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The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

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    The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

    Wahh! I missed the movie! Hubby ws on the computer till really late, and here I am starting the next days thread. (Sigh). Had my popcorn and everything. . . .Glad to see so many of the old friends here, and also so many new. MM, so glad you have come to stay for a while . . . let your spirit restore itself in the tranquility of our Zen garden, have an herbal wrap in the spa, enjoy the aromatherapy candles.

    Speaking of which, thanks Rob, you spoil us. When do we get to spoil you? Just give us the word.

    Hey - I?m up for an exercise challenge! Have been dogin? it lately, lazy as a fat cat in the sun - need something to get me off the couch and back into it - so count me in. When do you want to start?

    Would say individual hi's to everyone, but much to late and I am much too tired - So will just say goodnight, and now goodmorning. Have a great day at the Inn, and enjoy that good clean AF lving!

    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

    I am up, too, very late for me. It is 2:43 a.m. and I have to be at the client's office by 8:00. I figured I would check in and try to get some rest.

    I'll see all of you around the Inn after I get back from work.

    Nighty Night, all!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

      Mornin' darlins!

      How are we all today? Lovely and sunny here.....great for walking the dogs and lifting the spirits first thing in the morning. It was quiet at the Inn last night....that old Jimmy Stewart had a soporific effect on us I guess!

      Wonder...thank you for your kind words about my flannel's a Victorian thing, you know. Oh, but I spoilt them a bit by dribbling hot chocolate on them...never mind, the laundry folk have taken them away to sort out. (I wish)

      MM...glad to have you here with us.....and we'll hold you extra close for Day 4. may be difficult, but really it's just another day - it will go by and you'll be sailing on! Stay with us :h

      FMF...can't wait to hear all about your birthday trip..... hope you've got the weather that we've got......wave to Porthemmett as you go by.....*double snort*

      Cindi...hope you got some sleep and things went well at work.....come and relax at the Inn as soon as you can.....there are fresh flowers in your room and some fluffy slippers. that popcorn smiley! How are you doing, girl??

      Don....thanks for all the security....I haven't seen Al for a day or two, although I did see some slime trail by the staff door.....hope he hasn't pounced on Sven.

      Love and kisses to anyone I've forgotten to mention :h

      The exercise challenge.......yes, let's go for it. This is my last day of antibiotics and I stopped the painkillers yesterday (might have been too soon, have to see) so I might be feeling loads better in a day or so.....what would be a good day to start? Maybe Saturday? And how would we do it?.....set individual daily targets to get us to the end of the 30 days at The Inn? I'm new to this me!:upset: :H

      Wishing everyone a gladsome Tuesday

      Suze xx
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

        had another busy day another notch on the af belt worked in a cheese factory and a bakery today so we are having a feast after the kids are asleep ( the best cows fetta you have ever tasted!) saw al today, was talking to some people who were drinking but the beast was nowhere to be seen. Al is no threat as long as the beast is not with him! cya tomorrow
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

          Good morning all

          Like that one Max "Al's no threat as long as the beast is not with him". Have seen Al around a lot, its the beast I have to watch out for. Just as well security is so good at the Inn.

          I'm interested in the exercise challenge. Will be keeping an eye out for details. Rushing off to the Inn Boutique to get in some retail therapy. Catch up later.



            The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

            Good Morning RU and all to come,

            Just woke up and feeling tired. Have to run to client but wanted to say "hi" before the day gets too hectic.

            Take care all and have a good Tuesday.

            AF April 9, 2016


              The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

              Hello all,

              I am new to the "inn." Is there room left or should I look out back? Did I need a reservation? I am assuming this a 4 star accomadation!!! I would love to join an exercise challenge. I have been very inconsistent!!! Should we go for 30+ minutes your choice 5 days a week? Of course some days my choice is operating the remote. LOL. Al liked it when I bent my elbow!

              Headed to the showers. Like the inn's fluffy robes!


