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Saturday 20th October

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    Saturday 20th October

    Good morning everyone

    Just read yesterdays posts, I did not get a chance to log in later in the day. Looks like a lot of us are struggling with the same issues. Husbands still drinking and it does make it difficult especially if its not a problem for them. I find week-ends the worst. I did have drinking thoughts when I was pouring a glass of red for hubby to have with his dinner last night. I then remembered that I had not taken my last lot of supplements so I took them and it defnitely helped the cravings.

    LZ you asked about AF wine, well I have only recently tried it, its not great and a glass or two is defnitely enough but I poured a glass of red last night and I think it helped, the whole big wine glass thing. The brand was Carl Zung I think. I managed to get through a Friday night AF so thats the main thing. I'll do whatever it takes.

    Enjoy the rest of the week-end everyone.


    Saturday 20th October

    Hi Rusty: Yes, whatever it takes. I really like diet soda, so I use that as a substitute for wh. wine. It's OK. Stay strong. I'll check in later.

    Cindi: keep your chin up. I have a daughter whom I'm very close to & know how you feel when something like this comes up. You can get through this. I have a feeling she'll be fine w/the right diet & some TLC. Maybe she'll rethink her drinking as a result of all this. You never know. I'm right behind you. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Saturday 20th October

      Hi Rus and Mary
      I haven't tried af wine but have tried af beer ( coors has a good one). I drank mostly wine so for some reason I am nervous about drinking af wine. Just that it might feel too close for comfort. Not sure why I feel that way. I have a feeling I would like it. I have some irrational fear that if I get out the wine glass it will be too hard not to get the real thing.
      But I definitly think that is just me. I think it can be very helpful. I know Kathy drinks af wine and it works great for her. And af beer works nicely for me.
      Anyway...certainly worth a try.
      I'm hopping in the a Bridal Shower at 2pm today..wish me luck



        Saturday 20th October

        Hello everyone.

        I will definitely try and find some of the AF wine. An interesting experiment would be to open it and pour myself and hubby a glass --I wonder how long it would take for him to notice he isn't getting a buzz Hopefully it isn't spelled out in huge letters on the label that it doesn't contain alcohol

        I did end up drinking last night. We were cooking up Mexican food and hubby took a big bottle out of the wine rack saying 'how about Cab Sav...goes good with Mexican doesn't it?'. And weakling that I am, I agreed. I had three glasses (but filled at the "proper" level, rather than overflowing and spilling over the top like he usually fills them

        Anyway, if I stick to two or less tonight I'm still within my mod guidelines. And none for me on Sunday, no matter what!

        Thanks to all for your support and tips, it really helps to hear so many are having the same struggles and how you handle them.

        We have a pretty full day of errands & weekend stuff planned so I probably won't be back. Hope you all have a great day, evening or night, depending on your location.


