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The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

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    The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

    Security Update: All is relatively quite at The Inn. There have been a few positive sightings of The Beast, however, as soon as he pops his head up he is recognized and immediately goes into hiding. This is good. We are the aggressor, not The Beast. As long as he is busy watching his own ass, he will not be able to get a piece of ours.
    All guests are to be commended for displaying top-notch dedication and diligence to the cause. Security is tight but it requires total effort by all parties to ensure success.
    Lucky, Max, and I will require some assistance the next 2-3 days as increased Beastly activity is anticipated. Therefore, I am recruiting Babygirl, Wonder, and Evergreen to be on increased alert for possible enemy activity. All sensors are to be activated and utilized to their maximum capabilities.

    The rest of the guests are to continue monitoring the area and be prepared to jump in if their assistance is required.

    The exercise challenge is a fantastic idea. A healthy body and mind is essential in our quest to change our lives for the better.

    Am off on a nighttime aerial reconnaissance mission. Will report after landing and debrief..



      The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

      Well good evening INN-mates!! Didn't get to post this am before going to that other place. I did have a productive day yesterday. I finished collecting the decorations for the ballroom for our Halloween ball. I hope you are all getting your costumes together. I'm still in a bit of a quandry, trying to figure out how to work my portective tin foil cone around my tiara. Yes, I do own my very own tiara.

      A very wise woman once said something like it just makes no sense to wait around for someone else to make you the Queen of Somethin'. Just go by your own tiara, so I did.

      In other matters, I was discussing my quest for another massuse with Sven and, can you believe it his younger brother Ivan has just completed his training and would be more than happy to join us.

      Also, Mindy, the reflexologist will be starting tomorrow.

      Evergreen, welcome!! Come in and get acquainted. This is a wonderful and caring group of people. Some are slightly wacky, but that just adds to the fun.

      I was so glad to hear that you enjoyed movie night. I only ask that in the future that you do not stick your gum under the seats, it drives Margaret crazy!!

      Re: The Al/beast thing. My understanding is that they are one and the same. I think what is more important is that we each deal with the problem and that we help each other. Which is of course our strenght.

      MM- Great to see you again. How is your house and your back? Do you have any special plans for the dreaded day 4? I did follow your lead and am now taking my full dose of Topo at night. I'm not sure its quite as effective, but I'm less tired during the day.

      BabyGirl- You know you can do this, you've done it before. Look around, there's great advice here. How is your mother doing? Are you making any progress on your dissertation?

      Suze- My husband just walked into the room, saw your ativar and said, that's really cute what is it? I told him and then pointed out your sig. and he said well, ok then and backed slooowly out of the room. Ice rink huh? HMMM, I guess Hannah authorized that. LOL!!
      With Ivan here maybe poor Sven will get some rest.

      Wonder- Between you and Suze, the place is always jumpin!! Enjoy your new kitty. Maybe you should try a different aromatherapy candle tonight.

      DB2 hope your day went well.

      Max- I accidently made feta one time. When we lived in Kentucky, I would get whole cow's milk and was constantly experimenting with cheese. My recipe was supposed to make a wheel of cheese but I ended up with crumbles that tasted just like feta, one of my better screw ups -- and it was before my drinking days.

      Well- I've rambled on long enough for awhile.

      Love and Peace
      Rob Attached files [img]/converted_files/352474=2396-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/352474=2244-attachment.jpg[/img]


        The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

        Hi Everyone: I read this thread every day, but I'm naturally not very witty, so I only contribute in my dull, school-marmish way. So here goes: Congratulations to all regardless of how much sobriety you've built up. Just coming to MWO is a very positive step & I love each one of you. I couldn't be more grateful because:
        -I can look people in the eye & know I'm not hiding anything.
        -I wake up feeling OK...maybe a little tired, because I'm not a good sleeper...but w/no racing heart & aching head.
        -I can carry on a conversation wo/watching every word I say...fearful that someone will notice something is amiss.
        -Much, much, more gratitude.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd




            The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

            Oh Rob! Just popped in before sleep (I hope!) to catch up on any news and saw the above! I am really touched!

            Yes, it was spectacular but I'll put together a post tomorrow....planes, trains, automobiles, boats and Shanks's pony (taxi!)...and I will say that an 8 seater plane ride for 16 minutes over the sea was TERRIFYING!! ('big' going out; 17 seats!) I've only just stopped shaking!!

            But it was a wonderful day and I thought of you all lots (MM, I have your shell! Well done on the days) - it was good to have you 'there'...

            Have a good evening in the Inn...some lovely new guys there...hmmm, yup, I'll be back methinks!

            Love and hugs to you all!
            FMF xx
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

              I'm back from the meeting

              Hello all,
              I went on my trip and AL was EVERYWHERE!!! I managed to avoid him on the plane both ways and the first night at the hotel. The second night in the exhibit hall he was everywhere again and I did have a glass of white wine. Then to the bar to eat with friends and one more glass and that was ALL!!
              THe next night a bunch of us went up to a colleague's house in the hills above San Francisco and I had two more glasses of wine. I sipped them very slowly and that was all. Now I'm back home and back AF.
              I felt badly that I slipped but at least it was just a tiny slip. I hope I can remain at the Inn.
              I have resolved to never let Al back into my house.
              I'm off to my room for a nice cup of tea before bed! I hope the linens have been changed. I love a fluffy, fresh bed!
              AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


                The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                FMF, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Your 29ish yet again!!

                I truly want it to have been a special day for you. 50 is nothing to sneeze at. I went to the casinos and played lots of games until I dropped around 9:00 or so.. :H

                However, do not mistake the lightheartedness of this post. I hope your 50th was fantastic, despite the horrible 16 minute flight. LOL ( I fly every week on everything you can imagine, so no sympathy here, girl!! )


                SCHOOL MARMISH?? Give me a break!! All of us wish we could meet you. You bring so much joy and wisdom to the site. Your happiness in sobriety helps all of us and your musings are awesome. You are the MUSE of the MWO site!!!

                Love to all,

                ps. I love being sober. Eating sushi tonight and a cup of fruit. Life is not only good, it is GREAT.
                AF April 9, 2016


                  The Inn for 30 - Tuesday, October 23rd

                  Just wanted to say nighty-nighty.
                  It's been another good day. I even did some real COOKING before my walk. You can tell I'm in fairly decent shape if I'm cooking, and that's all I'll say about that......

                  However the exercise challenge gets set up, I'll jump in with both feet (and ankles)!

                  Chief - Got it! Heightened alert!

                  Ice skating and a new masseur! Perfect combo!

                  Welcome back Auntie!

                  Teach- I love your lemony words of inspiration!

                  hugs to Baby and Evergreen, Hannah, Rob, Suze - and everyone else!

                  FMF - can't wait to hear.....

                  Love to all and thanks for EVERYTHING :h :h :h -

                  wonder xoxox

