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The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

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    The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

    Morning All!

    Cleaning up the pigsty we live in was first on the agenda when I got home last night, so tackled that while I still had the energy for it - got the basement all cleaned up, etc. Today the hardwood will get a treatment, and then basically am done inside. Will then head outside and clean up the dead lily stalks, etc and wash the windows one last time before the cold winter hits - supposed to be turning cold on Thursday. Brrrr! Dreading winter!!!!
    Knew I may as well wait and post this in the morning Sounds like everybody had a pretty good AF day yesterday,

    Cindi - Another night owl! Nothing like having to get up and run on very little sleep, is there? My internal clock works more like 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 am - the NEXT a.m., but in reality have to live in a world where I get up at 5:30 a.m. for work, and go to bed around 12:00 - assuming I can sleep then! I do miss the ?sleeping pill? effect of a few drinks, but the quality of sleep I got was never that great. Hope you managed a good sleep last night.

    Welcome to Evergreen!!!! Hope your first night at the Inn was peaceful, and Al did not keep you up by roaming the halls. Al and ?the Beast? are indeed one and the same, but he is like a chameleon - beast one minute, Al the next. And he can also appear to be very friendly when he is trying to entice you into his lair - beware!

    Baby Girl - Day 3 - onto 4! Awesome. Re night sweats - try keeping a washcloth in a bowl of cool water by your bed - good for cooling yourself off . Hopefully they are booze related, and that also will pass, or at least settle a bit.

    Ice Rink? Sven in a thong? Authorized by me? Geez, don?t remember that, but h*ll of an idea so sure I?ll take credit! You just had to know there?d be pics, right? Here we go - Sven in thong,

    and friend of Sven heading for rink. Me racing like h*ll to keep up!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

    Hello all the regulars - ?Inmates down my hallway - SlightlySuze, Chief, Max and all - Hey - Who was snoring last night? Sounded like a buzz saw - remind me to pack my earplugs next time! Didn?t see any sign of Al, so hope he wasn?t in anyone?s room making a nuisance of himself - it?s nice to know that if that happens, Chief, Max and Lucky will be along to smarten him up right quick like!

    Wonder, Rust, what did you buy at the boutique? Did you see the chocolate shop, Suze? Imported & specialty chocolates - no calories, guaranteed! Lots of fine jewelry, perfumes, lingerie, evening wear - nothing but the best!

    Finding - So looking forward to your report on the big day! We?ll all get some cake, build a fire (how about a wiener roast?) and you can tell us all about it! I?m sure it was a day to remember!

    Well, I'll see you all later when I have my morning coffee!, tomorrow is my Wednessday sanity day off! Yay!!!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

      Uh-oh...maybe that skating rink WAS unauthorized?? It was Sven himself who mentioned it to me, but I must admit he was mumbling through a mouth full of chocolate that I was running trials on with him.....he may just have felt a bit nauseous and been asking for the 'sink'.... Anyway, I came back all rosy cheeked from the skating.....(nothing at all to do with Flip's whipping

      It certainly wasn't ME snoring. I leave that particular pastime to my husband who snores for England. I hope it wasn't Al pretending to be a nice, sleepy pal. He has tricked me with that particular disguise more than once. What he never reminds you about is that once he's sent you off to sleep he waits a bit then wakes you up with the jitters and the racing heart. Don't listen to him, Innmates!

      Busy day today so I'd better get on with it. And I must find some time to check out those no-calorie chocs.....maybe they wouldn't gum up Sven's mouth so much?

      Have a good AF Wednesday everyone:h

      Suze xx
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


        The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

        Hello Innmates

        Just to let you know I did check in on Monday and am still here, I have been keeping a low profile and just staying quietly in my room.

        I felt Al was around last night but he did not come anywhere near me.

        And Good Bloody Riddance.


          The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

          Hi fellow Innmates

          Enjoyed my retail therapy yesterday. Gave the plastic a lot of use in that lovely Boutique and of course tried out the chocolates. Going to give the Rink a go now to work them off, thanks Hannah for the lovely pics.



            The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

            Whew!! Al left me alone last night, thank heavens!!

            However, I keep peeking out the door looking for Sven!! Which of you women have been keeping him busy? I want some company, too...:upset:

            I had a really nice dinner last night of fresh garden crudites. (Another word for a plate of veges)

            Then I fell into bed in a non-alcohol induced stupor. Slept like a log until 6:00.


            Hope all have a nice day. Be seeing you around the pool, gotta go find that skating rink, too...

            AF April 9, 2016


              The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

              Morning Innies!

              Hannah, when there's a post from you first thing, coffee is almost unneccessary (I said ALOMST). And I bet Sven (and all the guys) will appreciate that you separated the first post (sven in his naughty thong) and the second (wiener roast!).

              Cindi - "fell into bed in a non-aclohol induced stupor" ! LOL!!! I had the same! And at least 6 hours of decent sleep! (first time in a long time). And in one of my dreams, I was here posting!! :H

              Rustop- Your retail skills are fabulous! I learned a thing or 2 just watching you work! Hannah- I bought one of EVERYTHING. May need an extra room to store my treasures.

              Hi Marbella- So glad you 've been resting peacefully. There were alot of personnel on security detail last night, glad Al was kept away successfully.

              Suze- rink, sink, schmink, Sven and his thong skating were delightful! Who knew he could be so, um ....... expressive!

              Don't think I've ever been to a wiener roast - looking forward to it with tales of FMF's adventure.......if there's a chill, I can wear one of my new hoodie sweathshirts from the boutique!

