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Monday - Oct. 22
Monday - Oct. 22
Hi 30 dayers: I wanted to get the day started on a positive message. I'm doing great w/AF. I think I'm finally understanding that in order to move forward w/my life, I must be AF. I cannot numb any emotions at all. I have to work through them. I must try to continue understanding myself. Since I've made the decision to stop drinking w/MWO, I have been more authentic w/my loved ones than I ever have. It feels great. Whatever your goals: keep going. If you slip, come back here & get started again. Absolutely nobody will condemn you in any way. I've slipped since I've been here at MWO, & even though I didn't want to, I came back here anyway. I got the support I needed to start again. Thanks, MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012Tags: None
Monday - Oct. 22
Hi Mary and all fellow abbers to come.
As we said over on the newbie thread, its Monday and the start of another week, AF. Going well for me at the moment. Have tried all sorts of new things like AF wine and AF beer at the week-end. Hubby still has his glass of red and there is always wine in the house so this is my way of keeping away from temptation. Funnily enough one glass is more than enough for me. Oh, if that were only the case with the real stuff!! However, its not or I would not be here. Thank you all for helping in the AF journey.
Monday - Oct. 22
Hey Mary.. Thank you for the encouraging workds.. I am on day 2 again.. (I posted my little blurb at the INN). I think I have just needed to test my waters. I much prefer the steady water of a swiming pool right now. I am not ready to swim in the ocean yet. So.. for that I will stay over in the INN and decide on the MODS thing at a much later date.. It is AF for me - that is what feels right. I am glad to be able to come back for support. It is hard, but if I am not honest and accountable somewhere I tend to talk myself into thinking everything is OK.. I don't have anything bad to say, or any horrifying storries (thankfully), but I jsut like the way I am when I am AF, I like myself better and myheart is full - so that is where I want to be - and here with my friends that always welcome me back with love and support -
So thank you all for being here, Suze, Rustop and all to come.... and here's to day 2... **
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
Monday - Oct. 22
Meditation Mama,
That is what I love about MWO. No recriminations, no expectations of AF.
You must follow your own path, whatever it may be.
Glad you joined us and hope you are doing well. (I know your back has been an issue and being married to a person who has horrendous issues with his back) I wish you healing, love and stength.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Monday - Oct. 22
Thanks, Cindi!
Myback has been an issue.. but last week I had a breakthrough! I did some real serious work with my acupuncturist and Pilates Instructor. I can actually move around and am starting to exercise again.. AND NO MORE VICODIN - yeah.. I think that actually urged my drinking on a bit....It is amazing how that can put you in an absolute horrible frame of mind. Anyway, thank you for your kind words.. I am actually off to acupuncture in a bit.. FINALLY seeing a light at the end of the tunnel (hoping it is not an oncoming train - kidding!!)
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
Monday - Oct. 22
Good morning abbers!
I didn't read many posts this weekend as I was sick and there were a LOT to read up on!
I am starting the Campral today. I had some pretty intense cravings last week and I was scared they might of got the better of me. The last thing I wanted was another pill, but what can you do?
I have noticed over the last few weeks my attitude is pretty rotten. I am wondering if it is part of the recovery? I have been so negative for the most part and need to sort through some things in my head. I have everything going for me now, like a new job which I start next Monday, beautiful kids, sobriety etc... etc... So why in the heck do I have this voice in the back of my head telling me my life sucks?!?!?! I am very puzzled by this. I am on a wait list to see a counselor but one would think I have no reason to feel this way.
Another rainy, rainy, dark day here. I have an appointment this afternoon to have my hair and nails done. Maybe that will make me feel better? Maybe I should add in some retail therapy? Need some new digs for the new job.
Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely day!
Monday - Oct. 22
AFM- I highly recommend retail therapy. I did a little of that yesterday and it felt great.
Hello to everyone. Just popping in to say hi. I am 6 days away from 1 year af
I'm gettting a little excited about that too.
I did have some depressing times during this year - just part of it all I think. I started to think it would stay that way but things do change. I continue to feel stronger each week and each month that passes. I served wine at the bridal shower I threw on Sat. and was not even tempted. I had a great time and I drank coffee....caffeine buzz maybe :H
Alcohol is physical, mental and emotional and it takes time to work thru all three. You still have to be nice to yourself and make yourself a priority and keep going.
