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Tuesday - Oct. 23

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    Tuesday - Oct. 23

    Hi Everyone: I've been very busy, but I don't like to neglect this daily thread. I just wanted to check in & say that I'm maintaining my sobriety by making it number one in my life. Everything else falls nicely into place when I stay sober. I haven't had very many drinking thoughts at all, but that doesn't mean they will never occur. I think the one revelation I've gotten over the past 2 weeks is that my biggest temptation is the solitary drinking. I can cope w/social drinking. I think it's because when I drank alone & secretly, there was nothing holding me back. When I was social drinking, I had a little restraint...even though I drank more than most people. Stay strong everyone! Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Tuesday - Oct. 23


    Solitary drinking is one of my worst enemies, too. Sitting in a hotel room alone with a bottle of wine is such NOT a good idea!!

    Glad to be waking up sober these days!! I feel so much better, even though I still wake up many times during the nights in sweat.

    However, in my case, I think that it is not the alcohol doing it, just me.

    Have to run to work but wanted to jump on this thread, too!!

    Have a great day,
    AF April 9, 2016


      Tuesday - Oct. 23

      Good morning absters: What is it with the solitary drinking thing? Does drinking alone, and preferring to drink alone, signal the end of the road for drinking? At the end, most of my drinking was done late at night, alone. I never saw one of those happy TV or print advertizements show peolpe drinking alone or hungover for that matter.

      Mary you seem to really be on your way now.

      Be well all.


        Tuesday - Oct. 23

        Hi Mary & Cindi, and all to come.

        Started my day 1 yesterday, emptied half bottle of wine down the sink left over from day before, felt great. Didn't sleep too good, but I know that will get better. It's funny seeing the evening after 9.30 p.m.!! Beautiful day here, looks better without the muggy feeling. Hope you have a great day.

        Mary :l


          Tuesday - Oct. 23

          Hi Barry

          We were posting at same time, have a great day.



            Tuesday - Oct. 23

            I, too, liked to drink alone my last months.... well, actually for the last year. Even if my husband was around, I would of preferred to drink alone. We had this very conversation last night - discussion about drinking alone versus drinking socially.

            Towards the end for me, I would drink, clean the house, do whatever needs to be done, and then fall asleep. All in a matter of a few hours! How much fun is that? Not much - if any at all. Sure the initial buzz was great but it was short lived as I drank way too fast! It ALWAYS resulted in my falling asleep. (or passing out). I finally said to myself - "What is the point?" Wake up feeling crappy, wasted money, etc... all for what? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

            I think for many of us drinking alone 'signals the end of the road'. I said this very thing last night! I think you are right Barry.

            Anyhooo.... hello to everyone! I have a busy day today. Feeling in a MUCH better frame of mind. Thanks to Oprah yesterday. Life could be SO much worse. I have decided to get 'over myself' and start enjoying life again. Have a great day everyone!


              Tuesday - Oct. 23

              Top of the world ABers near and far.
              yes Mary et al, the drinking alone or for that matter just being alone for any length of time used to be a huge trigger for me. Dbs, I relate to the hotel room like I'm sitting right there ...arg!
              hi Madison, nice to see you in here.
              Barry (you crack me up)
              and all to come, be well and happy
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Tuesday - Oct. 23

                With or without others, I preferred drinking. At the end, though, a lot of my drinking was done alone. After all, I live alone. You're right Barry; ads don't show people drinking on the computer alone, watching TV with a beer alone, reading with a glass of wine alone, etc. It's always with other people, happy, happy, joy, joy! I drank because I was alone, then I preferred being alone because I drank.
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Tuesday - Oct. 23

                  A lot of us drank alone. The drinking & chores was a habit of mine as well. Awful! Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Tuesday - Oct. 23

                    I used to wanna drink to listen to music sometimes! (no, not the other way around!) I just wanted to crank the stereo up 'ardcore u know da scawww!!! and get s***faced. YUP on me own!!!.

                    Love and Happiness
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      Tuesday - Oct. 23

                      Hippie, my hubby was like that too ;-)


                        Tuesday - Oct. 23

                        Everyone sounding very bonny here today! :h

                        :goodjob: Madison, how is day 2 going? Stay strong!

                        Suze x
                        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                          Tuesday - Oct. 23

                          That's true, hippie. My daughter declares that my drinking didn't bother her (although I wonder sometimes), but once or twice a year, I would really get sh*t-faced and crank up the music really loud at an unreasonable hour, and she would have to get up and point out that it was 1 am and she had school the next day.:blush: I'm glad that she has the sense of humor to laugh at it now, thank goodness, because I find it pretty embarrassing.

                          Hope you're hanging in there too, MadisonMay!
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012