                The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                Morning Innies!-

                Sleep is getting a little better each night. Still a little short and not totally restful. Going to bed with a belly full of sugary movie treats may not have been completely helpful. What can I say? I have a things, shall we say?

                I had a really great walk last night with my ipod on down by the water during a beautiful sunset. One of my favorite tihngs to do, but I haven't had the experience since my month- long tussle with AL and beginning AF time here 11 days ago. When I'm tussling with AL I'm so consumed with him I don't care about anything else.

                And I'm a bit confused. I thought AL WAS the beast? Do I have that wrong? For me it's not the alcohol that's the problem, or other people's consumption of it, but rather my own personal beastly ways with it. Is there al (cohol) the liquid and AL(coholic) the Beast perhaps? I know some folks can have al in their lives without AL showing up. Please clarify.......

                I'm looking forward to a lovely and productive day. AND, I took in a new feline refugee on Sunday - his name is Diesel (b/c of his purring power motor)- and I'm having so much fun getting to know him and introducing him (very slowly) to my other creatures. I fell in love with him instantly and hope everyone eventually gets along.

                Suze - I will keep an eye out for any slimy trails (so funny!), last thing I need is another sprained ankle.

                Rustop- I had no IDEA there was a boutique here! I'll see you there!

                Cindi- Hope you're business goes well this morning.

                Hannah - I always love your graphics so much. I've banned myself from step aerobics - I get confused and fall off too much. For my exercise challenge activities I have to stay at ground level!

                Hi Maxman! Fetta feast sounds divine.....

                I hope everyone has a great day. I would like to spend my day here at the inn exactly as I did yesterday. Pool, book, salad, spa, nap, dinner and leisure time with any one who's feeling social. And MM has reminded me that I want to get back to meditating some too.

                luv to all,

                wonder xx


                  The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                  welcome evergreen, your room is ready!
                  "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                    The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                    evergreen;213262 wrote: Of course some days my choice is operating the remote. LOL. Al liked it when I bent my elbow!
                    Too funny Evergreen! Good to meet you-

                    xx wonder


                      The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                      welcome evergreen!

                      wonderworld, please post a picture of diesel!


                        The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                        BabyGirl made it through Day 3 -- working on Day 3... I plan to make it ... I am tired though did another night of terrible night sweats (sorry guys)
                        Crawling through today...


                          The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                          Oh BabyGirl - A HUGE hug!!!!!!:h YOU CAN DO IT!!! You already know this but.......drink lots and lots of water....take the supps....keep posting!! Maybe a nice warm bath/shower? It WILL pass!!! And one thing that really helps me - I imagine how I'll feel waking up tomorrow morning......

                          If I Drink :upset: vs. If I Don't Drink .

                          Day 3 is like the hardest!!! Hang in there and meet me in the lounge later if you want to vent and vent and vent. I'll listen..... and I'll bring hot cocoa...

                          luv, Wonder xoxoxo

                          And Lucky - thanks for asking! I'll post a picture of Diesel just as soon as I figure out how. He's a sweetie! :h


                            The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                            (((((((((BabyGirl))))))))....that's us hugging you :l

                            Hang on, hang on....keep going....we all know how tough it is and are sending you huges waves of energy to keep you on track. Think of the good feeling you'll have when you get another day of AF under your belt.....physically it can be almost unbearable in the early days, but it DOES get better....promise! And your mind gets clearer and then it's a bit easier to cope with the psychological part.

                            Chin up, girl :h

                            Suze x
                            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                              The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                              :welcome: Evergreen....lmao at your exercise routine...sounds like mine!

                              Hope you like your room......isn't the personal water cooler nice?

                              Good idea about the exercise challenge....30 mins 5 days a week......anyone else want to add ideas? Should we include in the Inn thread or start a new one in the exercise area?

                              Good news....the ice rink is ready now....get your skates on chocolate afterwards and there's the possibility that Sven will appear to do a little freestyle wearing only his thong...... zzzzzzppp (supposed to be the sound of my skates.... )

                              Suze x
                              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