Well, back to work for me...have a great Monday everyone.
Monday - Oct. 22
Hippie and AFM,
And all the rest. You do NOT need me or drugs. I WISH I COULD HAVE A SILVER BULLLET. However, none awaits.
We are on the ODAT THREAD. One day at a time.
I truly wish there was another "train to the truth" but there is not.
I am soooooo sorry there is not the magic bullet, but all of you know , none exists.
We are on the One day at a time, thread.
I will see you both there.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Monday - Oct. 22
Cindi, sometimes we do need that extra help. I have 10 months AF and felt myself craving intensely lately.... so I am not going to chance it. I received the Rx from my doctor for Campral to 'help' esp. through the holidays. I realize it is a ODAT thing... and there is no magic bullet but, if it helps, I am alllll for it! I refuse to blow this. A couple of the other members here have been using it and have had great success with it - so why not try it? Cindi, you are doing great, BTW! I white knuckled it up to this point, and it can be rough. I hope your daughter gets well soon!!
Lisa, thanks for your advice. I think sometimes we kind of get into a rut after a while... and you are so right. It is a physical, emotional and mental thing. We need to take care of ourselves during the ups and downs. I am going to ENJOY shopping today - no hubby to annoy me. I can't shop with him. LOL!
Monday - Oct. 22
I am "white knuckling" through much of this. Howvever I refuse to cal" "UNCLE."
I actually sent for some Baclofen through RIver Pharmacy. A huge step for me. I try to do everything through my doc. (A good doc, btw, because she is reluctant to dispense meds without solid proof they work)). However, the topa, naxltrexone, and Campral have done NOTHING for me. sigh.
I will let everyone here know how the Baclofen works, as longas I am not in hallucengics and whacko.. Hmm. how will you guys know? LOL
Most importantly, I am hoping it helps with the cravings and the inital drinking crap. All of you, please wish me the best of luck, or more importantly, wish me health.
Love all of you,
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Monday - Oct. 22
Dear Accountable: I started a thread about stinkin' thinkin' in this forum. I know that when I send myself negative messages about not drinking: "This is no fun." "I'm never going to enjoy life again." "Everyone else can drink...I shouldn't have to be AF." These thoughts do me no good whatsoever. I'm trying to redirect my thinking...sort of my own version of cognitive therapy. It helps. I've got some new mantras now...w/the help of some of my friends from MWO. Check it out. It might help. In the meantime, 10 months is awesome! Love, Mary
Day 17 for me.Wisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
Monday - Oct. 22
I am very blessed to have a good doctor. The one I had 5 years ago, well, not so good. Especially when I first approached him about the alcohol issue. He was too quick at prescribing meds. He had me on a BATTERY of SSRI's which I did not need.
My current doctor 'works' with me. He knows how hard I have been working at staying sober. So, 10 months into this, he had no problem giving me the Rx. I am pretty sure if I didn't try before coming to him, he would be leary of handing something over to me. He did decline to give me anything last year to quit smoking. LOL! Told me to buy the gum, or the patch and try that first.
I wish everyone had a good doctor. I wish ALL doctors were educated in alcohol abuse. compared to my last doctor, it is like night and day. He makes me work for a good life, but at the same time he won't let me suffer either; if that makes any sense?
I hope you find some relief in the Baclofen, Cindi.
Monday - Oct. 22
Happy Monday Aboronimoes!
whew..I'm basking in the firey glow of a really great lunch at a new Indian place in town...soooo yummy!
AFM, maybe the weather is having an effect on your outlook? try updating your house lights to the sunlight type ones perhaps?
Medmamma...yowch! glad your getting help
Deeby your kicking butt
Mary your kicking butt also...
and big hugs to the rest of you great folksXXXXXX
be wellnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Monday - Oct. 22
Hello all you inspirational people!
AFM, just wanted to say congratulations on the new job!!! Are you excited about it? Maybe the social interaction is what you need to perk up your mood. Too much alone time can sometimes backfire.
Have a great rest of the day!!!I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me