks for the links for the fun animation!

                    Hope all enjoy this Saturday! Baby


                      The Inn....Saturday 20 October

                      Just a quick check in and hello to all- Happy Saturday!


                        The Inn....Saturday 20 October

                        had a great sleep thanks! gunna be a stinker forecast for 31 deg C which is about 85deg f first warm one for the season. hey curtains for the tank would be great but arent they muslin not muslim curtains? dunno much about fabric but my little bloke has a muslin wrap for bedtime or if they are made by muslims that is fine too as our only enemies here are the beast and his mate al cheers

                        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                          The Inn....Saturday 20 October

                          I have befriended Will Power


                            The Inn....Saturday 20 October

                            All is well at The Inn. No significant problems tonight with AL. This makes me nervous. Keep your guard up.

                            Will be on covert ops for remainder of evening...



                              The Inn....Saturday 20 October

                              Crap just lost my whole post- Lucky did you take off with it?? Chief?????