              Luv to all - and hope you have a great day!

              wonder xxx


                The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

                Hi Everyone: I love the fun on this thread. It reminds me of my teaching days...I worked w/adolescents. I'm doing fine...just beginning day 19. I'm in the middle of a lot of confusion, both physical (my home) & emotional (my grown kids). Yes, we moms never stop being concerned about our children...even when they're in their 30's. But, I'm not putting myself into a stupor in order to fall asleep &/or relax. I realize that even though I'd like to direct my kids' lives, I only have my own life to lead. Making the most of my own life is a very worthy goal. That means I must be AF in order to show up for my life in full possession of all my consciousness. I don't want any part of my brain drifting in an alcoholic phase any more. I want to be here now. I want to experience life w/all its inconsistencies & convolutions. Well, enought w/the big words. I love you all, Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

                  Hi All -- I'm still a bit in my own world here -- called the Dr. & going to see her in about 45 minutes because I feel awful -- perhaps I am a bit dehydrated? Or, I have a very stressful job situation right now -- are my adrenals shot? I am already low thyrod -- was diagnosed about 10 years ago. I am exhausted and have slept so much these past few days... I need help!!!! I'll report back...

                  Mary -- your post today is great! "I want to be here now" me too!


                    The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

                    Good Morning INN-mates- Another bonding experience with my toilet last night, other end- I know TMI. Anyway, seems to have passed.

                    Hannah--Sorry to hear about your insomnia. Ya know, that might have been me you heard snoring, between trips to the bathroom and I'm in the other wing!! Sounds like you have a very busy day planned. Do you happen to have Horatio helping you with your chores? He seems to be MIA. We'll be closing the outdoor pool soon because of the weather, but the indoor pool will still need his attention.

                    Cindi- What wonderful foods you eat, sushi and fruit and veggies, yummie and healthy too. I was so glad to hear that you got a great nights sleep. Mary the Muse, what a perfect description.

                    Wonder- Do you have a special meal that you like to cook? Things are getting a little dull in the kitchen, maybe you can give them some tips. Fotunately, we have loads of room for your shopping finds.

                    Suze- Hunny, you have got to stop stuffing Sven with chocolates!! We do have the wonderful skating rink as a result, but we can't have him barfing all over the place. I do suspect that you just love rubbing his belly and telling him bedtime stories, you bad girl!

                    Marabella- Hope you're nice and cozy up in your room. Just ring and let us know what we can send up to make you more comfortable. Ivan is free this afternoon for massages.

                    Rus- Isn't it wonderful that plastic is so durable? Have fun at the rink and keep warm in your new hoodie.

                    Mary the Muse- I just think that is so appropriate. While we are blessed with funny imaginative guests here at the INN, you are in many ways the heart and hearth that we gather around for the wisdom and strength that we need to live our everyday, nonINN lives. Thank you for being here.

                    Ok, off to plan the weiner roast.
                    Love and Peace
                    Rob Attached files [img]/converted_files/352704=2396-attachment.jpg[/img]


                      The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

                      Hi Guys! Quick post before I go and start my day.

                      Mary - You always have such sound advice and sound reasonings, in amongst the silliness of this thread, it is nice to have some wisdome thrown in, mostly by yourself and July.

                      Cindi, I am sure Sven is in a coma like state of absolute exhaustion this morning - and poor old Horatio is feeling very left out. He asked me this morning, don?t the girls like me anymore?

                      Wonder - This is especially for you. I was hesitant to use this in my post about the wiener roast, but it?s just too precious regarding the whole Sven in a thong thing and the wiener roast today,

                      Marbella - glad it?s going well, it?s great to have you here even if you don?t check in every day. This Inn is certainly large enough to have lots of exclusive time.

                      Babygirl - Probably a good idea to check with the doc. May be more going on here than just alcohol withdrawal, although that can make you feel pretty crummy too. But maybe he can give you something to help.

                      Rob - Gee, what's up with your tummy? Do you want some more Immodium? Hope you are over this quick - no fun at all.

                      Glad everybody enjoyed the shopping. The salon is having a sale on cuts and color today, gonna get myself a new ?do!?

                      Have a good day, everybody. See ya at the ?roast?!

                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                        The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

                        Many cultures celebrate the harvest.
                        We here at the INN are having our own bonfire and feast

                        There will of course be the traditional and we will burn in effigy.

                        There will be plenty of Hot Dogs and Marshmallows for roasting over the fire. I advise against roasting Oreos, my son tried it once as a small child and the result was not good.

                        There will be Spiced AF Apple Cider. Chips, crisps, a huge veg platter

                        The entire staff will be there providing warm snuggly wraps

                        After Finding regales us with her birthday adventures we'll move on to the traditional ghost

                        AND THERE'S MORE!!!!


                          The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

                          After our tummies are bulging, we are all warm and snuggled down and only slighly scared from the ghost stories we'll watch the fireworks!!

                          And to pipe us off to sweet dreams

                          See you all tonight at the bonfire.
                          Love and Peace


                            The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

                            Oh and one more thing. Chief and Max, While we appreciate your efforts to keep us safe by constantly patrolling the grounds, I insists that you turn the job over to your troops for this evening and join us.


                              The Inn for 30 - Wednesday October 24th

                              Ooooh....bonfire and feast....yum yum! :happy:

                              I'll bring the beluga lentils....can you roast them? Individually on cocktail sticks?? Can we get Determinator to send in some garlic? That roasts really well!

                              I'm just digging out my puffy coat with the furry hood...gotta wrap up warm.

                              Looking forward to seeing everyone there!:h

                              Suze x
                              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

