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The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

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    The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

    Mornin' all. In my part of the world it is more like the middle of the night! Just a night where I can't sleep, so thought I may as well log on, and start the thread this morning. Hope everybody had a good weekend!

    What a great meal last night, eh? Thanks, Rob. So who got to dance w Horatio?

    Well, gonna try to grap a few winks before I have to get up and go to work (darn). Have a good day everyone, talk to you later!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

    hey there all, had a great day, not even a hint of the beast lurking around here, got him scared! cheers

    "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


      The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

      Hi Everyone!

      Sorry you've got a touch of insomnia, Hannah/Deb....still at least you put the time to good use! Hope you're not too tired at work :l

      Good work Max...reckon old Al is afraid of you alright!

      I'm improving but still had to forego the dinner and head to bed. Had a real treat though....sat in bed all cosy drinking tea and nibbling Buderim naked ginger (thanks, Australia!!).....that stuff is fabulous! (try it chopped and mixed into vanilla ice-cream.....mmmmmmm)

      The weather is a bit overcast here today, but it's still warm and I love this time of year. Got some work to do but I'm also going to clear the house a bit....I love getting ready for winter, it feels snuggly :h

      When I'm back up to speed I want to get more exercise into my day....does anyone want to think about a 30 day exercise challenge thingy??

      Love to everyone

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

        Good Morning Innsters-

        The sleep problem thing must be going around Hannah. Had a short night's sleep with a fair amount of tossing and turning myself. After all that dancing you'd figure I'd be tuckered out enough to sleep through the night.

        Suze - my sweet day sister - love seeing your dancing thingamajig avatar 1st thing in the a.m. - helps perk me up. (what is it?). I would join an exercise challenge in a heartbeat. I love how I feel during and after, but always delay, delay, delay getting out the door........

        Hi Max - thanks for chasing away that creepy slimy sneaky ugly pimply no good horrid critter. he's gross.

        I would like to spend the day by the pool with a good book. Take couple of light swims. Maybe a walk. A nice salad with fresh perfectly ripe avacados for lunch. Maybe a mint facial at the spa in the afternoon. Then a nap in my room on crisp fresh white sheets. And maybe tonight we could all watch a movie together in the lounge? with hot buttered popcorn? In our jammies and slippers? ahhhhhhhh.......... Which movie do you think?

        See you later!

        love wonder XXXX


          The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

          Yumm, salad with perfectly ripe avocados!! Good idea.

          I will be checking in again tonight. Had to leave for time with daughter in hospital but still did pretty well. Absolutely LOVE waking up sober!!

          Good thing the INN has wireless. I can work from the pool, my room, or the dining room and still be with all my friends!! I love it.

          Please make sure I have the room overlooking the grounds so I can keep an eye on Horatio, okay??

          See you tonight!!
          AF April 9, 2016


            The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

            ps. Max and Chief. I am so happy the two of you are here keeping an eye out for Al. No way he is checking in because of you guys!!

            AF April 9, 2016


              The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

              Hi Everyone: Hope all is well. I had a successful weekend. I'm just beginning day 17. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

                OK Oh how I wsh I could sit by the pool -- yesterday was my Day 1 (again) and last night's sleep involved too much sweating & too much tossing. Should I be concerned that I was drenched in sweat? I am 40 and wonder could it be hormonally related or is my body releasing toxins? Any advice is welcomed! Baby


                  The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd


                  None of us besides your doctor can tell you if it is AF or hormones. Sorry.

                  Last night I, too, was drenched in sweat, and have been AF for quite a while. So, I finally acquiesced to the idea it was hormones. :H

                  However, I am MUCH OLDER THAN YOU!!

                  So, go to your doctor and get a blood test. They can tell you in a very short time if you are going through peri-menopause, menopause, post menopause. (Guys, just go away, okay???)

                  If it is none of the above, it is AWS. (alcohol withdrawn syndrome)

                  Neither of which is easy!! :H

                  I hate waking up every hour on the hour and being drenched in sweat or freezing. My hubby hates it because I throw the covers on him. He complains about waking up so warm. I explained that when I am burning up I need the covers off, hence on top of him, but when I am back to "normal" I need them back asap. He laughs. How freaking lucky am I???

                  Go to your doc and get your hormones checked.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

                    Hi babygirl-

                    Sorry you had such an awful night! I HATE those! My guess is it's just withdrawal, which for me includes all of what you decribed (even if I haven't been back to drinkng that long - I'm sensitive!).

                    If I were in your shoes (which I was VERY recently, as you know), I'd take the supps, drink tons of water, get in a little brisk walk if you feel up to it, and....... keep going!!!!! You're gonna be feeling so much better in a day or 2.

                    sending you a big hug-

                    XXoo beth


                      The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

                      Babygirl....I did all that sweating thing when I did my last AF...I did think it was a detoxing thing. Funny - it hasn't happened this time. It should clear in a couple of days if it's detox, I think. Sorry you didn't sleep I remember the sleep does get better the more AF you get, so chin up!:l

                      Mary....looking fabulous on Day 17.....very inspiring

                      Wonder....I have just had avocado for spooky is that??? My avatar is a little piece of chocolate jumping up and down.....I like chocolate :H

                      Cindi...hope your daughter is doing ok....yep, being sober helps in every situation, doesn't it? (unlike Al...who is hopeless in every situation)

                      The film tonight? Oh please...I am such a baby....could it be 'It's a wonderful life' please? The popcorn sounds good...just let the management know we need it. Hot chocolate too, with marshmallows....hush my mouth LOL

                      Take care everyone, stay clear of you-know-who

                      Suze x
                      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                        The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd



                          The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

                          Wonder and Baby,

                          Truly. The hormone check is a really good idea. (been there done that) If you are not in the phase where night sweats are not hormone induced, you can figure they are alcohol induced. (sorry)

                          However, the good news is, you know what to address.

                          I, personally, do not mind addressing the hormonal thing. Hubby just has to get used to being too warm with all the covers on top of him. Heck, he should suffer, too!! :H

                          However, for the AWS. That is on us.
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

                            Thanks All for the good advice & hugs! Oh, I need the pool today but instead I have to go to work! I'll check in later...


                              The Inn for 30 - Monday, October 22nd

                              I think it's good advice Cindi ! - I was writing as the same time as you and didn't read your post til after mine was done. I've been to the "lady doc" this year and she did bloodwork. Do you think the hormones tests would have been automatically included in the bloodwork? I didn't ask, and she didn't report anything about it -

                              xx wonder

