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The Inn....Saturday 20 October

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    The Inn....Saturday 20 October

    Hi Again! Back from meeting, and waiting for hubby, who is about an hour away after 1 week business trip. So going out for supper, looking forward to it! Meanwhile, have time to catch up on "life at the Inn!"

    Suze - Hope the ?stressfull family stuff? turned out to be not so stressful after all, and you didn?t need your big stick!

    Marbella - sure, there?s room for you. Got to admit, it would be especially hard to remain AF while working at a bar, but not to worry, I am sure you will find the Inn to be the right place to kick back & relax, and let your resolve flow back. Welcome! Love your kitty avator!.

    Max - This global forum never ceases to amaze me - that we with all our separate lives can come together here - in the blink of an eye - and be a support mechanism for each other. Amazing! Thanks so much for being on guard for Al and all his beastly friends while we were in ZZZ land ourselves. And, never you mind about my lack of spelling skill. How do you know they are not hand made muslin curtains made by my local Muslim seamstress? Geeez, picky, picky?..

    Baby girl - SO glad to see you here today. Most of my graphic come from Photo Bucket - just google Photo Bucket, and you?ll find it. Happy googgling!

    Rob - Hope you enjoyed your cookout. Must be nice to have such a large family, both hubby and I each only have 1 sibling remaining alive. (There?s been a lot of tragedy in my family).

    Wonder world - this Inn truly is a magical place, isn?t it? So glad you are enjoying it, custom views and all. It was a nice, crisp autumn day here too, would have been great for raking leaves.

    Vino - Good on you for recognizing and avoiding one of your triggers. Life takes a little adjusting when we commit to AF, but in time the changes just become part of your (now) normal life.

    HiYa Lucky! Glad to see you are still on patrol!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      The Inn....Saturday 20 October

      Ok- Lets try this again!!!!
      Good Evening All!!

      Well back from the big cookout. Younger brother did not show. Initially, I thought that Brother Bob was not drinking but after awhile he got "that look" and later when I was helping his wife take stuff into the kitchen, I saw several beer cans lined up on the counter. No problems, he didn't act up and everyone elese was AF so it was not big deal. We had good food and a nice visit so there ya go.

      BabyGirl, actuall I'm one of 9, I have 6 sisters and 2 brothers. I'm the second oldest. Fortunately or unfortunately we're all so impaired/crazy that whole birth order thing went to hell in a hand basket years ago.

      Veno- did you get to kick back for the entire day or did you actually have to (shudder) get something accomplished?

      Wonder- When, you're done with your leaves, we have several acres here at the Inn you can work on.

      Lucky- Thanks for the flyover always glad to know that you're checkin in on us, unless you stole my last post.

      Max - How's the training coming and the garden? Muslim curtains, that is pretty funny. I must say though that I am slightly appalled at how blood thirsty I've become since you and the Chief of Ops have shown up.

      Ok, before I forget or use yet another post a reminder that tomorrow is

      I'll try to get on here early to repost the house rules.

      Check back later.
      Love and Peace


        The Inn....Saturday 20 October

        :H Latest fashion craze, don't ya know - Muslim curtains!:H
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          The Inn....Saturday 20 October

          A fine week at the Inn,

          A cool Saturday evening on my side of the Inn with a breeze blowing in off the mountains.

          As I reflect on the differences in my life pre-AF and now I see that weekends have become so much less stressed. It is a paradox that the thing that we sought to relieve us from the stress in our lives was often times the stressor.

          That part of an AF life I would not have believed 90 days ago. Up til that time Friday and Saturday nights by definition were free time to drink.

          I do enjoy the time now to do so much less, if I choose.


          Day 86 AF.


            The Inn....Saturday 20 October

            just had a tense battle with the beast. had me doubting myself for a while, hit him on the head with two big Lglut bombs which have seemed to do the trick! stay alert!
            "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


              The Inn....Saturday 20 October

              Good Job Max!! Identifing and confronting The Beast immediately is imperative. We cannot let him pry his way into our thought process. Early detection and elimination is the key to success.

              Leave it to The Beast to try and infiltrate our security force here at The Inn. Bastard.
              Keep up the good work! Stay strong and focused. Keep the radar on at all times. Now is not the time to be passive. We must engage the enemy.


